2 min read

Can Your Hospital Relate to These Communication Frustrations?

Can Your Hospital Relate to These Communication Frustrations?


Your hospital team receives a radio report from the local EMS service.

"We are on our way with KCCFPPPTHHH patient."

"Sorry, what??"

"We are coming in with a STEMI patient. ETA KCCFPPPTHHH..."

Didn't catch that. Oh well. Time to notify the rest of the team. Your unit clerk starts the process of trying to contact each member of the cardiac team. This takes her so long that before she's heard back from even half of them...

EMS comes wheeling in the door with the patient.

"We tried to send the ECG but it must not have gone through!"

Darn. Okay. Time to register the patient. Your staff knows time is tissue, but this is an important first step.


Registration is done. The HUC begins to assemble the cath lab team.

"UGGHHHH, the cardiologist isn't here. Did he get the page??"

"How do we know?"

Cardiologist [comes racing in].

"Why didn't anyone call me?? This is a definite STEMI!"

"Where was my ECG printout?? We need to operate NOW!"


"ECG never came through."

The paging system had been sending the pages to the wrong people. (Oh trust us, this happens all the time).   

The patient ends up surviving surgery and is in recovery, but she'll have to stay in the hospital for several days and her complications keep piling up. You know that if your team had been more efficient, better aligned, you could have saved this patient much more tissue.

Fast forward to time for reporting ...

"What was the D2B time again?"

"Do I use the time the nurse wrote on her glove? Or what I think it was (10 minute difference)?"

"Our clocks are all slightly off, so there's no way to be sure."

The EMS crews are wondering about the outcome of the patient.

Hey, so what was the outcome of that STEMI patient we brought in last month?"

Oops. You feel bad that you never let them know. After all, she was their patient too, but you had SO much more on your plate that following up and providing feedback was low on the list of priorities.

This is an all-too-common scene in hospitals and EMS systems today. In fact, MOST systems operate this way, and it makes no sense. WHY would we continue to use a system of outdated technology that has been shown time and again to contribute to deadly miscommunications in emergency medicine?


What if there was a standardized communication platform for connecting all care teams, whether at your facility or one in the next city -- or even state -- over? What if you could connect to every EMS agency, every receiving facility. And, it worked for prehospital, intrafacility and interfacility communications?

What if the medics got instant feedback once the case was closed?

What if the entire out-of-hospital alerting piece, from first responder to the ED, was provided completely free?


  1. HIPAA Compliant and secure.

  2. 100% Transparent.

  3. 100% Data driven for instant feedback.

  4. Evidence based.

  5. Reliable source of data for reporting.

It’s about building a SYSTEM OF CARE. No archaic equipment. No radios. No answering services. No outdated pagers.

Pulsara solves each of the problems encountered in the scenario above, unifying your team and getting EVERYONE on the same page.

Are you ready for real-time team communication?

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