A&E Availability
Match supply with demand in a tap.
A&E Availability makes ALL teams more efficient.
Read on to understand how.
You saw how Pulsara helps manage demand during COVID surges...
Well now, we can help with the supply side too. A&E Availability gives ambulance service teams insight into which hospitals have space and resources to accept the patient, and which ones are on divert. Ultimately, this means faster care for patients.

Efficiency for Ambulance and Hospital Teams
A&E Availability keeps everyone efficient by:
- Helping to preserve ambulance service unit utilization hours — hospital availability will allow your teams to see critical details about the hospital's capability to accept patients. Prior to choosing a destination, these details will allow your team to make a more informed decision.
- Preventing overwhelmed, understaffed, or otherwise compromised hospitals from gaining even more patients who need critical attention.

What's Your Status?
Once your hospital enables A&E Availability, it's very simple to change your status and can be done in a matter of seconds. You'll simply assign someone from your team to keep your status up-to-date to ensure ambulance service teams always have the most accurate picture of your availability.

"A&E Availability is a game-changer. While ambulance and hospital teams will benefit and see major efficiencies from the feature, ultimately it's the patients who win."
Tim Hakamaki
Sr. Vice President of Product, Pulsara