Team Pulsara

Team Pulsara is a diverse group of talent with a common purpose: To improve the lives of patients and caregivers through innovative communication.

Team Pulsara

Team Pulsara

Team Pulsara is a diverse group of talent with a common purpose: To improve the lives of patients and caregivers through innovative communication.

Recent posts by Team Pulsara

6 min read

Pulsara Introduces App Version 6.1 [Press Release]

By Team Pulsara on Jun 20, 2017


Bozeman, MT – June 20, 2017 – Pulsara has announced the launch of their newest app version 6.1, which includes many feature requests from current clients. The company detailed the new functionalities in their release notes, which included the following. 

Topics: Press Business Development
5 min read

Automated Chest Compression Devices: 10 Things You Need to Know to Save Lives

By Team Pulsara on Jun 14, 2017

Knowing how and when to use these devices could save lives.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following content originally appeared on as paid content sponsored by Pulsara. Special thanks to our guest blogger, Drew Rinella for EMS1 BrandFocus. Drew is the clinical coordinator for Bonner County EMS in rural North Idaho. He is a paramedic, public servant, and competition shooter. Drew is an advocate for quality in EMS and also blogs his crusade against bad EKGs in product advertising. 


Automatic CPR devices have been available for several decades now, yet they haven’t received widespread acceptance as the standard of care for cardiac arrest management. Here are 10 things you need to know about automatic CPR devices:

4 min read

Pulsara's Prehospital Alerting Package Selected as a JEMS Hot Product from EMS Today 2017 [Press Release]

By Team Pulsara on Jun 06, 2017


Pulsara's Prehospital Alerting Package among 30 innovative new products for emergency medical services and prehospital care.

Bozeman, MT, June 6, 2017 -- Pulsara and JEMS (Journal of Emergency Medical Services) are proud to announce the selection of Pulsara’s Prehospital Alerting Package as a Hot Product from the JEMS EMS Today Conference & Exposition, which was held February 23–25 in Salt Lake City.

Pulsara was selected after a team of eight judges consisting of emergency medical services (EMS) product specialists, physicians, educators, managers and paramedics reviewed a host of products designed to not only improve the ability to deliver optimal emergency medical care to sick and injured patients, but also allow EMS agencies to do it safely, more efficiently and with enhanced comfort for the patient.

Topics: EMS Press
9 min read

Pulsara 6.0 Changes the World... [Press Release]

By Team Pulsara on May 09, 2017

...Well, not really. But it does provide the foundation for future communication across regions.


Bozeman, MT – May 9, 2017 – Pulsara announced today the release of their app version 6.0, which offers flexibility for anybody at the hospital to be added to the team, or to change the team structure on the fly.

"Pretty rad, right?" queried Flight Paramedic and Chief Marketing Officer, Kris Kaull.

The company stated that existing clients have asked them to make Pulsara more adaptable to their specific workflows. "Fulfilling this request requires adding flexibility to the application and platform -- and the concept of flexibility almost inevitably leads to increased complexity. That being said, one of our core values is to simplify. At Pulsara, we reduce complexity through innovation. Walking the line between these two competing priorities is a challenge, but we made it happen!" said Senior Software Engineer, Eric Barnes. "With the release of 6.0, Pulsara provides new workflow and alerting flexibility while remaining simple to use."

Topics: Press
3 min read

Case Study: How St. Elizabeth Combined Technology and Collaboration to Reduce Heart Attack Treatment Time

By Team Pulsara on May 04, 2017

Using the Pulsara app, a Cincinnati-area health care system significantly cut down its time to treatment for cardiac cases.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following content originally appeared on as paid content sponsored by Pulsara. Special thanks to our guest bloggers, the EMS1 BrandFocus Staff. 

Topics: STEMI Client Rockstars Press Customer Success
2 min read

What Healthcare Needs to Know About Security in an Increasingly Cloud-Based Industry

By Team Pulsara on May 02, 2017

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Cynthia Bradford Lencioni for writing today's blog post. You can connect with her on LinkedIn


Security vulnerabilities are a concern for everyone in this day and age when it seems there’s a major security incident in the news each week. And unfortunately, health care entities have been specifically targeted for their sensitive, monetizable information.

Topics: Healthcare
1 min read

Progressive Paramedicine: How to Assess and Treat the Crashing CHF Patient [Video]

By Team Pulsara on Apr 21, 2017

Most medics have encountered a crashing Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patient at some point in their career, and chances are not all of those cases were managed perfectly. This can be a challenging group to assess and treat, especially because your patient is likely very scared and anxious.

Pulsara has teamed up with EMS1 to produce an original video series of critical paramedicine tips and techniques, called Progressive Paramedicine. In this week's video, Pulsara's Brandon Means reviews three things to remember when managing the crashing CHF patient: 

Topics: EMS
3 min read

Former Pulsara VP of Development Shocks Healthcare World by Creating Competitive, "Traditional" Service [Press Release]

By Team Pulsara on Apr 01, 2017


Bozeman, MT -- April 1, 2017 -- In a shocking turn of events, Pulsara's former VP of Development, Erich Hannan, has recklessly abandoned his team to pursue his alternative, competitive solution to the care coordination platform. 

Topics: April 1
3 min read

Kentucky Hospital Improves Treatment for Heart Attack Patients Through Collaboration and Technology [Press Release]

By Team Pulsara on Mar 30, 2017


St. Elizabeth Healthcare, in Edgewood, Kentucky, decreased the time to treat critical heart attack patients by 30 percent.

Edgewood, KY – Mar. 30, 2017 – In the past year, St. Elizabeth Healthcare in Edgewood, Kentucky, significantly decreased the time-to-treatment for heart attack patients, following an effort by stakeholders from every part of the care team to collaborate and improve processes that speed up care. This improvement was due also in part to the use of a mobile app, Pulsara, which puts timely, clear information in the hands of everyone responsible for caring for the patient, both inside and outside of the hospital.

For patients who arrived at St. Elizabeth Edgewood via ambulance, the average time from first medical contact (FMC) — defined as the moment emergency medical services (EMS) first arrives at the patient’s side — to the administration of artery-opening treatment in the hospital dropped 30 percent, from 103 minutes in the first quarter of 2016 to 72 minutes in January 2017. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends aiming for a time-to-treatment of less than 90 minutes because it has been associated with better outcomes for heart attack patients.

Topics: Stroke STEMI EMS Press
1 min read

[WEBCAST] It's About Time: Every Second Counts in STEMI Patient Care

By Team Pulsara on Mar 28, 2017

Time is critical in the ability to care efficiently and effectively for patients, especially for STEMI cases. To remain viable in today’s cost-and-quality focused healthcare environment, hospitals must strive to achieve best practice patient care (or exceed such measures) while demonstrating strong clinical competencies for top results at the lowest operational cost. Meanwhile, technology and treatment advances are also changing the way patient care is provided and streamlined, including care from prehospital entry through discharge.

Topics: STEMI
3 min read

Pulsara Founder and CEO, James Woodson, MD, wins EMS10 Innovator Award [Press Release]

By Team Pulsara on Mar 23, 2017


[Bozeman, MT] — Mar. 23, 2017 — James Woodson, MD, Founder and CEO of Pulsara, was recognized as a recipient of an EMS10: Innovators in EMS 2016 Award at a ceremony at the EMS Today Conference & Exposition last month. Hosted by the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) and sponsored by Physio-Control, a part of Stryker Corporation, the EMS10 awards recognize ten individuals who made significant innovative contributions in EMS in the previous year. Over 40 nominations were considered for this year’s award.

A panel of EMS professionals selected the ten distinguished winners, who “each displayed initiative, creative thinking, action-orientation and a desire to positively impact EMS, patients, and their communities,” according to JEMS.

Topics: EMS Press
1 min read

It’s About Time: Addressing the Communications Crisis in Healthcare and EMS [Video]

By Team Pulsara on Mar 16, 2017

According to The Joint Commission, 80% of serious medical errors involve miscommunication. Reports indicate that 250,000-400,000 deaths occur every year due to miscommunication, making medical errors the 3rd leading cause of death overall. These numbers are staggering and highlight what is at stake when communication doesn’t work.

Topics: Stroke STEMI EMS Communication
3 min read

PRESS RELEASE: Duke University Study Finds EMS Activation of Stroke Cases Using Pulsara Improves D2N Times

By Team Pulsara on Mar 14, 2017


[Bozeman, MT] — Mar. 14, 2017 Duke University School of Medicine researchers found that patients with stroke received faster treatment when emergency medical services (EMS) activated the stroke team from the field than patients who presented by other methods of arrival.

The researchers conducted a retrospective analysis of 12 major medical centers that used Pulsara’s Stop Stroke, a mobile application that allows EMS transporting a stroke patient to notify emergency department staff and stroke specialists with the tap of a button on a smart phone. Using data from March 2013 to May 2016, they found cases activated by EMS in the field resulted in significant reductions in door-to-CT scan and door-to-needle times as well as an increased likelihood of meeting door-to-needle goal when compared to cases activated in the emergency department.

Topics: Stroke EMS Press
1 min read

Colorado Springs Facilities Use Innovation to Provide Better Critical Patient Outcomes

By Team Pulsara on Mar 09, 2017

Editor's Note: The following excerpt originally appeared on the Healthcare Informatics website on March 7, 2017, and the article can be read in its entirety here. Pulsara is humbled by the incredible care teams in Colorado Springs who are tirelessly working and innovating to provide the best possible care for their community. A vision without action is worth very little. It is the hard work and dedication of these teams that is truly making the difference in acute care and in the lives of patients.


Hospital physicians and nurses know all too well that time can make a difference when treating patients suffering from a heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, gaps in communication between emergency responders and hospital staff is a persistent and common problem and can slow down the process of getting accurate, pertinent patient information from the field, such as the emergency medical technicians and paramedics on the scene, to the hospital staff.

To tackle these challenges, hospitals from two different health systems have partnered with each other and with a dozen local emergency medical services (EMS) agencies to use mobile technology to coordinate their care teams to accelerate time to treatment for critical care patients and to provide better care for stroke and heart attack patients.

Topics: Stroke STEMI EMS Press
4 min read

New Mission: Lifeline Stroke Documents for Prehospital LVO care -- What You Need to Know

By Team Pulsara on Mar 02, 2017

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Kris Kaull, B.S., NRP, CCEMT-P, FP-C for writing today's blog post. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.


This past week at the International Stroke Conference in Houston, Mission: Lifeline Stroke released two documents related to prehospital LVO care.

Topics: Stroke EMS
2 min read

Pulsara Releases App Version 5.5 and Server Upgrade

By Team Pulsara on Feb 28, 2017

Topics: Press
2 min read

Pulsara Wins 2017 Healthcare Informatics Interoperability Award [Press Release]

By Team Pulsara on Feb 17, 2017


Read the full interview with Pulsara’s CEO right here.

[Bozeman, MT] — Feb. 17, 2017  Healthcare Informatics has selected Pulsara to receive this year’s Innovation in Interoperability Award, which recognizes outstanding healthcare IT innovation that enhances clinician workflow, exchanges data, and/or reduces costs.

A panel of Healthcare Informatics expert editorial board members selected Pulsara for its innovative, industry-leading platform — the only solution of its kind that manages the entire care process from EMS through to definitive care. Pulsara performs like an app on users’ smart phones or tablets, allowing care teams to securely coordinate and accelerate life-saving care in emergency situations.

Topics: Press
2 min read

Here's What Your Patients Wish You'd Gotten Them for Valentine's Day

By Team Pulsara on Feb 16, 2017

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Scott Stanley for writing today's blog post. You can connect with him on LinkedIn. 

... No, it's not chocolates and flowers.

The medical research community is continually providing us with exciting new technology and clinical findings that can make our jobs in EMS easier and our treatments more precise. So why are we not always sharing these findings with our patients? Well I’m here to tell you, those 80’s parachute pants were great 35 years ago but it’s time to buy some new britches.

Topics: Stroke EMS
4 min read

Pulsara App Version 5.4 Includes New Functionalities and Simplified User Screens [Press Release]

By Team Pulsara on Feb 07, 2017


Bozeman, MT -- Pulsara announced last week the release of their app version 5.4. The company began the announcement by reminding readers of their purpose statement: "Our purpose [is] to improve the lives of patients and caregivers through innovative communication. We care about patient outcomes. Equally, we care about you and the burden you carry as a clinician. Our goal is to simplify your workflows during time-sensitive emergencies. While we're really good at what we do, you're even better at your job. That's why this update is packed full of features requested by you ... the end user."

The 5.4 app version includes key mobile features such as the ability to add vital signs to all STEMI and stroke activations, and lab values to all STEMI activations. The General Patient package included labs and vital signs before this update. Pulsara has also made all interfaces for creating cases and entering patient information more standardized and consistent. 

Topics: Stroke STEMI EMS Press
3 min read

Trading Resolutions for Resilience in 2017

By Team Pulsara on Feb 03, 2017

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Kelly Meredith for writing today's blog post. You can connect with her on LinkedIn. 

Last month, we brought you some tips for making new company and department goals that your team can actually stick to (and can make any time of year). But I wanted to expand on the old concept of new years resolutions from a more individual lens, since I think it’s safe to say that many of us can easily get down on ourselves for not sticking to those lofty ambitions. Let’s face it, it’s an all too familiar tale...

Topics: Leadership