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Change: How to Leverage its Power for a Better Workplace

Change: How to Leverage its Power for a Better Workplace


“The only people who like change are wet babies.”change is a good thing

-- Mark Twain

How true is that statement? If you’re looking for an enemy, just go and change something. I wish it were different, but it’s one of life’s inevitable truths. Many of us live under the false pretense that one day all things will stay the same and we’ll find ourselves sipping umbrella drinks on the beach. This is true; one day you’ll find that change is not longer relevant, but it requires that you die first.

Change is and always will be a part of life. It’s been this way from the dawn of time. The only difference between now and then is the speed at which everything happens. With the pace of change, it's critically important – more than ever before – to carefully orchestrate the change you desire in the world and within your organization.


Not everyone that you lead will welcome change.

** WHAT??? **

Yes, it’s a tough reality to appreciate. But, it’s imperative that you understand this simple concept regardless of where you live and what you do as a profession.

  • 15% will embrace change no matter what.
  • 15% will never change no matter what.
  • 70% will follow your lead.

In order to focus on the 70%, you need to identify your influencers. If you try to push change through without your influencers, it is certain to fail.

How, you ask, do I know who my influencers are?

  1. Instead of selling yourself, focus on the room dynamics.

Who does everyone turn to when a difficult or political question is asked? Think through the last few projects that have been successfully completed. Who was the person that everyone sought advice from? Don’t make the mistake of only looking at those with a formal title. Many times the influencer has more pull than their title may suggest.

  1. Who are the naysayers?

Can you name a time when everyone in the room was really excited about something and it never happened? Who were the people who were in opposition?

If you can find a common denominator in these questions, you have your influencers.

The challenge:

Think about the last time a colleague was dead set on resisting change. Did you realize that they were speaking in code? For many, it may sound like excuse, but behind resistance is an emotion. The excuse really means, “I’m scared” or “ I am afraid I can’t do it” or “It will expose me.”

Rarely when confronted with change do people consider the change itself. Instead, it has everything to do with them personally. They are asking the question, “How will this affect me?”

It’s the way we’re wired.

Navigating change is involved and complex. Change is a conversation, not a statement. In a typical scenario, your colleague may first complain about price. Then, they may voice the perceived difficulty. But, as the conversation progresses and they feel secure, they will accept.

Remember change is a process, not an event. Go out, pursue your passion and change something. The world will be better for it!

Learn how Pulsara can effect the right kind of change in your facility! 

 Contact us to let us know how  you manage change at work!

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