Kinsie Clarkson

Kinsie is Pulsara's Product Marketing Specialist. With her editorial experience and background in writing, Kinsie strives to bring you relevant, informative stories here on the Pulsara blog.

ems provider scans a patient's wristband in pulsara

5 min read

4 Ways Networked Communication Builds A System Of Care That Scales

Embracing Modern Technology Will Pave the Way for the Future of EMS Communications On February 15th, the National Association of State EMS Officials...

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national park medical center arkansas

2 min read

National Park Medical Center Improves Treatment Times for STEMI and Stroke

Arkansas hospital achieves consistent <60 minute average door-to-balloon time for STEMI and 80% decrease in average door-to-CT time for stroke National Park Medical Center (NPMC) is a 163-bed...

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10 min read

How Fire and EMS Can Save Time and Resources with Telehealth (PT2)

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Teller County, Colorado, had a successful community paramedicine program in place. But as the pandemic hit the U.S., they knew they'd need to leverage new tools to...

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16 min read

How Fire and EMS Leaders Are Turning Telehealth into a Force Multiplier (PT 1)

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Teller County, Colorado, had a successful community paramedicine program in place. But as the pandemic hit the U.S., they knew they'd need to leverage new tools to...

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Australian ambulances parked at an emergency department

3 min read

Study: Correlation Between Ambulance Offload Times and 30-Day Risk of Death

A recent study published in the Medical Journal of Australia shows that longer ambulance offload times are associated with greater 30-day risks of death and ambulance re-attendance for people...

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15 min read

How To Connect Healthcare Teams & Organizations Across Regions (PT2)

Change is hard for everyone. It's difficult enough to enact across a single organization. So what do you do when change is not only necessary but needed across your entire region? These are questions...

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Regional Change Management

6 min read

How to Connect Healthcare Teams & Organizations Across Regions (PT1)

Change is hard for everyone. Very few people truly enjoy the process of changing the way things have always been done. As a result, establishing a new way of doing things can be an unpopular...

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