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1 min read

Are you a River or Reservoir? How to be a Better Servant Leader

I’m sure this happens in every industry, but most of my experience is in healthcare -- have you ever worked with that person who seems to have an...

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2 min read

Finding the Special Ops Teams Within Your Hospital and EMS Departments

I don't know about you, but I love a good story about special military operations. I guess it's just cool to know that there are those people who have received specialized training to do a job that...

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1 min read

What We Can Learn from the 10-Year-Old Who Saved His Mom from a Stroke

I recently read an article about how a young boy helped save his mother's life by getting an ambulance on its way, and it made me pause and think. The piece reminded that sometimes it’s the simple...

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2 min read

Here's Why Some Teams Struggle with Coordination -- Which Can Lead to Delays in Treatment

Recently I was approached by a nurse who is the Director of the Operating Room at her hospital. She began to list the problems her team has with communication when they are called out for...

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1 min read

Research: Can Pulsara Facilitate Communication for Multi-Organizational and Multi-Disciplinary Clinicians?

When someone suffers a stroke or heart attack, getting the patient to definitive treatment quickly is crucial to their survival and quality of life post-event. But, getting treatment quickly requires...

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2 min read

Australian Health Systems Reduce D2B and D2N Times by 28 and 33 Minutes Respectively [Preliminary Research]

To determine if Pulsara can improve management timelines for patients suspected of having a stroke or cardiac event, researchers in Australia have conducted a pilot study with a 6 month pre-post...

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Live at Texas EMS: Paramedics Discuss their Biggest Communication Challenges [Podcast]

Every year, breast cancer claims 40,000 lives. The opioid epidemic causes 50,000 deaths per year. Motor vehicle crashes cause 38,000 deaths each year. And gun violence is responsible for 36,000...

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