Shawn Olson

Shawn is a Pulsara's Product Manager. His experience creating and selling data acquisition equipment for electrophysiology uniquely qualifies him to work both in software development and in customer support.

Shawn Olson

Shawn Olson

Shawn is a Pulsara's Product Manager. His experience creating and selling data acquisition equipment for electrophysiology uniquely qualifies him to work both in software development and in customer support.

Recent posts by Shawn Olson

2 min read

Communication at 11,000 Feet: Thoughts from a New EMT

By Shawn Olson on Oct 07, 2019

Last summer, I had the opportunity to take an EMT class and subsequently obtain my license from the state of Montana. Not knowing exactly what I wanted to do with my new licensure, I thought back to my roots — growing up in Montana and skiing my whole life, Ski Patrol had always appealed to me. Being outdoors while getting to serve would be a dream come true — not to mention, first and last tracks on one of the most amazing ski mountains in the world!

Topics: EMS Communication
1 min read

How Australia is Stopping Stroke Fast with Innovative Communication

By Shawn Olson on Feb 19, 2019

“Every nine minutes a person in Australia suffers from a new or recurrent stroke. The growing burden of stroke care around the globe highlights the need for advances in treatment, particularly rapid identification of symptoms and quick delivery of definitive care.” 

EMS World recently published an article describing how “Australia is employing new technology to improve stroke coordination and care.” We're honored to say that this new technology is Pulsara!

The article describes how there are limitations to linear care and how this can cause unwanted delays specifically with communication and moving the patient from one area of care to the next. With stroke care, this is not an isolated problem that only affects the US, but is recognized throughout the world.  

Topics: Stroke Healthcare Communication Australia
1 min read

No Power? No Problem. Pulsara Has You Covered.

By Shawn Olson on May 27, 2016

We have a saying in Montana: If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes and it will change. And springtime in Montana often brings blizzards and hail storms one minute, followed by sunshine and blue skies the next. Seriously! 

Topics: Stroke STEMI EMS
2 min read

Under the Hood of an EKG

By Shawn Olson on Apr 22, 2016

When a clinician looks at an EKG, they can depict a STEMI, arrhythmias, and so much more. However, as a non-clinician, when I look at an EKG, I see an electrical circuit built up of many components where the heart is central power unit.  

For many years, I helped develop and build data acquisition systems for a neuro-focused company.  I've found that this experience has given me a slightly different perspective of what is going on under the hood of an EKG than your average layperson or even clinician.

Topics: STEMI
1 min read

New Research Promotes Recovery from Stroke [Full Text PDF]

By Shawn Olson on Jul 23, 2015

Neurology is an emerging field marked by rapid changes and advances. Stroke teams are constantly trying new methods to reduce treatment times in order to prevent as many brain cells from dying as possible ... after  all, two million brain cells die every minute when a patient is having a stroke. 
Topics: Stroke