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Who is Pulsara? Part 1 [Our Mission]

Who is Pulsara? Part 1 [Our Mission]

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Kris Kaull, B.S., NRP, CCEMT-P, FP-C (Pulsara's matchless visionary Chief Marketing/Growth Officer, 2013-2024) for writing today's blog post. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.


We care about what we’re doing.

We care about the latest in stroke research. We care about streamlining and maximizing efficiencies in STEMI cases. We care about building Regional Systems of Care. AND, we care about people.

How does that fit into the big picture?

One of the challenges in any organization is direction. At Pulsara, it’s critically important that we focus on the right core projects at the right time with the right level of concentration. How do we accomplish that? By defining who we are.

Over this 4-part series, we’ll be reviewing our mission, our purpose, our vision and our non-negotiable set of values.


A few weeks ago, Tia, our super smart marketing intern (and double major in neuroscience and computer science) innocently asked our CEO if she could post our Mission Statement on our Facebook page. That simple request generated hours of philosophical discussion, copywriting, editing, and serious questioning about who we are as a company, as a culture, and as a group of people who are committed to serving others.


First, we wrote a list of all the things we do: Focus on the health of people, address acute care coordination, simplify communication between care team members, etc.

The list was LONG.

We then prioritized the list and came up with 2-3 sentences that epitomize what we do.

That wasn’t good enough. It had to be succinct. Each word needed to mean something. AND, the it had to be one sentence. That was our rule.

So we wrote. We scratched it up. We wrote again. We argued and debated. We shared our ideas. AND, ultimately, the company as a whole came up with:

MISSION: We unite and empower people to improve health by simplifying care coordination.

That’s it.

WHO: We (The Pulsara family)

WHAT: Unite and empower people (We place control back into the hands of clinicians and patients)

WHY: To improve health (Better outcomes)

HOW: By simplifying care coordination (Health care is complex. We make it simpler.)

Yup. That’s our mission. Plain and simple.

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