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3 min read
Going the Extra Mile: How to Get Medics to Bring More Patients to Your Hospital

Recently in my travels I heard something that really stuck with me: “When a hospital goes the extra mile, patients will do the same.” Think about that for a minute. Is your hospital one that truly...

3 min read
Colorado Springs Coordinates Care Between Multiple Heath Systems Using Mobile Technology [Press Release]

Two Colorado Springs health systems have partnered with more than a dozen local emergency medical services agencies to implement a mobile app to provide faster, better care to patients suffering from...

1 min read
New Study Shows Improvements in STEMI Treatment Time With Care Coordination

We've said it before, and we will say it again: inefficient communication is costing our patients -- big time. A recent study revealed that changing the way EMS and hospital teams communicate --...

1 min read
How the Sugar Industry May Be Responsible For Increased Heart Disease and the Obesity Epidemic

A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine yesterday, reports that the sugar industry, in particular the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF), sponsored and groomed major research in the 1950s which...
2 min read
Survey: Most Hospitals are Far From Ready for the 2017 eCQM Reporting Deadline

If you're like the majority of hospitals in the U.S., you have a long road ahead when it comes to preparing to submit electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) by the February 2017 deadline, as...

1 min read
Reflecting on Leadership: A Simple Post for Hectic Times

Whew. Are you feeling the pressures of the fall season already, or is it just me? Maybe it's the after-effects of all the hustle and bustle that comes with summer (road trips, family reunions, a...