13 min read
Think Like a Detective: Hacks To Improve Your History-Taking [PT1]
Pulsara's Chief Growth Officer, Kris Kaull, recently had the opportunity to sit down with Rob Lawrence on the EMS One-Stop podcast. In this episode,...
Read PostThe latest articles, case studies, research, and more are on their way to your inbox. Happy reading!
13 min read
Pulsara's Chief Growth Officer, Kris Kaull, recently had the opportunity to sit down with Rob Lawrence on the EMS One-Stop podcast. In this episode,...
Read Post2 min read
UK hospital and ambulance organisations can now procure Pulsara via the Crown Commercial Service updated G-Cloud framework. Bozeman, Montana, USA, January 17, 2023 — Pulsara, the leading mobile...
8 min read
EDITOR'S NOTE: This podcast originally aired on Becker's Hospital Review on December 8th, 2022. You can find the original post here. __ When a health system is looking for ways to improve patient...
10 min read
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Teller County, Colorado, had a successful community paramedicine program in place. But as the pandemic hit the U.S., they knew they'd need to leverage new tools to...
4 min read
November & December Recap Is it just us, or does time seem to move faster the closer we get to the new year? We haven't let all of the delicious holiday foods slow us down or put us into hibernation...
3 min read
The integration brings data captured in Pulsara's communication platform into EPR's MedicWorks ePCR, improving team communication and reducing time on task. BOZEMAN, Mont., December 20, 2022 — EPR...
3 min read
Documentation Time Cut by 66% Compared with ePCR Used Before the MEDIVIEW and Pulsara Integration. BOZEMAN, Mont., December 14, 2022 – Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth and communication...