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Celebrating First Responders: What Does Being a Paramedic Mean to You?

Celebrating First Responders: What Does Being a Paramedic Mean to You?

EMS Week this year comes in the midst of a global pandemic. Every day, EMS teams across the country and around the world are risking their lives to bring aid to those in need. Today is EMS Recognition Day: a day devoted to honoring first responders for their unwavering commitment to serving their communities. In light of that, we’d like to take today to recognize Pulsara’s very own EMS personnel. 


              Brandon Means


              Corey Ricketson


         Courtney Chumley


            Forrest Winslow


             James Laidlaw


              Jessie Senini 


              Joey Branton


               Josh Jordan


               Justin Baker


             Kate Leatherby


                  Kris Kaull


                Scott Stanley


                Scott Then


               Shawn Olson


               Tim Hakamaki


                Wes Gilbert


               Wes Wood


What does being a first responder mean to you? 

We asked our team to share a bit about what being a first responder means to them. They had some thoughtful, touching responses: 

"Being a first responder means having the opportunity to positively impact someone during their worst moments.  You get to be a glimmer of hope in the darkest of times. After 22 years, that’s what still gets me out of bed at 4am."

Courtney Chumley 
                District Chief of EMS for Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department and Regional Client Development Specialist for Pulsara 

"To me, being a first responder means being able to hopefully provide a sense of safety, security and compassion to someone that's potentially experiencing the worst day of their life."

Wes Gilbert
                                                     Firefighter, Paramedic, and Pulsara's Senior Client Services Specialist for the Western Region

“What does being a first responder mean to me? It means that I have had the privilege of being let into people’s lives, in good times and bad, and trusted to care for my friends, family, and neighbors. It’s the most human thing we can do—and that’s an honor.”

—Jessie Senini
Paramedic and Client Services Specialist for Pulsara

“When I reflect on my career as a paramedic, the thing that stands out to me the most are the connections I’ve made with patients along the way. It has been such a privilege to serve those in need, and each and every one of those patients have touched my life in some way, helping me to be a better human. They’ve taught me great lessons about fear, grief, anxiety, pain, and loss, but also hope, the importance of being a good listener, empathy, patience, compassion, and that sometimes kindness and a smile can be the best medicine. I don’t think patients know how great of an impact they can have on our lives and I have so much gratitude for those human connections. That’s what being a paramedic has meant for me.”

—Kate Leatherby
Paramedic and Client Services Specialist for Pulsara

We are grateful for each and every one of these incredible people, and are thankful for the sacrifices they continue to make on behalf of the patients they serve. Whether in the field or at the office, these folks are unswervingly devoted to making sure patients receive the best possible quality of care. Not only that, they are passionate about working to make the lives of their fellow first responders easier. We are blessed to have them as part of the Pulsara team. 

To all our first responders:

Thank you for all you do, now and always. Your courageous response to COVID-19 is only the most recent example of the heroic sacrifices you have always made, day in and day out, to care for patients. Your service may sometimes go unrecognized, but is never unnoticed. We are all indebted to you. Thank you!

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