Pulsara + Pulmonary Embolism
Instantly Match Pulmonary Embolism Patients With the Right People & Resources
1. Create Patient Channel
2. Build Teams on the Fly
3. Communicate & Track
Connect All Care Teams On A Single Platform
Avoid multiple phone calls, interruptions, and missed information. Instead of coordinating care by playing the telephone game, unite the entire care team on a single dedicated communication and logistics channel.
With Pulsara, pulmonary embolism teams have the ability to communicate with the rest of their team in real time and coordinate appropriate timing based on ETAs and available services and/or specialists. From critical care specialists to interventional radiologists and pulmonary embolism response teams, everyone is in the know during the entire patient care journey.

Interfacility Communication & Transfers Made Simple
When pulmonary embolism care teams (from rural to urban) need extra guidance or resources, Pulsara is the lifeline of communication across organizations. Clinicians can leverage Pulsara’s telehealth video calling and photo sharing functionality to consult with other clinicians, determine the most appropriate disposition, and guarantee follow-up in the process.
In cases where patients need to be transferred for emergent or specialized care, Pulsara’s pulmonary embolism patient type helps clinicians quickly find the most suitable placement while eliminating unnecessary phone calls. Sending and receiving facilities—and transporting EMS—are all on the same page, even with ETAs and changes in patient condition during the process.

Flexible & Scalable for Any Situation
Each pulmonary embolism emergency is different and can require urgent or emergent escalation, new specialists or teams, or even transport to another facility for higher level of care. When routine cases turn into urgent cases that require additional resources, Pulsara enables flexible scalable interactions. Quickly add new teams or resources on the fly like interventional radiology or an intensivist for a virtual consult or transfer request to a new facility—and critical images, video, and communication tools are always just a tap away.
The best part? It’s simple: Pulsara works as an overlay to your existing processes and technology, configurable to streamline communication and unite distributed teams without interrupting your existing workflows.

More Features to Love:
Flexible Teams
Create as many teams as your organization needs and add them on the fly as cases and staffing change. For example, your pulmonologist can go on call for multiple teams, even across organizations!

Flexible Alerting
Multi-phase activation for all patient types: Alert your full pulmonary embolism (or STEMI, stroke, or trauma, etc) team off the bat, or just start with the ED and add others as the case evolves.

Transparent Scheduling
Schedule your next on and off call times so the entire team has transparency into your schedule. No more alerts when you're supposed to be sleeping or on vacation.

Award-Winning EMS Functionality
Integration with your favorite ECG monitors, EMS-to-EMS or facility handoff, consults with specialists or medical control, and MIH/CP enablement.

Driver's License Scanning
Scan the barcode on any US driver's license and automatically populate the patient's name, age, DOB, and sex into a Pulsara patient channel.

Benchmarks for Reporting, QA, & QI
Measure your performance against key benchmarks and collect the data you need to report and make plans for improvement.

Ready to Learn More?
If you have questions or would like to schedule a discovery call, fill out the form below.