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Pulsara Version 6.4 Delivers No Tricks, Only Treats.

Pulsara Version 6.4 Delivers No Tricks, Only Treats.

Today Pulsara released version 6.4 of the care coordination platform. The updates are are summarized below: 

EMS Unit and EMS Shift


EMS Unit Numbers

Many customers requested the ability for EMS medics to specify the EMS Unit number for each patient they transport to a hospital. Starting in 6.4, users can configure the list of EMS Units available at your EMS Agency, and medics can select their Unit and associated phone number at the start of their shift.

And now, hospital users can easily see the EMS Unit for each patient and quickly tap the phone button to call the Unit.

Mobile User Interface


EMS Medic - Shift Screen:

After a medic logs in, they will be taken to the new Shift Screen where they can select a unit from the list and easily update the phone number for the unit.

  • NOTE: Pulsara doesn’t display a Unit selection box on the New Patient screen to keep the patient creation workflow as streamlined as possible for EMS.

EMS login starts at Shift Screen


EMS Medic - New top-level navigation to EMS Shift:

Easily view and update shift information from the always-accessible navigation menu.

Menu screen


EMS Medic - Active Patient EMS Card:

Users can view and update the Unit for an already created patient.

EMS User - EMS Card


Hospital - Active Patient EMS Card:

Patient care team members at the hospital can easily see the EMS Unit bringing the patient and call the Unit phone with a tap.

Hosp User - EMS Card


Admin User Interface

As an EMS Admin, users can see their list of units, add additional units, and edit existing ones.

EMS Admin Dashboard - Units

Anticoagulants New Default: Not Known 

In order to improve patient safety, we modified the Anticoagulants field for stroke to support a “Not Known” option.

Going forward, the default is set to “Not Known” for all new stroke patients.Anticoagulants Not Known Default

Case Export Improvements

Users now have the ability to export all patients from the Export Cases screen, including General Patient records.

Dashboard View of Cases > Export Cases:

Dashboard showing exports


CSV Export Example:

CSV export example


Single Case Export (PDF) Example:

PDF export example


Other Improvements

Test Cases Won't Affect STATS

When users run test cases, entering "Test" as the patient first and last name won't affect your stats!

Test Patient


Removed Distance (Miles) from Mobile Screens

Pulsara still records the automatically calculated distance attached to the case, but removed it from the patient creation flow for simplicity's sake.

No more distance field


Android Notification Update

Notifications that arrive while the app is on pin screen will be sent to the notification drawer on Android, instead of being displayed as a pop-up.

Squashed Bugs

  • Pulsara now properly displays all members in a team (>25 people) to Admins.

  • Pulsara now allows ALL admins to manage teams for a user from the Manage Users screen.

  • The tea improved the Set Age button to consider the full date of birth when calculating age on iOS.

  • Pulsara now consistently lists all stopped or cancelled patients for every case type in mobile. 

The company encourages anyone with questions or concerns to reach out to help@pulsara.com

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