Team Pulsara

Team Pulsara is a diverse group of talent with a common purpose: To improve the lives of patients and caregivers through innovative communication.

Team Pulsara

Team Pulsara

Team Pulsara is a diverse group of talent with a common purpose: To improve the lives of patients and caregivers through innovative communication.

Recent posts by Team Pulsara

5 min read

Miami Valley Hospital First in World to Integrate Two Stroke Technologies

By Team Pulsara on Sep 27, 2019


Combination of Pulsara and RAPID expands window of opportunity for treatment 

BOZEMAN, MT – September 27, 2019 Miami Valley Hospital is the first site in the world to use the combination of a specific software application and mobile platform to enhance the treatment used to preserve a patient’s neurological function after a stroke.

While many hospitals use both applications – Pulsara and RAPID – in their stroke care, none have taken the step to combine their capabilities into one, said John Terry, MD, director of inpatient stroke care at Miami Valley Hospital.

Pulsara, a mobile platform, was developed by physicians to improve coordination and communication essential for stroke patient assessment. RAPID is a global leader in advanced imaging.

Topics: Stroke Press Patient Safety Regional Systems of Care Connected Teams
2 min read

Texas Collaborative Uses Innovation to Provide Better Care for Mental Health Patients

By Team Pulsara on Sep 23, 2019

According to a recent article in the Longview, Texas based Longview News Journal, "At least 17 times in a three-month period starting in May, Longview police officers transported a person experiencing a mental health episode to a hospital ER." This practice costs patients a lot of money, and costs first responders significant time since they often end up waiting in the ER while the patient is seen by a physician and then referred to a mental health clinic -- in Texas, patients must get clearance from a physician via face-to-face interaction, before they can enter a mental health crisis center. 

To help ease these time and resource burdens placed on emergency and law enforcement services in the area, a group of "at least 16 governmental, health, and social agencies" have teamed up to form the Gregg County Collaborative Wellness Center.

Topics: Press Communication Regional Systems of Care
18 min read

10 Things EMS Providers Need to Know About Telemedicine

By Team Pulsara on Sep 20, 2019

EDITOR'S UPDATE: The ET3 program is mentioned in the below article. Please note that, as reported by on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to our guest blogger this week, Rachel Zoch, EMS1 BrandFocus Staff


Lessons learned from Houston’s ETHAN program can help your agency design, launch and manage a telemedicine program for your community


Over the past decade, the Houston Fire Department has been working on a way to respond to every call and provide appropriate patient care without tying up resources to transport non-emergency patients. These efforts have evolved from a helpline staffed by nurses to the Emergency Telehealth and Navigation, or ETHAN, program.

A telemedicine program, like the ETHAN program in Houston, can help your EMS agency bring a doctor on scene to help diagnose and advise patients. (image/Pulsara)

“ETHAN is essentially a third attempt by the city of Houston, and specifically Houston Fire, to deal with a growing problem,” said Dr. Michael Gonzalez, HFD associate medical director and director of the ETHAN project, “and that’s the increasing use of 911 for a variety of reasons that includes a growing number of patients who probably don’t have a true medical emergency.”

Topics: EMS Communication Telemedicine Regional Systems of Care
3 min read

Dear Aly: How to Avoid Double Documentation -- Thoughts from a Director of Stroke Services

By Team Pulsara on Sep 18, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Alyana Samai for writing today's blog post. Alyana is the Director of Stroke Services at West Jefferson Medical Center in Marrero, Louisiana. Aly has been a champion user of Pulsara since 2016, and has led her teams to successfully decrease door to needle times by streamlining and improving communication when it matters most. 


Dear Aly,

We are new clients and implementing Pulsara at our facility, but many of our nurses are concerned that this is going to be "double documentation," more than communication. How can we help them understand that Pulsara can streamline the process, reduce communication frustrations, and not double up on tasks?

Prepared for Pulsara

Topics: Stroke Coordinators' Corner Healthcare Communication Connected Teams Change Management
1 min read

Case Study: Virginia Mason Medical Center Reduces Time-to-Treatment by 22%

By Team Pulsara on Sep 17, 2019


Virginia Mason Medical Center is a nonprofit health care system based in King County, Seattle, serving the central Puget Sound region and Yakima area.


Focused on continually delivering the highest quality of care to patients, care teams at Virginia Mason Medical Center wanted to innovate the way they communicated with one another to better respond to time-sensitive stroke cases.

Topics: Stroke Healthcare Regional Systems of Care
3 min read

An EMS Leader’s Duty for Safe Patient Care: 3 Things You Need to Know

By Team Pulsara on Sep 13, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to our guest blogger, Lee Varner, MSEMS, EMT-P, CPPS. Lee is the Director of the Center for Patient Safety, and has over 20 years of experience in transformational leadership and patient safety to provide consultation and educational services for improving performance effectiveness, quality initiatives, healthcare best practices, culture training and patient safety strategies. 


Recently, I was part of a conversation with a group of EMS leaders who were talking about clinical errors. They discussed the different types of clinical errors that they have seen and which ones kept them up at night. A few offered examples where a medication error or airway event harmed patient.   

I was happy to hear that everyone realized that most adverse events were usually part of system failure and not just caused by a reckless EMT or paramedic. Furthermore, everyone agreed that EMS clinicians are competent, compassionate, and dedicated people who don’t show up for duty expecting to harm a patient. But when harm does reach a patient, it affects everyone: the patient, family, the EMT or paramedic, and the entire agency. There was no disagreement that harm from medical errors was affecting everyone involved, but the nagging question was, how to reduce those errors? 

Topics: Patient Safety Quality Change Management
2 min read

Pulsara Version 10.8 Features User-Requested Updates Including "Unknown" Field

By Team Pulsara on Sep 11, 2019


BOZEMAN, Montana -- September 11, 2019 -- Pulsara announced the release of app version 10.8 today, which includes app patient card updates such as an Unknown field. The release notes are as follows:

Topics: Press
1 min read

Communication 101: Your Most Impactful Skill for Improving Patient Outcomes [Webinar]

By Team Pulsara on Aug 26, 2019

We communicate all day, every day, but, as healthcare providers, do you recognize your communication skills have more power to impact patient lives than any other skills you possess? Positive communication is certainly powerful, but miscommunication can have very serious and negative consequences. In an upcoming Center for Patient Safety (CPS) webinar (September 11, 2019 at 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM CST), Pulsara's own founder and CEO, Dr. James Woodson, will explain why communication is the number one fundamental patient care skill.

4 min read

You Have the Model -- Now Here are 10 Actionable Tips for Successfully Implementing Change

By Team Pulsara on Aug 23, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Scott Stanley for writing today's blog post. You can connect with him on LinkedIn. 

Did you miss last week's blog that introduced a model for managing complex change? Check it out here!

It seems simple: just download the Pulsara app from the App Store or Google Play store, and voilà! We've reduced communication errors, decreased door to balloon times, and we given our stroke patients a better chance at an improved quality of life after their recovery. It's that simple, right?

Not so fast ... the technology is only about 5% of the solution. Process workflows account for another 15%. But 80% of successfully implementing the Pulsara platform is about PEOPLE!

Think about it -- something as seemingly simple as asking a paramedic to use an app on their smartphone actually requires a significant change in their current process. And, it's a process that they've been repeating their whole careers, multiple times a day. Considering that, it's no wonder teams can be resistant to change! So how can you alleviate this fear of change and get your people on board? Read on!

A perfect implementation of change doesn't exist, though if you read my colleague's blog from last week about change management, you're well equipped with a framework that Team Pulsara has seen great success following. You've seen that change management is possible. But even with this framework, you'll undoubtedly still encounter challenges from within. Below are ten actionable tips to help you implement change successfully in your organization.

Topics: Change Management
13 min read

Roundtable: EMS Leaders React to the 2019 EMS Trend Report [Part 5]

By Team Pulsara on Aug 19, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Last month, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. We invite you to read, ponder, and share the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS.


The fourth annual EMS Trend Report explores how recurring and emerging trends are shifting in prehospital medicine. We asked industry experts to review and react to the survey results, how they reflect current healthcare trends, and how to make the data actionable for EMS leaders.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
5 min read

What's the Future of EMS? Ask My Mom [EMS1 2019 Trend Report - Part 4]

By Team Pulsara on Aug 12, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Last month, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. We invite you to read, ponder, and share the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS.


On a recent trip to Las Vegas, I wandered into Houdini’s Magic Shop and watched as a performer razzle-dazzled each patron and then upsold them on a dream that they, too, could be part of the secret club of illusionists.

A few days later, my magic talent hit me ... I have a (nearly) supernatural ability to see the future of EMS. In essence, you could call me a clairvoyant EMS psychic. My career has positioned me as an expert squarely at the intersection of EMS, technology and the human factor.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
1 min read

I'm an Old-School Paramedic and I Joined the Communication Revolution. Why Haven't You?

By Team Pulsara on Aug 09, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to James Laidlaw for writing today's blog post. You can connect with him on LinkedIn. 

If you’re an old-school paramedic like me, you remember when you finally upgraded to the Medcom system after an already overloaded single channel/multi-hospital HEAR network. When transmitting patient information to the hospital, I always asked myself, "Did I portray a good enough picture of the severity of the patient and nature of the problem using voice-only communications? Will the staff taking the report be able to remember what was said? What information did they actually write down and forward to the rest of the team?"

Oftentimes, it felt like my radio report was lost or stopped with the wrong person – so we’d have to delay patient transfer — and ultimately patient care — so we could repeat it again upon arrival and as other team members arrived. I often thought to myself, “There’s got to be a better way.”

Topics: EMS Communication
5 min read

The EMS Evolution We Need [EMS1 2019 Trend Report - Part 3]

By Team Pulsara on Aug 07, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Last month, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. We invite you to read, ponder, and share the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS.


All levels of EMS stakeholders must bridge the gap between providers and administrators to overcome the hurdles facing the industry and to take advantage of the opportunities available.

Reading this year’s EMS Trend Report, I’m struck by the fact that there’s relatively little change in how we view ourselves and our industry from the previous year. That’s to be expected of course – one year usually makes very little difference in opinion making. But that lack of change is but one sign of a looming disaster that we are facing in prehospital medicine.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
3 min read

Seven Ways to Improve Your Health System's Quality of Stroke Care

By Team Pulsara on Aug 05, 2019

Improving quality of care and outcomes for stroke patients goes beyond the decision to give tPA. It's about communication and coordination among ALL members of the care team to save time when even seconds matter. Here are seven tips to improve quality of care for stroke patients.
Topics: Stroke Regional Systems of Care Quality ELVO
12 min read

10 Things EMS Providers Need to Know About Acute Pain Management

By Team Pulsara on Aug 02, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to our guest blogger this week, Dean Meenach, MSN, RN, CNL, CEN, CCRN, CPEN, EMT-P. **


EMS providers must have a thorough understanding of pain assessment tools and options for acute pain management, especially with the recent focus on opioid abuse.

Appropriate management of acute pain is an integral part of prehospital patient care. Here are some important things for you to know to be an effective prehospital provider.

Topics: EMS 10 Things You Need To Know
3 min read

Employee Retention: Engage EMS Providers With Opportunities for Advancement [EMS1 2019 Trend Report - Part 2]

By Team Pulsara on Aug 01, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Last month, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. We invite you to read, ponder, and share the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS.


To retain personnel, EMS leaders must address factors beyond compensation, from work-life balance to training and support to take on new roles.

The 2019 EMS Trend Report confirmed that EMS professionals’ deep concerns about recruitment and retention in last year’s survey have not been alleviated. Once again, the ability to find and keep qualified people has survey respondents at all levels — from field providers, to medical directors to chiefs — worried. Not surprisingly, compensation is a common reason for leaving an EMS job. But it’s not the only one.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
2 min read

Leadership in EMS: Let Your Voice Be Heard

By Team Pulsara on Jul 26, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Chris Matthews for writing today's blog post. You can connect with him on LinkedIn. 

I have been involved in EMS in one way or another since 1994, and while technologies and techniques have continued to change and advance the field, one thing still persists today: EMS doesn’t have a unified “voice.” That’s where you come in.  

Let me explain…

Topics: EMS
11 min read

EMS Providers and Leaders Share their Perception of the State of EMS [EMS1 2019 EMS Trend Report Part 1]

By Team Pulsara on Jul 24, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Earlier this month, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Read, ponder, and share the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS.

Field providers, managers, chiefs and medical directors share insights into the challenges and opportunities in EMS in the U.S.

By Roxanne Shanks, MBA, and Jay Fitch, PhD

This year began with reasons to feel hopeful about the future of EMS. In February, the Secretary of Health and Human Services announced a pilot program to reimburse ambulance providers for transport to alternative destinations and for treating but not transporting – a trial run of what would be the most significant change in decades in how Medicare pays for EMS care. While the details have yet to be revealed, the Emergency Triage, Treat and Transport model (ET3) has energized many in the profession who hope it is a significant step toward recognizing the true value paramedics and EMTs can bring to individuals and communities.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
1 min read

The Value of Connected Teams: Reducing Medical Error

By Team Pulsara on Jul 22, 2019

As Benjamin Franklin once wrote, time is money. And while Mr. Franklin may have coined that term back in the 1700s, his words still ring true when it comes to the current state of healthcare. Time-sensitive situations require efficient communication between entities to provide the best possible patient care and keep costs down. Unfortunately, the process is often anything but.

Topics: Quality
2 min read

What One Pulsara Developer Learned from a Client On-Site Visit

By Team Pulsara on Jul 17, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Rachael Lovallo for writing today's blog post. You can connect with her on LinkedIn. 

I want to start today's post out with a Development Team fun fact: Did you know we start our monthly Project Review meetings by reading the company mission and purpose out loud? It sounds like a small action, but it frames the whole meeting, and our work for the coming month: 


Real-time communication across ALL healthcare entities

MISSION: We unite and empower people to improve health by simplifying care coordination.

PURPOSE: Improve the lives of patients and caregivers through innovative communication.

Topics: Development