11 min read
How Mobile Communications Are Transforming Australian Healthcare (PT3)
New technology is often an exciting prospect. It's fun to experiment with, especially when it promises to help streamline a cumbersome process. But...
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11 min read
New technology is often an exciting prospect. It's fun to experiment with, especially when it promises to help streamline a cumbersome process. But...
Read Post2 min read
EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Brittany Norman for writing today's blog post. You can connect with her on LinkedIn. 2020 was a year of pivots. Movies being released on streaming services and...
3 min read
Have you ever noticed how challenging it can be to describe what you see to a person not presently with you? You could be witnessing some spectacular spectacle or some terrifying sight, but try as...
9 min read
Change management is hard. Adopting new technology and new workflows can be an exciting process, but that process may also bring hesitance, skepticism, fear, and doubt. It's not easy to change the...
3 min read
Becker's Hospital Review recently reported that as of April, 354 rural hospitals in the U.S. are still at a high risk of closing, unless their finances immediately improve. Those 354 hospitals...
3 min read
Large Vessel Occlusion (LVO) strokes are considered to be one of the most severe types of strokes. As with all other stroke types, rapid treatment is key. Mechanical thrombectomy is now the accepted...
11 min read
Patient care involves many moving parts, several teams, and a lot of people. How do you get everybody on the same page, especially when messages have to travel through multiple communication methods...