3 min read
How MCHD Is Monitoring Employee Health During COVID-19 with Pulsara
When COVID-19 struck Texas in early 2020, Montgomery County Hospital District suddenly faced a whole host of new problems. Patients were still...
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3 min read
When COVID-19 struck Texas in early 2020, Montgomery County Hospital District suddenly faced a whole host of new problems. Patients were still...
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When the COVID-19 pandemic flared in the state of Texas in early 2020, the state struggled to load balance their COVID-19 patients. Some areas of the state experienced overwhelming waves of surge,...
1 min read
911-Initiated Telemedicine: Next-Level Patient Care for Rural Colorado As EMS and hospital leaders in Teller County, Colorado watched cities like New York grapple with COVID-19 in March of 2020, they...
1 min read
Time is everything in time-sensitive emergencies. But you don’t need us to tell you that. You know that time is tissue. You know that every minute counts, and every minute impacts your patient’s...
2 min read
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March of 2020, many healthcare systems needed technology to adapt to the evolving situation. Most healthcare systems had telehealth capabilities for scheduled...
1 min read
As a medic, you matter to your patients’ care. You are the first person on the scene. You are the first to see the patient, to assess them, and to decide what kind of treatment they need. You decide...
2 min read
Do you ever get tired of repeating yourself as you tell the same patient story multiple different times, to multiple different audiences? You write on the back of your glove to keep track of what’s...