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Happy National Nurses Week 2018 From Team Pulsara!
This week (May 6 - 12) marks the annual National Nurses Week, which takes place on Florence Nightingale’s birthday week. This year’s theme is...
Read PostThe latest articles, case studies, research, and more are on their way to your inbox. Happy reading!
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This week (May 6 - 12) marks the annual National Nurses Week, which takes place on Florence Nightingale’s birthday week. This year’s theme is...
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to our guest blogger, Dr. Rob Dickson. Dr. Dickson is an emergency physician and EMS medical director of the Montgomery County Hospital District in Southeast Texas. He...
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Medical errors in healthcare kill about 400,000 people per year secondary to medical error. On top of that, you have 10,000 serious medical complications every single day, which affects 1 in 5...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOZEMAN, MT -- April 23, 2018 -- Pulsara announced today the release of their app version 8.0, which includes the ability for clinicians to consult and transfer any patient to...
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Today is the last day of April, and you know what that means. Tomorrow... Awesome NSYNC memes aside, May also marks the American Trauma Society's annual National Trauma Awareness Month. Each year,...
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Pulsara recently spent at day at the FirstNet Innovation Lab in Boulder Colorado where Pulsara is now installed. The Lab is a centralized location to showcase the capabilities of...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOZEMAN, MT -- April 23, 2018 -- The spotlight is being shone once again on Pulsara, recently named one of Montana High Tech Business Alliance’s 12 High Growth companies to...