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1 min read
No Power? No Problem. Pulsara Has You Covered.

We have a saying in Montana: If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes and it will change. And springtime in Montana often brings blizzards and hail storms one minute, followed by sunshine and...

1 min read
Good Shepherd Medical Center Awarded for Superior Stroke Care

Bozeman, MT — Pulsara is thrilled to announce that a long-time Pulsara client, Good Shepherd Medical Center (GSMC), has recently been awarded the Get with the Guidelines-Stroke Gold-Plus Quality...

1 min read
To the Heroes of EMS: Happy EMS Week and THANK YOU! [Video]

Happy National EMS Week to all first responders out there from Team Pulsara! You are too often under appreciated, under paid, and work long hours in unpredictable conditions. You are heroes and we...

2 min read
Pulsara Version 4.5: A (Stroke) VITAL Update [Press Release]

Pulsara has added several new features to better enable stroke care teams to build regional systems of care. -- Bozeman, MT - May 17th, 2016 - With the addition of Stroke Vitals to the Pulsara...
3 min read
One Physician's Journey to Finding Patient AND Provider Satisfaction

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to our guest blogger, Dr. Jeff McWilliams. Dr. McWilliams is an Emergency Physician, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of Customer Service at...