Which Models Will Stand the Test of Time in a Changing Industry? [PODCAST]
In a recent episode of Inside EMS, which was first published on EMS1.com, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson examine the current EMS models,...
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In a recent episode of Inside EMS, which was first published on EMS1.com, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson examine the current EMS models,...
Read Post1 min read
A recent study examined the efficacy of low-dose ketamine administered intravenously as an alternative to IV fentanyl in the prehospital environment for severe pain. The retrospective review matched...
6 min read
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS World, and was authored by Valerie Amato, NREMT, Assistant Editor of EMS World. Reach her at vamato@emsworld.com. In this three-part monthly...
1 min read
May Recap: May sure was a busy month for the Pulsara team! We revamped our About Us page and added an Events page to our website, released Pulsara v. 10.6, were named as a finalist for the SIIA CODiE...
12 min read
EDITOR'S NOTE: Thanks to our guest blogger this week, Dean Meenach, MSN, RN, CNL, CEN, CCRN, CPEN, EMT-P. ** The effects of shock due to major blood loss rapidly become irreversible, so quick...
2 min read
Healthcare is burdened by the archaic means of communication. And everyone — from EMS to critical care teams to the discharge teams at the hospital — is feeling the effects. Luckily, hospital and EMS...
2 min read
EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to today's guest blogger, Reid Kiser.* __ What gets measured gets improved. You’re likely familiar with this motto, used widely across all business sectors. Measurement...