
Brandon Means

Senior Vice President - MedOps

As a career Paramedic, Flight Nurse, and EMS Director, Brandon Means brings years of clinical and leadership experience as Pulsara’s Senior Vice President of MedOps. 

Brandon started his EMS career in 2002 as a Firefighter/EMT working his way through Paramedic School. He’s spent time as an EMS educator, ICU nurse, Flight Nurse, and in multiple leadership roles. Brandon maintains double board certifications in critical care and flight nursing and is a graduate of Texas A&M University. 

As Pulsara’s Senior VP of MedOps, Brandon leverages his diverse clinical background and leadership experience to help EMS and hospital systems work through the difficult process of change management. Brandon believes that great communication builds trust and trust builds teams. When both of these are in place, countless lives can be impacted daily.

Brandon’s superpower is being able to carry on entire conversations using only movie quotes. In his spare time, he enjoys golfing, skiing, and spending his time with his wife and four beautiful children. 

At Pulsara, we believe It’s About People. Connect with Brandon on LinkedIn.