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Pulsara Version 4.7 Includes New Alert Features, More Administrative Capabilities, and UX Enhancements [Press Release]

Pulsara Version 4.7 Includes New Alert Features, More Administrative Capabilities, and UX Enhancements [Press Release]

Pulsara announced last week that app version 4.7 is live and encouraged all users to update to the new version. The update includes several key new functionalities for all user types. According to the announcement, highlights Screen_Shot_2016-08-25_at_11.24.33_AM.pngfor all users include the following:

  • UNREAD MESSAGE COUNT - The white number in the little red circle for Team Messaging now indicates the number of UNREAD messages, instead of the TOTAL. 
  • TEST ALERT - When setting your On Call status, you can now double check and verify that your
    phone’s notification settings are working appropriately
  • CASE STOPPED SOUND - When a case is stopped, a different alert sound is played on your mobile device. This sounds can be heard here.

Of particular interest to EMS users are the following features: 

  • CATH LAB READY ALERT - If the Cath Lab at the receiving facility is ready before EMS arrives with the patient at the hospital, EMTs will get a push alert letting them know that the Cath Lab is online and ready.
  • REMEMBER YOUR LAST STROKE SCALE - Once users select a pre-hospital stroke scale (such as RACE or LAMS), the Pulsara mobile app will remember the selection for future patients. 

Pulsara has updated one feature for hospital users: 

  • HOSPITAL TEAM ON-CALL - Pulsara has fixed a pernicious bug where Hospital Team users’ On Call status did not always appear as selected.

Finally, admin users will notice the following changes: 

  • CASE EXPORT - Pulsara has completely revamped the case export screen for an enhanced user experience. 
  • IMPROVED USER MANAGEMENT - When viewing a user record, admins can see a comprehensive log of all activity performed by that person. 
  • CHANGE THE METHOD OF ARRIVAL - Admins can change the Method of Arrival and EMS Agency after a hospital created case is stopped. 

Pulsara also stated in the announcement that users should anticipate a major change coming this fall, but did not specify what the new features would entail. Readers are encouraged to navigate here for a preview. 



Pulsara is a digital healthcare corporation that focuses on using mobile technology to enhance outcomes by improving communication and care coordination through the entire healthcare system. Pulsara’s mobile applications STOP STROKE and STOP STEMI improve communications between the teams caring for stroke and heart attack patients, leading to faster treatment and better outcomes. Every clinician – from paramedics to emergency department staff to neurology and cardiology teams – is on the same page with a simple tap. For more information, visit www.pulsara.com.

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