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7 min read

Arkansas EMS Org Improves Pediatric Behavioral Health Patient Care with Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Jul 11, 2024

The mental health of America’s youth is under duress, and it didn’t start with COVID-19. It’s a problem that’s been a much longer time coming.

In 2023, authors led by Mayo Clinic psychiatrist Tanner Bommersbach, M.D., MPH, examined trends in young people’s use of emergency departments. What they discovered was startling: From 2011 to 2020, the weighted number of pediatric ED visits related to mental health rose from 4.8 million to 7.5 million – an average increase of 8% a year. “Significant linearly increasing trends were seen among children, adolescents and young adults,” the investigators found, “with the greatest increase among adolescents and across sex and race and ethnicity.”

By 2020, mental health-related visits accounted for more than 13% of all pediatric ED visits – and then came COVID. Now, several years later, kids are still paying a heavy price.

“It’s not just a local problem. There’s a big boom of pediatric mental health crises nationwide,” said EMS physician Brandon Morshedi, M.D., DPT, FACEP, FAEMS, NREMT-P, FP/CCP-C, assistant medical director for Metropolitan EMS (MEMS) in Little Rock, Arkansas and a faculty physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. “Here in our service area, it was our second most common call type in every month of 2023, right behind ‘sick person.’ The causes are multifactorial, including a lack of adequate and efficient community outpatient mental health facilities and resources, and the emergency department seems to be where a lot of these kids end up.”

In the Little Rock area, where MEMS transports around 77,000 patients a year, that soaring pediatric mental health call volume started contributing to crunches in the emergency department: All the service’s mental and behavioral health patients under 18 had to be taken to a single facility, Arkansas Children’s Hospital (ACH), to be checked out and medically cleared before being transferred to a behavioral health center. “MEMS was transporting about two behavioral patients a day, and they were seeing a lot of additional behavior patients arriving by private vehicle and other EMS providers,” recalled MEMS Clinical Manager Mack Hutchison. Medics ended up delayed, and distressed kids endured long waits.

The situation wasn’t working well for anyone – but MEMS already had a solution in hand.

Topics: EMS Behavioral Health
10 min read

Modern MCI Response: How Texas is Solving the Crisis Communication Gap

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jul 02, 2024

Imagine: In the midst of a pandemic, you're managing patient load across a state that covers over 261,000 square miles and is home to over 30 million people. Some of your hospitals have beds, but not enough nurses; some hospitals have enough nurses but are running out of beds. You need to disperse patients to hospitals with resources across the state, and fast. 

How do you do it?

Now, imagine you're trying to find a way to track patients during a mass casualty incident and enable better communication between first responders and the hospital. 

Is it possible to do using the same tool you used to load balance during the pandemic? 

That's exactly what the state of Texas has accomplished. Between load-balancing patients during the COVID-19 pandemic and reimagining MCI response, they've been leveraging a statewide patient wristband system, paired with Pulsara, to help track patients and consolidate communication in a crisis.

Topics: Mass Casualty Incidents Incident Management
10 min read

Streamlining Crisis Response: A Deep Dive Into MCIs and Large Events

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jun 19, 2024

Patient tracking during MCIs and pre-planned events is a complex operation with many moving parts. Every incident is different and requires different resources, making planning for and preparing for incidents challenging. To set ourselves up for success, we need to practice the same way we respond. That's why a panel of experts from California, Colorado, and Texas believe that the answer lies in using the same tools to manage and track patients during a crisis as you do for everyday response.

In the webinar Streamlining Crisis Response, field experts Eric Epley, Dr. Jeremy DeWall, and Dr. Troy Pennington discussed how they've simplified communication and collaboration around patient triage, tracking, and reunification during MCIs and large-scale events. They revealed new game-changing solutions around patient load-balancing—discovered and implemented in response to the many communication and logistics challenges experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. All three experts and their healthcare systems have also been leveraging patient wristbands, paired with the Pulsara platform, to help track patients and consolidate communication in a crisis. 

Read on for the top 4 takeaways from this extraordinary discussion, and check out the full webinar recording below.

Topics: Mass Casualty Incidents Incident Management
7 min read

What Do You Need for True Interoperability?

By Team Pulsara on Jun 07, 2024

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, John Erich, for EMS1 BrandFocus Staff.


Technologies require these four attributes to unite all the players in emergency response

In many ways, the response to the November 2022 Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs was textbook. Police received the first call from inside the club at 11:56 p.m., got there at midnight and had the shooter—who had been subdued by club patrons—in custody by 12:02 a.m. Firefighters arrived in seven minutes to a scene that was basically secured. Multiple responding EMS agencies – and even some officers in patrol cars – expeditiously transported casualties, helping limit the death toll to five. 

Leaders of the Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD), however, felt they could have done better. 

“One learning point we garnered from Club Q was that we didn’t [have] good communication with the hospital. We could have done a better job at that,” CSFD Lt. Jeremiah Heddings told a local news station that followed up with the department in late 2023. “They should be able to prepare and estimate how many patients they have [and] the severity.”

CSFD has long been proactive in striving to improve communication between first responders and the Emergency Department. In 2016, they were early adopters of Pulsara, a streamlined, HIPAA-compliant app designed to help unite and inform inter-organizational care teams throughout major incidents and beyond. For several years now, they have used Pulsara for all-day, everyday communication between EMS and the hospital. In the wake of the incident, Colorado Springs Fire Department evaluated ways to take their patient tracking practices to the next level. Now, they’re using Pulsara’s incident management functionality paired with patient wristbands to enhance their patient tracking capabilities.

Pulsara is not an ePCR, but a communication tool—one that can provide systems with the advanced levels of interoperability required at such complex events.

Topics: EMS Mass Casualty Incidents Incident Management
6 min read

Pulsara Around the World - June 2024

By Audrey Peart on May 31, 2024

May Recap

Our teams didn't lose steam after an incredibly busy April. They hit the ground running and exhibited at ten events, including the NASEMSO Annual Meeting, where our team spoke to councils and committees about the importance of using the same tool every day, regardless of event. 

The Evolution of Patient Load Balancing
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Texas, like many other states, struggled to load balance patients, with some hospitals reaching capacity. Eric Epley, Executive Director and CEO of the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC), highlighted how Texas managed load balancing through Regional Medical Operations Centers and enhanced communication systems, with Pulsara playing a role in ensuring optimal patient care statewide. Read the interview.

Inside the Largest Student-Led Disaster Drill in the World
In March, Pulsara participated in Texas A&M's student-led Disaster Day drill. With eight team members stationed at various locations, they had the opportunity to work alongside students and staff throughout the day. Read their highlights from the MCI Drill here.


Topics: Events
3 min read

Celebrating EMS Week: Honoring Our Past, Forging Our Future

By Team Pulsara on May 24, 2024

Honoring Our Past. Forging Our Future.

That's the theme of this year's EMS Week, and it resonates deeply with us at Pulsara. As we celebrate EMS Week, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the profound impact that EMS professionals have had over the past fifty years and look forward to the exciting innovations that lie ahead. 

Reflecting on 50 Years of Progress

A lot has changed since the first national EMS Week was established by a presidential proclamation in 1974. Back then, emergency medical services were in their infancy, and much of what we now take for granted in EMS had yet to be developed. Over the last five decades, EMS has evolved into a sophisticated branch of medicine thanks to the dedication and innovation of countless professionals.

Topics: EMS
6 min read

The Evolution of Patient Load Balancing: The Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council

By Team Pulsara on May 23, 2024

During major emergencies like earthquakes, floods, or mass shootings, health resources can quickly become overwhelmed, causing breakdowns in communication and coordination. Hospitals may reach capacity, leaving some patients stranded without adequate care and making it difficult for family or friends to locate them. These issues are exacerbated in large-scale incidents affecting entire regions or states.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Texas faced these challenges but improved their emergency healthcare response by implementing new systems and technologies. Texas's success largely hinged on Regional Medical Operations Centers (RMOCs), which coordinated efforts locally and regionally. Eric Epley, Executive Director and CEO of the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC), highlighted how Texas managed load balancing through RMOCs and enhanced communication systems, with Pulsara playing a crucial role in ensuring optimal patient care statewide.

The following is an excerpt from an article by John Hick, ASPR TRACIE Senior Editor. It was originally published in The Express on HHS.gov in February 2024. Read on for an excerpt, and check out the full article here. 


Regional patient load balancing is an art and science that has evolved across the U.S., particularly over the past few years. ASPR TRACIE interviewed Eric Epley of the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council— who was the Council’s first official hire in 1998 and currently serves as the executive director/chief executive officer (CEO)—to learn more about how the Council has evolved and promising practices in load balancing and other trauma-related efforts.

The Texas Trauma System was created in 1989 by the Omnibus Rural Healthcare Rescue Act, which directed the state’s public health authority “to (1) develop and monitor a statewide emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma care system, (2) designate trauma facilities, and (3) develop and maintain a trauma reporting and analysis system” to, among other things, monitor the system and provide statewide cost and epidemiological statistics (Texas J RAC Advisory Council, 2016; Legislative Reference Library, 1989). The state was divided into 22 regions (i.e., Trauma Service Areas, or TSAs) and Regional Advisory Councils (RACs, which are non-profit and tax-exempt) who develop regional EMS plans, provide related public information, provide a forum for EMS providers and hospitals to discuss TSA issues and network with other RACs, and track related data.

Topics: Regional Systems of Care
4 min read

Inside Disaster Day: Pulsara's Perspectives from Texas A&M's Student-Led MCI Drill

By Kinsie Clarkson on May 17, 2024

While no one wants to think about the probability of an impending disaster, emergency managers and healthcare professionals know that mass casualty incidents are an eventuality. It’s not if they’ll happen, but when. In order to prepare future healthcare professionals for that day, Texas A&M annually hosts the largest student-led disaster exercise in the world: Disaster Day. 

The Texas A&M School of Nursing started the event in 2008, and it has only grown from there. The event is held at Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s (TEEX) Disaster City in College Station. This year, over 700 students participated in the large-scale emergency drill — facing a myriad of disaster scenarios, all rolled into one: an earthquake, a shooting, and floodwaters caused by a tropical storm.

The drill allowed students to practice responding to the incidents from a wide range of angles, including triage, patient care, disaster management, and mental health support. “The scenario they created was absolutely insane—they’ll probably never see something that chaotic in real life,” said Brandon Means, Senior Vice President of Sales at Pulsara, and paramedic and flight nurse. “It went well and was a great sendoff for some of these students into the workforce.”

Topics: Mass Casualty Incidents Incident Management
2 min read

Celebrating National Nurses Week: Nurses Make the Difference

By Kinsie Clarkson on May 07, 2024

Nurses play a pivotal role in healthcare, guiding both patients and their families through some of the most challenging times with unwavering compassion and dedication. Nurses advocate for their patients, coordinate care among different healthcare professionals, and ensure that each patient’s journey is as smooth and comfortable as possible. From bedside care to large-scale health operations, nurses don't just perform tasks; they provide comfort, enact change, and save lives. This National Nurses Week, we at Team Pulsara wanted to take a moment to recognize nurses' profound impact on our healthcare system and the lives of the patients they care for.

Topics: nursing
12 min read

Pulsara Around the World - May 2024

By Audrey Peart on Apr 25, 2024

April Recap

With 15 events under our belt, April was the busiest trade show month for our team...possibly ever! If you didn't get the chance to connect with us last month, you'll have plenty of chances to see Team Pulsara in May as they head to ten events—including the NASEMSO Annual Meeting, where our team will speak to committees and councils, and during the Thursday Lunch & Link!


Topics: Events
3 min read

Telemedicine for Ambulance Crews Has a Future, Despite Fiasco of ET3

By Team Pulsara on Apr 17, 2024

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an excerpt from an article by Larry Beresford, originally published on EMS World on April 3rd, 2024. Check out the full article here. 

Telemedicine for the EMS personnel of MedStar Mobile Healthcare, a governmental EMS system in Fort Worth, Texas, is linked through an app on their Android hand-held phones, says Matt Zavadsky, MS-HSA, NREMT, MedStar’s chief transformation officer.

“The crew does everything with their Android phone. They get their calls and their post moves, they get routed by the live routing system, they text with dispatch, they text with each other,” Zavadsky explains. “When they get to the scene of a call, they pop the phone out of its drop-in cradle charger at the front of the truck and bring it with them.”

Telemedicine, which can connect them virtually with physicians from integrative emergency services and the physician with the patient, has been a positive experience for MedStar’s field staff, Zavadsky says. “Every EMT or paramedic who works out in the field knows that a fair percentage, some might say the majority, of our patients, don’t actually need to go to the emergency room.” Is it safe for this patient to go to urgent care? Can they get a prescription written for a new medicine or refill an existing prescription?

A virtual physician visit can answer these questions, and having that telemedicine backup facilitates the paramedics and EMTs to provide more patient-centric care, says Zavadsky, who also takes occasional EMT shifts himself. “We are helping the patient navigate the health care system to the most appropriate setting. One of the tools we use is telemedicine, just like we use a 12-lead EKG monitor.”

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine Mobile Integrated Health
7 min read

Wristband Scanning: Responding More Efficiently to MCIs

By Team Pulsara on Apr 10, 2024

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, John Erich, for EMS1 BrandFocus Staff.


No matter the incident’s size, scanning patient wristbands keeps all responders and clinicians united

Managing patients in the middle of a mass-casualty incident can feel like playing the game of telephone. Essential information is often passed from person to person, misheard, misunderstood, changed, lost, or even forgotten in the chaos.

Ideally, patient communication involves one continuous line of accurate, real-time information on each patient, flowing between EMS, hospital teams, public safety, public health, and emergency management personnel. A dedicated patient “channel” streamlines and improves care for routine cases and MCIs.

This is becoming a reality in several states. They’re implementing statewide patient wristband systems and pairing them with Pulsara, a health care communication and logistics platform, to simplify interoperability. Using Pulsara, responders scan patient wristbands to securely, quickly, and conveniently identify the injured, track what’s been done for whom, and provide the next caregiver a complete picture of the patient’s status – uniting all care teams and coordinators around each patient case in real time.

When William Rice, MBA, MLS, LP, market director of EMS and Air Med 12 at St. Joseph Health in Bryan, Texas, first implemented an effort to pair wristbands with Pulsara, he was met with skepticism.

“In the early days of the wristbands, I regularly had to remind folks in the region that they unanimously voted to support this project. People didn’t understand where the wristbands were going or how it would be helpful,” Rice said. “Once we added Pulsara, the value of the wristbands immediately sold itself because anybody who walks up to that wristband and scans it with Pulsara is now part of that patient care record.”

Topics: EMS Mass Casualty Incidents Incident Management
17 min read

Pulsara Around the World - April 2024

By Audrey Peart on Apr 02, 2024

March Recap

Our teams exhibited at 5 trade shows in March, including the South Carolina EMS Conference and the Texas EMS Medical Director Conference. As we prepare for a busy April, let's take a moment to review the exciting announcements we made this month.

Welcoming a New Health System

Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center is the first in South Carolina to implement Pulsara, greatly improving collaboration between EMS partners and the emergency department, ultimately leading to better patient care and outcomes! 

Taking Part in the Largest Student-Led Disaster Drill in the World

During Texas A&M University's annual Disaster Day, students from various healthcare disciplines sorted through the chaos of tropical storm-induced floodwaters, an earthquake, and a shooting, all while using the Pulsara platform to triage, track patients, document treatments, order and deliver meds from the field pharmacy, and manage the incidents. Read the full story here. 


Topics: Events
4 min read

Pulsara Announces Strategic Acquisition to Reconnect with the Older Generation through Sticky Note and Fax Machine Technology

By Kris Kaull on Apr 01, 2024


With a Strategy as Sticky as Their Product, Pulsara Aims to Fax Its Way into Healthcare History

BOZEMAN, Mont., April 1st, 2024 — In an audacious pivot that industry insiders are calling "a stroke of mad genius," Pulsara, the titan of digital healthcare communication, has announced its intention to acquire a leading sticky note manufacturer StickIt Solutions and fax machine giant RetroComm Innovations. This groundbreaking move seeks to blend the digital with the decidedly analog, capturing the near-retirement team's hearts (and notes) while confounding millennials and zoomers.

This initiative is part of Pulsara’s ongoing commitment to bridge the technological divide and foster a more inclusive communication environment for all generations. Dale Pearson, President of Pulsara, emphasized the company’s forward-thinking strategy, stating, "Our mission has always been to connect teams across healthcare entities seamlessly. Today, we reaffirm our dedication to digital innovation and the tangible, personal touch that comes with paper. There’s a unique reliability and simplicity that resonates deeply with tradition. This initiative represents our renewed commitment to ensuring no one is left behind in our journey towards improving healthcare communication."

To bolster this new direction, Pulsara is incorporating these tried-and-true communication methods into its state-of-the-art platform. This integration aims to offer a hybrid solution that respects the preferences of all users, combining the immediacy of digital alerts with the physical presence of sticky notes and faxed documents.

Topics: April 1
3 min read

Texas A&M Students Lead Disaster Day Simulation

By Team Pulsara on Mar 21, 2024

On March 1st, 2024, Pulsara was honored to participate in the largest student-led disaster drill in the world at Texas A&M’s Disaster Day in College Station, Texas. The team, comprised of students in various healthcare disciplines, used the Pulsara communication platform to manage the incident, including triaging and tracking around 300 patients, documenting treatments, and ordering and delivering meds from the field pharmacy.

The following is an excerpt from an article by the Texas A&M University Health Science Center, originally published on Texas A&M Today on March 1st, 2024. Check out the full article here. 


Texas A&M University students sorted through the chaos of tropical storm-induced floodwaters, an earthquake and a shooting on Friday in a simulated disaster designed to prepare future health care professionals for large-scale emergencies.

The student-led exercise, held at Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s (TEEX) Disaster City in College Station, tested students in a variety of areas, including triage, patient care, mental health support and disaster management.

Started by the Texas A&M School of Nursing in 2008, the training has grown from a small event in the gym of a local church to a daylong disaster simulation involving more than 700 students, over 100 faculty and staff members, and numerous emergency response professionals. Students from Texas A&M schools of dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy and public health, as well as athletic training, psychology and veterinary medicine students and the Corps of Cadets, participated in the drill.

Christine Kaunas, assistant vice president for Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research (IPER) at Texas A&M Health Science Center, said the annual Disaster Day exercise is an important component of preparing students to work together in emergency situations.

“Since 2020 alone, Texas has seen over 15 disasters and related declarations, including wildfires, tropical storms, hurricanes, winter storms, and of course COVID-19. Ensuring that our health professions students are prepared to respond effectively when, not if, a disaster strikes is crucial,” Kaunas said.

Topics: Customer Success Mass Casualty Incidents Incident Management
3 min read

PRESS RELEASE: Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center Enhances Patient Care with Communication Technology Pulsara

By Nathan Williams on Mar 13, 2024

CPRMC first in South Carolina to elevate EMS collaboration in coordinated care and response efficiency with this technology.

BOZEMAN, Mont., March 13, 2024 — Pulsara, a leading communication and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams across organizations, announced the implementation of Pulsara at Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center (CPRMC), introducing a powerful advancement in patient care coordination in South Carolina. This initiative positions CPRMC as the pioneering facility in the state to harness such technology, significantly enhancing its capability between  EMS partners and the receiving Emergency Department. By facilitating real-time communication among their care teams, the Pulsara platform accelerates CPRMC response and treatment times and ensures a secure and efficient exchange of information across all care levels.

"We are proud to be at the forefront in South Carolina by implementing a technology that directly enhances care coordination and patient outcomes," remarked Bill Little, CEO of Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center. "Our commitment is to deliver exceptional care and service. This step forward with Pulsara is a testament to our dedication to improving healthcare delivery for our community."

Topics: Press
7 min read

Finding the Funds for Incident Management in Fire

By Team Pulsara on Mar 06, 2024

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on FireRescue1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Courtney Levin, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus Staff.

When resources are lacking, these grant opportunities can help 

Operating a fire department requires an incredible amount of money, even for small or volunteer agencies. Certain budget line items cannot be sacrificed, while others may have a bit of wiggle room from year to year. Yet no matter how well-funded your department might be, you may feel like there’s never enough money to go around.

A sometimes-forgotten area of financial planning centers around preparation for incident management. While the basics like vehicles and radios may be accounted for, other facets could make a world of difference should a significant event occur.

Whether you’re looking for assistance with incident management training or want to upgrade your department’s communication tools, grant funding may be able to provide the necessary dollars to make your agency’s wishes a reality.

Topics: Mass Casualty Incidents Funding Incident Management Fire
6 min read

Pulsara Around the World - March 2024

By Audrey Peart on Feb 28, 2024

February Recap

With two trade shows under our belt — the International Stroke Conference in Phoenix, AZ, and the Finger Lakes EMS Conference in Geneva, NY—our events schedule was a little light last month. As winter comes to an end, the trade show season is steadily defrosting and gearing up for a busier (and hopefully sunnier) spring! See where our teams are heading in March. 

Topics: Events
7 min read

Navigating Healthcare Technology: How to Recognize Quality Solutions

By Team Pulsara on Feb 14, 2024

On any given day, healthcare providers interact with many forms of technology. Communication apps, EHRs, ePCRs, patient portals, and digital health trackers are just a few of the types of technology designed to make life easier for clinicians. From fostering better communication to digitizing patient information, mobile technology platforms are intended to help medical professionals in a number of areas. 

Unfortunately, despite the best intentions, expectations don't always match reality.

Topics: Healthcare
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - February 2024

By Audrey Peart on Feb 01, 2024

January Recap

With four trade shows — NAEMSP, Florida Fire Conference, Arrowhead EMS Conference, and the MHCA Statewide Symposium — under our belts, January 2024 was our busiest January since 2019!

Pictured: Brandon Means, Kate Leatherby, and Tim Hakamaki set up the booth at NAEMSP.

We're also excited to announce that we published our first pediatric and behavioral-health-focused case study! 

Celebrating our Customers' Successes

  • Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services created a new protocol to bypass the ED and transport eligible pediatric behavioral health patients directly to behavioral health facilities, resulting in a 44% decrease of pediatric behavioral health patients transported to the ED. Download the case study here. 

Topics: Events
2 min read

Case Study: Arkansas EMS Dept. Enhances Pediatric Behavioral Health Services

By Team Pulsara on Jan 25, 2024

With a new protocol and Pulsara, Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services can now transport eligible pediatric behavioral health patients directly to behavioral health facilities—resulting in a 44% decrease of pediatric behavioral health patients transported to the ED. 

Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services (MEMS) is a public, non-profit EMS entity serving Little Rock, Arkansas, and its surrounding counties. The organization’s service area covers approximately 1,800 square miles and nearly half a million Arkansans. MEMS transports around 77,000 patients each year. In 2020, MEMS adopted Pulsara to improve communication with area hospitals for time-sensitive emergencies such as stroke, STEMI, and trauma. 

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, MEMS faced a new challenge: a growing number of pediatric behavioral health cases. Between 2022 and 2023, mental health calls accounted for 10% of MEMS’ overall call volume, with a noticeable surge in pediatric mental health cases. MEMS was transporting every behavioral health patient under 18 to Arkansas Children’s Hospital, creating a bottleneck in the emergency department as patients wait to be transferred to a behavioral health facility. Mack Hutchison, Clinical Manager for MEMS, explains: “Many of these patients do not need medical clearance and can occupy a room in the ED for up to 24 hours before a bed is found for them at a behavioral health facility.” Hutchison had an idea: what if those who didn’t need medical clearance could be routed directly to a behavioral health facility, relieving pressure on the ED and getting patients care more quickly?

Download the case study or read on to learn more!

Topics: EMS Press Customer Success Behavioral Health
8 min read

Tech Meets Tradition: Wristband Technology and Software Transform Emergency Response

By Team Pulsara on Jan 17, 2024

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, John Erich, for EMS1 BrandFocus Staff.


How a state’s wristband system and Pulsara redefined safety at the Texas Renaissance Festival

Imagine you’re an ambulance service director in a rural county. At the last minute, you’re responsible for staffing a 40,000-visitor-per-day event – more than your county’s entire population. In addition, it’s scheduled to last for eight consecutive weekends. This is on top of your already busy 911, nonemergent transport, and standby responsibilities.

Oh, and you only have a month to prepare. Sound daunting?

That’s the predicament Billy Rice, director of EMS for Texas’ St. Joseph Health, found himself in.

After using St. Joseph Health EMS for several years, organizers of the Texas Renaissance Festival decided in 2023 to switch medical providers for the event. As opening day approached, however, they concluded St. Joseph Health EMS was the only provider that could handle an event of the festival’s magnitude.

“About a month before the festival, they realized it wouldn’t work. They called us and asked us to help,” said Billy Rice. “Of course, it’s our people and our county, so we stepped up and pulled it off.”

A major component involved the patient wristbands now being used across Texas, paired with the Pulsara platform for tracking patients and managing events.

Topics: EMS
6 min read

Community Paramedicine and the Fire Service: Making Your Plan Work

By Team Pulsara on Jan 05, 2024

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on FireRescue1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Courtney Levin, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus Staff.

Now that you’ve developed the initial groundwork, these next steps are key to finding success

The fire service is pivotal in caring for their community’s underserved population. Introducing a community paramedicine program allows public safety to dynamically meet those needs.

Yet, developing and successfully implementing a community paramedic program can be daunting. “Generally, anytime you’re implementing a new program, specifically a community paramedicine program, the challenge is you’re doing something you haven’t done before  and there’s nothing more comforting than tradition,” said Kris Kaull, chief growth officer at Pulsara. “If you lead the change, it means you’re a disruptor. There’s certainly something glamorous about that, but there’s also something very disrupting about being a disruptor.”

Developing a community paramedicine program involves several steps before visiting your first patient. After creating departmental buy-in from the top down, thoroughly evaluating the medical needs of those in your community, and selecting a few specific areas for your program to focus on, it’s time to put your plans into action. Yet even if it appears that your department has crossed every t and dotted every i, you might still find the execution of your program doesn’t start smoothly.

Topics: Community Paramedicine Fire
7 min read

Community Paramedicine: Where Does The Fire Service Fit In?

By Team Pulsara on Jan 03, 2024

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on FireRescue1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Courtney Levin, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus Staff.

Departments can play a large role in supporting the health and safety of underserved residents

The inherent nature of the fire service means that responses to community needs are usually reactive. Whether a 911 call is for a fire, a serious vehicle collision, or a medical emergency at someone’s home, firefighters can’t predict ahead of time where these instances will occur.

That’s not to say the fire service hasn’t made great strides to be proactive about their day-to-day operations when and where they can. For example, departments routinely engage in fire inspections to bolster the safety of local buildings. After all, reducing the likelihood of a fire starting is certainly a more preventative route to take than fighting a fire once it’s begun.

Proactivity isn’t limited to structure fires, though. Fire departments can also apply this line of thinking to the individual residents in their community by developing a community paramedicine program.

[While we are using the term “community paramedicine” for simplicity, there are other similar terms, including “mobile integrated health” and “community integrated health.”]

Many EMS agencies across the country already engage in community paramedicine programs, and the fire service can and should play an important role in those programs. Whether your area already has this type of care in place or not, there’s always an opportunity to provide greater support for the underserved residents in your community.

Topics: Community Paramedicine Mobile Integrated Health Fire
10 min read

Pulsara Around the World - 2023 Recap and January 2024

By Audrey Peart on Dec 27, 2023

November & December Recap

We made it! In just a few days, we'll be ushering in a new year. What has Team Pulsara been up to in 2023? Before we dive into our annual Year in Review, let's look at what the team was up to in November and December.

In addition to exhibiting at ten trade shows, Pulsara's SVP - Strategic Accounts, Corey Ricketson, and Sr. Director - Strategic Initiatives, Lee Wallace, hosted an MCI Academy during the Pee Dee EMS Symposium,  Pulsara's SVP - Strategic Initiatives, Joey Branton, presented a session during IAEM's Annual Conference & EMEX, and Pulsara's Founder & CEO, Dr. James Woodson, talked to attendees about 'Pre-hospital technologies: LVO detection, triage, feedback' during the EMS World SPEED Sessions at the SVIN Annual Conference. 

Exploring Customer Successes 

  • Presented by the American Trauma Society and moderated by Pulsara CS Specialist Cara McCoy, the webinar 'How Tech + Relationships + A Winning Trauma Care System' brought two expert Colorado trauma program leaders together to discuss how they developed a state-of-the-art trauma care system with Pulsara.   
Topics: Events
7 min read

Pulsara Publications 2023: A Review Of Results & Improved Patient Care

By Kinsie Clarkson on Dec 20, 2023

As 2023 comes to a close, we're pausing to look back at the case studies and research findings published by Pulsara customers. From streamlining emergency response times to enhancing patient outcomes, the stories published this year showcase the transformative power of collaboration, cutting-edge technology, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Join us as we explore the accomplishments of our customers in 2023, celebrate their stories, and highlight the results they've achieved this year!

Topics: Press Customer Success
3 min read

Colorado Springs Fire Department Pairs Wristbands with Pulsara to Improve Communication

By Team Pulsara on Dec 13, 2023

The following is an excerpt from an article bKasia Kerridge, originally published on kktv.com on December 12th, 2023. Check out the full article here. 

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - Colorado Springs firefighters are reflecting on how to better communicate with local hospitals after Club Q.

11 News spoke with the Colorado Springs Fire Department one year after Club Q, which has rolled out a tracking technology by Pulsara. Firefighters put wristbands on patients, connecting to an app, which gives real-time information to hospitals so medical staff can prepare. This is especially important for mass casualty events like Club Q.

Topics: Press Communication Customer Success Fire
4 min read

New University of Dundee Abstract Shows Improved Door-to-CT Times with Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Dec 06, 2023

Initial data shows improvement in door-to-CT times for thrombolysis patients

Earlier this year, the University of Dundee, Scotland became the first facility in Europe to implement Pulsara. In combination with radiology AI solution Brainomix, the University began using Pulsara to improve patient care and enhance communication around stroke patients. According to a recently approved abstract submission to the Scottish Heart & Arterial Disease Risk Prevention (SHARP) released by the University entitled “Addressing Cardiovascular Disease Using a Novel Communication Tool Pulsara: Digital Communication Pathway of Excellence in Scotland,” the implementation of Pulsara has significantly improved patient care in several areas, including improved door-to-CT times and a reduced risk of communication errors.

As one of the UK’s leading public research universities, The University of Dundee, Scotland is recognized worldwide for its expertise across multiple disciplines including art, science, engineering, and medicine. The University has been awarded “Scottish University of The Year” and named top university for teaching excellence in Scotland by Sunday Times University Guide. The University of Dundee Medical School is also connected to the UK’s three most-cited scientists, and the majority of the medical institute’s research is of national or international distinction.

Read the Abstract 

Topics: Press Customer Success United Kingdom
7 min read

Can The Feds Help? 5 Things To Know About Disaster Communications And Care

By Team Pulsara on Nov 29, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, John Erich, for EMS1 BrandFocus Staff.


Assistance is available from the U.S. government, but local systems have important responsibilities

When a major disaster strikes, Americans are used to seeing FEMA rush in. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is typically among the first nonlocal entities to get boots on the affected ground, with a mission of evaluating damages and needs, and then activating additional federal resources as appropriate.

But while your FEMA rep might be your best friend throughout the duration of response and recovery, they’re not the only one able to assist; nor is FEMA the only body. Other arms of the federal government can be involved and provide important assets, too – for both communication and victim management.

Here are five things to know about disaster response, keeping connected, and federal assistance if and when the big one surfaces in your area.

Topics: Emergency Management Mass Casualty Incidents Funding
6 min read

Making Technology Work for You Instead of Against You

By Team Pulsara on Nov 20, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on FireRescue1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Courtney Levin, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus Staff.

This platform helps ensure consistent and reliable communication when it matters most

Think about the last 10 conversations you had with someone who wasn’t standing right next to you. There’s a pretty good chance you communicated through text, FaceTime, social media messaging or even a good old-fashioned phone call. It’s highly unlikely you sent them a page, much less a fax.

Today’s communication technology has grown in leaps and bounds. We have confidence that our voicemails are heard and our texts are read, but older methods of communication can leave the sender wondering if their message was received.

When so many millions of people use their smartphones to relay simple information – “Remember to stop at the store to buy milk on the way home” – why would first responders continue to trust older technology to communicate vital information?

“You don’t know what you don’t know,” said Brandon Means, senior vice president of sales at Pulsara. A career paramedic and flight nurse, he was formerly a firm believer in using radios to relay critical patient data.

“I thought our radios worked fine – until they didn’t,” he explained. “They may be working fine on my end, but on the other end, it may sound garbled. There’s a reason we use modern technology in our daily lives. Firefighters, paramedics, nurses and physicians push back and say, ‘No, my pager works fine.’ Well, there’s also a reason they don’t use their radio to call their child riding their bike down the street. It’s just not reliable or consistent.”

Topics: Communication Technology Fire
4 min read

Retention Issues Loom Large in EMS. Can New Programs and Technologies Help?

By Team Pulsara on Nov 15, 2023

Editor's Note: On July 21st, 2023, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. This fifth and final entry for 2023 is contributed by  Pulsara.

Pioneering patient management and communication tools may be the answer to enhancing provider job satisfaction and combating EMS retention problems

With staff retention emerging as a top concern in EMS, the need for effective solutions to combat this critical issue is apparent. As revealed by the 2023 EMS Trend Survey – a joint effort of EMS1, Fitch & Associates, EMS Survey Team, and the National EMS Management Association – retention, recruitment, and career development significantly influence the effectiveness of EMS services.

Numerous factors play a role in these challenges, with compensation, leadership quality, late calls, and hospital wait times being the key issues. With a staggering 87% of respondents citing compensation as a major influence on retention, followed by poor leadership (72%), late calls (66%), hospital delays (53%), and the criminalization of medical errors (40%), the complexity and depth of the problem become evident.

However, these hurdles aren’t insurmountable. Innovative strategies such as wellness programs, alternative service models, and technology solutions can help reduce irritations, bolster employee satisfaction, and improve staff retention.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
6 min read

2023 EMS Trend Report: What Is the EMS Leader's Role in Managing Provider Stress?

By Team Pulsara on Nov 08, 2023

Editor's Note: On July 21st, 2023, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Chris Cebollero, nationally recognized EMS leader, advocate, best-selling author, and president/CEO for Cebollero & Associates.

4 Steps to Stopping the Stress Cycle

Let me share a secret: EMS can be a very stressful job. I know what you are thinking: “no joke, Sherlock” (or perhaps a more colorful version). But, if we as leaders know that EMS is a stressful career field, what are we doing as leaders to help our workforce decrease their stress levels?

The EMS Trend Survey identified several factors that compound stress for our workforce. It’s not just the trauma, death, and horrors they experience every day, but also the short staffing, equipment challenges, late calls, and schedules that pile on for them.

Of course, we know that some level of stress is inevitable and unavoidable. Heck, dealing with traffic every day was a horrible source of stress for me in the field. But we know that prolonged levels of intense stress will cause long-term mental and physical challenges for employees. Finding ways to mitigate stress for our workforce must be foremost in our focus as leaders.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
13 min read

Pulsara Around the World - November 2023

By Audrey Peart on Oct 31, 2023

October Recap

From Florida to Montana, our teams were busy in October as they exhibited at 13 trade shows across the states.

Topics: Events
5 min read

[UPCOMING WEBINAR] How Tech + Relationships = A Winning Trauma Care System

By Nathan Williams on Oct 23, 2023

Trauma is a team sport. It takes internal and external care teams all working together to succeed. By combining the art of building good relationships with the science of connecting care teams via communication technology, learn how two expert Colorado trauma program leaders developed a state-of-the-art trauma care system.

  • Connecting trauma centers with EMS using communication technology resulted in improved team efficiency and shared awareness, reduced phone calls to multiple people, optimized continuity of care, and increased MCI readiness.
  • Building strong internal and external relationships generated more improvements across all teams—and supported more opportunities like a statewide prehospital whole blood transfusion program (currently in the early committee and planning stages towards full implementation).
  • And much more.

Presented by the American Trauma Society, special guest presenters include Wendy Erickson, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, CSTR, TCRN, President of the Colorado Trauma Network and Trauma Program Manager with CommonSpirit Health in Colorado Springs, CO; Sherry Steffen, MSN, MBA, RN, CEN, TCRN, CSTR, Trauma Program Manager with CommonSpirit Health in Colorado Springs, CO; and moderator Cara McCoy, CS Specialist with Pulsara and former Fire Engineer and EMT.



Date: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

Time: 1 PM eastern |  12 PM central |  11 AM mountain |  10 AM pacific

Cost: FREE

Webinar Recording? Yes. If you can’t attend the live event or want to watch it again, all registrants will receive a link to the live recording after the event.


(How to Register)

Topics: Trauma
4 min read

[PRESS RELEASE] Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock, AR, Reduces Door-to-Puncture Time for Stroke Patients by 58% in 5 Months

By Team Pulsara on Oct 18, 2023

How one Arkansas hospital is using healthcare communication technology to dramatically improve time-to-treatment for stroke patients

BOZEMAN, Mont., October 17, 2023Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites health care teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, published new details on Arkansas-based Baptist Health Medical Center-Little Rock’s record improvements in treatment time for stroke patients. The Baptist Health Medical Center-Little Rock Case Study showcases the work the facility has put towards improving communication among EMS and hospital stroke teams and highlights the resulting decrease in time-to-treatment for stroke patients.

Topics: Stroke STEMI Press Customer Success
14 min read

Pulsara Around the World - October 2023

By Audrey Peart on Oct 12, 2023

September recap

Our teams exhibited at seven trade shows in September, including EMS World, where we debuted our new booth backdrop! 

Topics: Events
3 min read

Arkansas DOH Announces Pulsara Now Available Statewide

By Team Pulsara on Oct 05, 2023

On September 27th, 2023, the Arkansas Department of Health announced in a press release that the Pulsara platform will be available to all ambulance services, acute care, sub-acute care, long-term acute care, nursing homes, behavioral health hospitals, and other affiliated healthcare facilities in Arkansas through funding by the Arkansas Department of Health, starting October 1st. 

"Arkansas is the first state in the country to make the full functionality of this platform available to all EMS agencies, hospitals, affiliated healthcare facilities, public health, public safety, and emergency management," said Bala Simon, MD, DrPH, Deputy Chief Medical Officer at the Arkansas Department of Health. “This will help our healthcare providers improve communication to improve patient care and outcomes.”

Topics: Press Customer Success
2 min read

New Australian Study Evaluates Pulsara Implementation Process

By Kinsie Clarkson on Sep 27, 2023

Communication among interdisciplinary care teams is a necessity in delivering excellent patient care. Though mobile technology has become more common in various branches of healthcare communication, few have analyzed the process of implementing a tool that works across multiple teams and organizations. 

The Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice has now published the results of a study designed to determine whether it is feasible to implement a single, digital health communication application across multiple healthcare organizations and hospital departments, what the barriers are, which factors contribute to a successful implementation, and which factors are associated with clinicians' intentions to use the technology.

Authored by a team of Australian healthcare leaders, researchers, and clinicians, the study includes process analysis from researchers who implemented the Pulsara platform across EMS and hospital teams, as well as written feedback from EMS and hospital clinicians who participated in the implementation.

Topics: Press Australia
8 min read

2023 EMS Trend Report: Are We Causing the Stress in EMS?

By Team Pulsara on Sep 20, 2023

Editor's Note: On July 21st, 2023, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Anthony Minge, EdD, senior partner at Fitch & Associates. 


A closer look at the causes and effects of pressure, strain, and anxiety on the EMS workforce

Stress is taking a monumental toll on EMS. This year’s EMS Trend Survey found more than 80% of respondents experience moderate job stress, with 11% categorizing it as extreme. Over 40% of those completing this year’s survey felt that stress is negatively impacting their professional development, 30% feel it is negatively impacting the quality of service they provide, and more than 50% feel it is having debilitating effects on their health.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
8 min read

[UPCOMING WEBINAR] Streamlining Crisis Response: A Deep Dive Into MCIs And Large Events

By Nathan Williams on Sep 13, 2023

Looking to enhance your EMS team’s ability to coordinate care and communication during Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs) and preplanned large events? Join our upcoming webinar where an expert panel of EMS leaders from TX, CO, and CA will share their insights and strategies on how to effectively streamline communication and improve patient outcomes.

Through case studies, discussion, and answering your real-time questions, learn how today’s leaders are tackling the distinctive challenges in crisis response to provide real-time connectivity among various teams, secure messaging, and shared patient view for improved situational awareness. We’ll discuss the new world of coordinating resources and triaging patients during MCIs, and how it has simplified communication and collaboration during large events, ultimately resulting in improved patient outcomes.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best and enhance your team’s ability to coordinate patient care, communicate with other EMS teams, and make critical decisions with confidence and ease. Register now and get ready to take your skills to the next level!

UPDATE: This live webinar has passed. Watch the on-demand recording here

Topics: Emergency Management Mass Casualty Incidents Incident Management
9 min read

Pulsara Around the World - September 2023

By Audrey Peart on Sep 07, 2023

August Recap

Our teams exhibited at three conferences across the U.S. last month—the 6th Annual MARATP Conference, the FSR 11th Anniversary Meeting, and the UCHealth Trauma, Critical Care, and EMS Symposium—and are ramping up for a busy autumn and winter. Before we look to the last months of the year, here's what team Pulsara was up to in August. 

Topics: Events
2 min read

Arkansas Hospital Reduces Average Door-to-Puncture Time by 58% in 5 Months

By Kinsie Clarkson on Aug 30, 2023

In 5 months, Baptist Health Medical Center - Little Rock reduced their average door-to-puncture time for stroke patients by 58% 


Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, is an 843-bed medical center and certified Comprehensive Stroke Center. As the largest private not-for-profit hospital in the state of Arkansas, Baptist Health - Little Rock provides comprehensive services using the latest in innovative technology. 

Previously, the stroke team was notified about incoming patients through phone calls and text messages. The operator would use the paging system to activate a code stroke, and then an additional IVR code stroke as needed. Members of the stroke team would receive the page, which contained only the patient’s location, via text or phone call.

Though the system worked on a basic level, Sharon Aureli, RN, BSN, MSN, SCRN, CNOR, RNFA, CNL, and Neuro Program Line Manager at Baptist Health, knew that a more sophisticated communication system could help their teams reduce treatment times. “I always think there’s room for improvement,” she said.

Topics: Stroke Press Customer Success
6 min read

Journey to Success: How This Department Implemented a New Tech Tool

By Team Pulsara on Aug 23, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on FireRescue1.com. Special thanks to our guest authorCourtney Levin, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus Staff.

Colorado Springs Fire Department has significantly improved patient outcomes with Pulsara

When you work in a busy fire department, it seems as if there’s never enough time to learn and implement a new piece of technology. Such was the case for Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD), an agency that currently encompasses 23 stations with over 500 firefighters. Serving the second largest city in Colorado, they run about 80,000 calls per year across a large service area of over 195 square miles. 

Despite having a full plate already, CSFD has long recognized the importance of continuously striving to improve patient outcomes. After hearing about Pulsara, a communication tool that works to bridge gaps between providers, they realized their department could benefit from such technology.

“I think the transition of care and communication between prehospital medical care and a hospital-based system is fraught with peril,” said Matthew Angelidis, M.D., co-chief medical director at CSFD. “As you’re trying to give a report and information about a patient and the care that’s been rendered to a health care provider in a hospital, lots of information can be lost in translation. I think we struggled to have effective, high-quality patient care information communicated between firefighters and paramedics and the hospital-based resources the patients were transitioning to.”

Joey Buttenwieser, a lieutenant at CSFD, agrees communication challenges were a huge area of opportunity for their agency. He notes that consistent communication has now become the norm since the department implemented Pulsara.

“This system helps first responders talk to a handful of our medical directors directly through Pulsara instead of calling the hospital and getting whichever emergency room doctor happens to be rotating through that day,” said Buttenwieser.

Topics: Customer Success Fire
11 min read

2023 EMS Trend Report Roundtable: Reducing the Burden on EMS Providers

By Team Pulsara on Aug 16, 2023

Editor's Note: On July 21st, 2023, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Kerri Hatt, Editor-in-Chief of EMS1.

Adopting programs to improve service delivery and agency culture

Our goal in measuring and analyzing EMS trends is to identify areas for growth: both where it is needed and where it is succeeding at improving operations. When agencies and providers are feeling the brunt of staffing challenges in levels that have nearly half of providers (45%) considering leaving EMS, and 97% of agencies struggling with turnover – it’s time to change the way we deliver EMS.

In year-over-year comparisons, we’ve seen incremental growth in agencies adopting alternate service models and tools, including telemedicine, nurse triage of 911 calls, alternate means of transportation, and alternate destinations. By getting patients to the right definitive care and reducing the volume of patients delivered straight to the ED, patients are better served and turnaround times are decreased, reducing the burden on providers.

While these downstream impacts of adjusting service delivery will improve EMS for providers, we cannot ignore the impact leadership has on their stress. EMS Trend Survey respondents made that impact loud and clear, citing agency leadership and their direct supervisors as the biggest drivers of stress in EMS.

We asked a panel of EMS innovators and experts to share their experiences, successes, and tips for adopting programs to both improve EMS service delivery and agency culture – creating a safe space where wellness is appreciated, and seniormost staff lead the ship – rather than create additional stress. Here’s what they have to say.

Topics: EMS
8 min read

2023 EMS Trend Report: What Paramedics Need to Persevere

By Team Pulsara on Aug 09, 2023

Editor's Note: On July 21st, 2023, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Jay Fitch, PhD, founding partner at Fitch & Associates. 

EMS1’s state-of-the-industry survey provides targets for reducing stress, staffing challenges, and leadership shortfalls

For the past 8 years, the EMS Trend Survey has chronicled what our profession feels are key concerns. Several overarching issues that continue to impact EMS include the post-pandemic labor environment, financial factors that appear to be causing EMS to careen toward financial ruin, as well as an increase in violent interactions. These issues certainly provide a context against which we can interpret the survey results.

Labor shortages across all business sectors (including EMS) have continued since the pandemic. Retention has remained the No. 1 critical issue facing EMS for 4 straight years. In EMS, recruitment and retention efforts have been exacerbated by the inability of agencies to provide competitive compensation packages as compared to other healthcare and public safety positions. For the past 2 years, pay and benefits have been consistently identified by nearly 9 out of 10 respondents as an issue impacting retention. Interestingly, career development and advancement were rated as a higher critical factor than in past years, which is also likely impacting retention.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
4 min read

Pulsara Around the World - August 2023

By Audrey Peart on Jul 26, 2023

June & July RECAP

Team Pulsara has been busy during the summer months. Between trade shows, functionality releases, sponsored articles, and MCI Drills, here's a peek at what our teams were up to in June and July.

Topics: Events
7 min read

Getting Your Community Paramedicine Program Off the Ground

By Team Pulsara on Jun 29, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, John Erich, for EMS1 BrandFocus Staff.

Once you’ve determined what your program will do, you face some practical questions

The proverbial table is set, and you’re ready to begin your EMS agency’s community paramedicine program. You’ve evaluated the needs of your patients and community, identified care gaps you can fill, planned how you’ll do it, and lined up appropriate partners to assist.

Now, however, you face a new round of challenges – and these are more practical than theoretical. Who will comprise your team? What tools will they carry? How will they communicate and document care? And, once they’re out in the field and helping people, how will you evaluate their success?

Alexandria Fire Department in Alexandria, Virginia, chose fall prevention for its initial foray into community paramedicine back in 2017. Focusing on falls made a lot of sense for a new program with limited means: Data on local frequent fallers was available and accessible, and the interventions that could help them – good shoes, handrails, securing rugs, controlling pets – were low-cost and straightforward. The program would be a manageable lift to get off the ground.

And, given its targeted scope, easier to keep upright as it found its footing and began moving forward.

“You have to figure out what’s easy,” said Jeff Woolsey, a department captain and registered nurse who took over Alexandria’s program in its early days. “Pick something you know you can succeed at – and falls are something you can succeed at. If you go out there and say, ‘I want to solve mental health! I want to solve drug addiction!’ you’re going to lose. There’s just no way, without 14 people in your program and a 10-bed hospital someplace, that you can manage those things.”

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine
5 min read

Practice Makes Perfect: Simplify MCI Management with Regularly Used Tools

By Team Pulsara on Jun 14, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on FireRescue1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Courtney Levin, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus Staff.


Building muscle memory eases stress during critical emergencies

According to the U.S. Census, 29.15 million people lived in Texas in 2020. Estimates for 2022 show that figure has likely surpassed the 30 million mark as the Lone Star State continues to see a huge influx of new residents. Providing emergency medical care to that many people is an extraordinarily tall task, but one the state has worked to improve upon in recent years.

The tipping point came in 2020 as COVID-19 presented the United States with unprecedented medical challenges. Residents in Texas who needed specialized hospital care due to the virus were often caught in a tangle of delays, as medical teams weren’t always working from the same playbook.

“We heard stories across the state where multiple fixed-wing aircraft showed up at the wrong airport to pick up the wrong patient,” said Joey Branton, senior vice president of strategic initiatives at Pulsara. “They were making a minimum of 30 phone calls per patient transfer.”

While the pandemic put immense pressure on first responders and the health care system, mass casualty incidents like active shooters and natural disasters didn’t stop. It quickly became clear that those in Texas needed a better way to manage patients from start to finish.

A statewide wristband system was put in place to give every patient a unique ID that could be used across organizations. But it was the coupling of that initiative with the Pulsara platform which enabled fire and EMS providers to significantly improve their level of care.

Pulsara helps streamline communication between first responders during single-patient events and mass casualty incidents. As with any skill, confidence in using this tool comes through the muscle memory built up through regular use. “First responders in Texas realized to be truly proficient at using the efficiencies provided by the Pulsara platform, they needed to use it every day,” said Branton.

Topics: EMS Regional Systems of Care Emergency Management Mass Casualty Incidents Incident Management Fire
8 min read

Setting the Table for Community Paramedicine

By Team Pulsara on Jun 07, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, John Erich, for EMS1 BrandFocus Staff.

It’s not as hard to get started as you might think – follow these initial steps

Few experienced paramedics need to be persuaded of the value of community paramedicine – they’ve seen the repeat 911 callers, the chronic problems and the social factors that trap people in cycles of poor health. But against so many problems so large, it’s hard to know where to begin. Who should a CP program serve? What should it try to do?

The good news is, the answers to those questions aren’t unknowable, and it’s not as hard as you might think to get a basic program up and running. Here is a guideline for departments willing to take that step toward more comprehensive care for the vulnerable in their communities.

Step #1: Assess your needs

You might have certain interventions in mind from the outset. But whatever your program does should be based on data, not impressions or anecdotes. Focus on what your population needs, not what you want.

“It really is important that you do what’s right for your community,” said veteran EMS writer and educator Hilary Gates, MAEd, NRP, director of educational strategy for Prodigy EMS and a volunteer paramedic with the Alexandria Fire Department in Virginia, whose community paramedic program she helped found in 2017. “If you start by saying, ‘I’d like to help solve the opioid crisis,’ you might find there’s actually more meth in your community than opioids.”

Identifying appropriate areas for intervention best begins with a needs assessment – an evaluation of areas where current conditions fall short of expectations. Veteran providers may already have a sense of such areas in their communities, and agency ePCR data can yield insights into call types and frequencies. Sources like NEMSIS (the National EMS Information System), CARES (the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival) and top EMS software companies can also provide data to get you started.

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine
4 min read

Pulsara Around the World - June/July 2023

By Audrey Peart on May 31, 2023


With 11 trade shows, May was our busiest events month to date. Our teams spoke at events (FAST23 and the Mississippi Trauma Symposium) and showed attendees how our platform can be used for daily time-sensitive emergencies and scales for hazard and stress events. See what else we were up to below.

Topics: Events
2 min read

FireRescue1 Digital Edition: Go/No-Go Decision-Making on the Fireground

By Team Pulsara on May 25, 2023

Gain insight into how go/no-go situations are resolved by incident commanders and how you can level-up your own decision-making skills.

There are countless debates in the fire service that come down to simple go/no-go decision-making: go to the roof or not, search the fire building or not, take action at an active shooter event or not, to name a few. Go or no-go decisions become a very real situation with very real consequences.

Incident commanders, in particular, are routinely faced with making decisions that will ultimately result in either successful outcomes or compromised safety of citizens and firefighters alike. This digital eBook edition helps company and chief officers manage these moments and make smart decisions that balance firefighter safety and service to the community.

Topics: Fire
3 min read

TX First Responders Prepare for Disasters in Regional Training Exercise

By Team Pulsara on May 18, 2023

Editor's Note: This is an excerpt from a news story that was originally published on kbtx.com. Check out the full story here. 

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - Whenever disaster strikes, first responders are there to deal with the aftermath, which means they need to be prepared for any situation.

Last week, first responders across the region came together to strengthen their response techniques using a special platform called Pulsara.

Pulsara is a healthcare communications and logistics platform that unites teams and technologies during dynamic events.

Billy Rice, Director of EMS at St. Joseph Health Hospital, said large scale events are typically difficult to manage, but their goal is to create an actionable plan should a disaster occur.

Topics: Press
9 min read

Pulsara Around the World - May 2023

By Audrey Peart on May 10, 2023


From the EMS Safety Summit in Denver, CO, to the Virginia Emergency Preparedness Summit in Richmond, VA, conference attendees across the U.S. got a chance to learn about the power of Pulsara and see our platform in action.  

Article Sponsorship with EMS1

We worked with EMS1 to publish the article Six EMS Response Tips for Mental and Behavioral Health Calls. The article provides EMS tips for improving provider and patient safety.

Upcoming Webinar: Leveraging Technology in Hazard Response: Advancements and Future Trends

While the announcement for this webinar was made in May, we don't want anyone to miss out! On May 17 at 11:00 am ET, emergency management and healthcare leaders will detail how they're using modern technology for patient tracking and response management around pre-planned events and major incidents. Learn more and register for the webinar here

With eleven trade shows, May is going to be our busiest month of 2023. Keep reading to see where you'll find Team Pulsara.

Topics: Events
6 min read

[UPCOMING WEBINAR] Leveraging Technology in Hazard Response: Advancements and Future Trends

By Nathan Williams on May 04, 2023

How today’s emergency management and healthcare leaders are using modern tech for patient tracking and response management around pre-planned events and major incidents

Efficient communication is critical during mass casualty incidents, hurricane evacuations, MVAs with multiple patients, or even special events. Historically, the difficulty in sharing information between various responding organizations during hazard events has made incident management challenging—not to mention when the incident extends across cities, regions, or states. New advancements in communication and patient tracking technology are transforming response capabilities, however—quickly becoming the new standard for emergency management. 

Join this exclusive roundtable discussion where Texas and Colorado emergency management and healthcare leaders will share:

  • How and why they are deploying these systems locally and statewide
  • The benefits and opportunities they’re seeing
  • Where they see the future of emergency management communication and coordination heading 
Guest Presenters
  • Hilary Watt, CEO/CFO/Governmental Affairs, Coastal Bend Regional Advisory Council (CBRAC) in Corpus Christi, TX.
  • E. Stein Bronsky, MD, Co-Chief Medical Director, Colorado Springs Fire Department, Co-Chief Medical Director, El Paso County, CO American Medical Response (AMR), and Medical Director, El Paso-Teller County 911 Authority in the Colorado Springs, CO area.
  • Kate Leatherby, Sales VP - West at Pulsara
  • Brandon Means, VP of Medical Operations at Pulsara.


Date: Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

Time: 11 AM ET |  10 AM CT |  9 AM MT |  8 AM PT

Cost: FREE

Webinar Recording? Yes. If you can’t attend the live event or want to watch it again, all registrants will receive a link to the live recording after the event.



Topics: Emergency Management Incident Management
4 min read

Pulsara Partners with PDC to Streamline Communication Between EMS, Hospital Personnel, and Emergency Management

By Team Pulsara on May 02, 2023

Patient tracking during large-scale events is a challenge. Patients may be passed between first responders, ground transport, air transport, and then transferred from one facility to another. For routine calls with individual patients, it’s feasible to track who transported the patient and where they ended up. But in mass-casualty incidents and large-scale hazards, chaotic scenes and large numbers of patients make it difficult to keep track of each patient, their information, and their ultimate destination. 

In order to solve these problems, some states are using a new approach to patient tracking: statewide wristbands with barcodes that can help track patients across organizations by functioning as a universal patient ID. 

PDC, a global manufacturer and leader in healthcare identification, is partnering with Pulsara, the leading telehealth, communication, and patient logistics platform, to offer wristbands for tracking patients within the Pulsara platform. 

Topics: Press Incident Management
6 min read

4 Ways Networked Communication Builds A System Of Care That Scales

By Kinsie Clarkson on Apr 27, 2023

Embracing Modern Technology Will Pave the Way for the Future of EMS Communications 

On February 15th, the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) presented a webinar hosted by Corey Ricketson, Pulsara Sales Vice President - Texas, and Eric Epley, Executive Director of the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC). During the discussion, Eric and Corey discussed what it takes to build a true system of care that scales.

During the webinar, they told the story of how COVID changed Texas's approach to patient communication, logistics, and load balancing, and how creating a statewide wristband system is revolutionizing their approach to patient care and large-scale incident response. 

Watch the full webinar below, and read on for the top four takeaways from the discussion!

Topics: Incident Management
8 min read

6 EMS Response Tips for Mental and Behavioral Health Calls

By Team Pulsara on Apr 21, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Carol Brzozowski, for EMS1 BrandFocus.

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine Mental Health
20 min read

Upgrading A Trauma System Of Care - PT 2

By Team Pulsara on Apr 07, 2023

What if you could improve patient care—across your city, region, and even state—by streamlining communication and coordination between EMS and hospital teams? Texas hospital and EMS leaders are doing just that, utilizing new workflows built on a scalable telehealth communication and logistics platform. Since reworking their trauma system, they’ve improved efficiency, reduced phone calls to multiple people, streamlined transfers, optimized continuity of care, and created shared awareness and accountability.

In this leadership roundtable with Jennifer Carr, MSN, RN, CPEN, TCRN, Vice President of Trauma Services at CHRISTUS Spohn Health System in Corpus Christi, TX, Randy Endsley, BSN, CFRN, CEN, LP, CMTE, Chief Medical Officer and Flight Nurse with HALO-Flight in Corpus Christi, TX, and Corey Ricketson, Sales VP at Pulsara, discover why they created this new system of care, what day-to-day operations look like, and how they are growing it across their organization and region.

Watch the full webinar and check out part 2 of our blog coverage below! And in case you missed it, catch up on part 1 here.

Topics: Trauma Regional Systems of Care Customer Success
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - April 2023

By Audrey Peart on Mar 31, 2023

And just like that, we're already a quarter of the way through 2023! From trade shows to webinars to MCI drills and so much more, we're excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for us. Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let's see what Team Pulsara was up to in March.


We exhibited at four trade shows in March that took our teams to Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia. 

Customer Success 

A report published by a division of Australia's Department of Health, the Victorian Agency for Health Information, found that the use of Pulsara at Latrobe Regional Hospital in Traralgon, Victoria resulted in an 80% reduction in the time it took for patients to receive a CT scan and a 44% reduction in time-to-first medical review for thrombolysed stroke patients. 

Pulsara + Incident & Event Management

Pulsara's Vice President - Medical Ops, Brandon Means, joined the NAEMSP Florida Chapter podcast to discuss how Pulsara's Incident & Event Management functionality can help teams triage, track patients, reunify, and load balance resources during hazards and stress events.  

April is going to be a busy trade show month for our teams! Keep reading to see where you'll find Team Pulsara.

Topics: Events
21 min read

Upgrading a Trauma System of Care - PT 1

By Team Pulsara on Mar 23, 2023

What if you could improve patient care—across your city, region, and even state—by streamlining communication and coordination between EMS and hospital teams? Texas hospital and EMS leaders are doing just that, utilizing new workflows built on a scalable telehealth communication and logistics platform. Since reworking their trauma system, they’ve improved efficiency, cut down on phone calls to multiple people, streamlined transfers, optimized continuity of care, and created shared awareness and accountability.

In this leadership roundtable with Jennifer Carr, MSN, RN, CPEN, TCRN, Vice President of Trauma Services at CHRISTUS Spohn Health System in Corpus Christi, TX, Randy Endsley, BSN, CFRN, CEN, LP, CMTE, Chief Medical Officer and Flight Nurse with HALO-Flight in Corpus Christi, TX, and Corey Ricketson, Sales VP at Pulsara, discover why they created this new system of care, what day-to-day operations look like, and how they are growing it across their organization and region.

Watch the full webinar and check out part 1 of our blog coverage below!

Topics: Trauma Regional Systems of Care
6 min read

6 Ways Pulsara Can Improve Major Incident Response

By Team Pulsara on Mar 15, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on firechief.com. Special thanks to our guest author, John Erich, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus Staff.


Triage at major events can be slow, and tracking patients can be difficult – Pulsara’s new functionality is aimed at improving both experiences

As it prepared for takeoff, the 737 couldn’t avoid the speeding rental truck that came crashing toward it through the fence beyond the airport tarmac. The resulting collision killed 14 of its passengers and crew, as well as the driver of the truck, and left 56 more injured.

First responders from multiple agencies rushed to the scene that morning last October at Preston Smith International Airport in Lubbock, Texas, to respond to the full-scale mass-casualty exercise. Medical personnel triaged the wounded and gave them special armbands the state now uses for patients experiencing time-sensitive emergencies, including victims of mass-casualty incidents. The bands contained individual barcodes that, with a quick scan, would take any responder at the scene to a dedicated care channel for that patient, where the provider could then enter the patient’s identifying and treatment information.

The testing of that technology – new functionality from Pulsara designed to help responders triage and track patients in major incidents – was one of the goals of the exercise, which simulated the kind of MCI that often overwhelms unprepared systems.

“We were looking for ways to improve patient tracking and incident awareness for all command staff on scene,” said Logistics Chief and Emergency Preparedness Specialist Brent Fox, NREMT-P, of University Medical Center EMS in Lubbock. “Pulsara allowed everyone on scene to have full visibility from any location once they joined the incident.”

That quick, easy shared awareness – with everyone who’s part of the response having access to the same information – is among several important benefits of the new tool responders to the Lubbock exercise got to experience firsthand.

Topics: EMS Mass Casualty Incidents Multiple Patient Incidents Incident Management
4 min read

New Trial Data Shows 80% Reduction in Stroke Treatment Times with Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Mar 08, 2023

Editor's Note: This post is adapted from a report first published by the Victorian Agency for Health Information, a division of Australia's Department of Health. Check out the original version here. 

A recent report published by a division of Australia's Department of Health, the Victorian Agency for Health Information, confirmed the benefit of using communication and logistics technology for patient care at Latrobe Regional Hospital in Traralgon, Victoria. New data from the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry showed as much as an 80% reduction in time-to-treatment for critical stroke patients.

Latrobe Regional Hospital is a busy regional health service in the eastern Victorian town of Traralgon, with 328 beds and 2,465 staff servicing a catchment of more than 270,000 people. The emergency department alone sees 42,000 people each year.

At the recent National Stroke Quality Improvement Workshop, Latrobe Regional Hospital shared how they used registry data to evaluate newly implemented technology designed to streamline day-to-day operations and facilitate better treatment times. The Australian Stroke Clinical Registry data played a key role in evaluating the use of Pulsara at Latrobe Regional Hospital, responding to staff questions about how the health service would measure the performance and impact of the new technology.

Topics: Stroke Australia
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - March 2023

By Audrey Peart on Feb 22, 2023


Everything is bigger in Texas, including Pulsara's presence. We exhibited at two trade shows in Texas in February—ISC and the Alamo Interprofessional Emergency Medicine Symposium—and presented a webinar on 'Leveraging Networked Communication to Build a System of Care that Scales,' with Corey Ricketson, Pulsara Sales Vice President - Texas, and Eric Epley, Executive Director of the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC). Be on the lookout for our coverage of the webinar. 

We also released our latest customer success story and case study out of Arkansas. National Park Medical Center teams achieved a consistent <60-minute average door-to-balloon time for STEMI and an 80% decrease in average door-to-CT time for stroke. 

Check out the trade shows Team Pulsara will be exhibiting at in March!

Topics: Events
2 min read

National Park Medical Center Improves Treatment Times for STEMI and Stroke

By Kinsie Clarkson on Feb 15, 2023

Arkansas hospital achieves consistent <60 minute average door-to-balloon time for STEMI and 80% decrease in average door-to-CT time for stroke

National Park Medical Center (NPMC) is a 163-bed hospital that has been delivering healthcare to the community of Hot Springs, Arkansas, for nearly 70 years. Offering a full range of inpatient and outpatient services, NPMC, which is part of the Lifepoint Health family of hospitals, is also home to the Heart and Vascular Center of Central Arkansas. The facility was recently recognized for excellence through the receipt of Chest Pain Center Accreditation with PCI through the American College of Cardiology Accreditation Services. 

Previously, when the emergency department received an ambulance call that a patient was experiencing chest pain and possibly a STEMI, an ECG would be sent from the ambulance to the emergency department by fax. But the transmission wasn’t always successful, according to Emergency Room Director Priscilla Couch, RN, MSN. And even when the ECG did make its way to the ED, there were hiccups in communicating the information to vital members of the healthcare team. “Our ER doctor would call the cardiologist and try to explain the patient’s condition without a visual, which takes time,” recalls Couch. “Then, with limited information, the cardiologist would have to decide, well, is that a real STEMI or not?” That deliberation would leave Couch waiting before she put out calls asking cardiac cath lab staff, including an interventional cardiologist, radiology technologists, and a cardiac-care nurse, to assemble. “When a patient is experiencing a STEMI, those are precious minutes that are being wasted,” Couch says.

In an effort to improve patient care, National Park Medical Center chose to adopt Pulsara, a mobile healthcare communication program that unites care teams on a single dedicated channel for each patient.

Topics: Stroke STEMI Press Customer Success
5 min read

UPCOMING WEBINAR: Leveraging Networked Communication to Build a System of Care that Scales

By Audrey Peart on Feb 06, 2023

How Embracing Modern Technology Paves the Way for the Future of EMS Communications 

We’ve seen firsthand the shortcomings of our current infrastructure systems and how they’ve broken down when we desperately needed them to work for us. We continue to rely heavily on two-way radios, phone calls, and emails which can be inefficient and prevent shared awareness. What if we told you there’s a newer — even more efficient — way to communicate, using ONE tool to connect team members whether in daily operations or major stress events? And, what if this tool could even step in at an infrastructural level for regions or states to be able to standardize how EMS organizations can coordinate with public health, safety, and emergency management to communicate and track individual patients?

Healthcare is at a turning point. We either join other industries with modern communication or rely on old methods that have not evolved to meet today's challenges.

In this interview presented by the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO), Corey Ricketson, Pulsara Sales Vice President - Texas, and Eric Epley, Executive Director of the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC), will identify what it takes to build a true system of care that scales. Learn how modern and scalable technologies are necessary to maintain this infrastructure system into the future, the use of statewide wristbands for every patient type to improve patient handoffs and tracking, the benefits of using the same communication platform for everyday patient transports, transfers, and transitions of care and stress events, and how platforms like Pulsara can power a community paramedicine program.





Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Time: 4:00 PM ET | 3:00 PM CT | 2:00 PM MT | 1:00 PM PT


Cost: FREE

Topics: Regional Systems of Care
2 min read

Pulsara Around the World - February 2023

By Audrey Peart on Feb 03, 2023

January Recap

January was on the quiet side for our teams. We exhibited at two trade shows—the NAEMSP Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL, and the Arrowhead EMS Conference in Duluth, MN—and made an exciting announcement for UK hospital and ambulance organizations: they can now procure Pulsara via the Crown Commercial Service on the updated G-Cloud 13 framework

We've got a busy month ahead of us in February. Check out what trade shows we'll be exhibiting at this month, and visit the corresponding landing page to set up a meeting with the team while they're in town!

Topics: Events
14 min read

Think Like A Detective: Hacks To Improve Your History-Taking [PT2]

By Team Pulsara on Feb 01, 2023

Pulsara's Chief Growth Officer, Kris Kaull, recently had the opportunity to sit down with Rob Lawrence on the EMS One-Stop podcastIn this episode, Rob talks with Kris about history taking and how to improve communication and gather better intel. Kris shares his top 10 hacks to improve your history taking, including thinking like a detective, thinking outside the box, understanding medical medicine, being a good listener, and more.

This podcast originally aired on EMS One-Stop on November 17, 2022. Check out part 1 of our blog coverage here, and then listen to the podcast and check out the full transcript of part 2 below.

Topics: EMS
16 min read

Think Like a Detective: Hacks To Improve Your History-Taking [PT1]

By Team Pulsara on Jan 25, 2023

Pulsara's Chief Growth Officer, Kris Kaull, recently had the opportunity to sit down with Rob Lawrence on the EMS One-Stop podcast. In this episode, Rob talks with Kris about history taking and how to improve communication and gather better intel. Kris shares his top 10 hacks to improve your history taking, including thinking like a detective, thinking outside the box, understanding medical medicine, being a good listener, and more.

This podcast originally aired on EMS One-Stop on November 17, 2022. Listen to the podcast and check out the full transcript below. 

Topics: EMS
3 min read

[PRESS RELEASE] Pulsara Approved as Cloud Software Supplier on UK G-Cloud 13 Framework

By Team Pulsara on Jan 17, 2023

UK hospital and ambulance organisations can now procure Pulsara via the Crown Commercial Service updated G-Cloud framework.

Bozeman, Montana, USA, January 17, 2023Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organisations during dynamic events, has been listed as an approved cloud software supplier by Crown Commercial Service on the updated G-Cloud 13 framework. Because Pulsara is now available through this framework—under Lot 2, Cloud Software (SaaS), and the service categories of Healthcare and Information Communications and Technology (ICT)—organisations in the UK are specifically enabled to procure the Pulsara UNITED solution for hospitals and ambulance services. 

The ability for healthcare organisations to access new and evolving technologies for efficient patient care is of utmost importance,” said Cynthia Bradford Lencioni, Pulsara’s EVP - Global Business & Chief Operating Officer. “We are thrilled to join the updated G-Cloud 13 framework, providing streamlined access to customers in the United Kingdom looking for digital health transformation solutions.”

Topics: Press United Kingdom
11 min read

How Health Systems Are Improving Patient Care with Pulsara [Podcast]

By Team Pulsara on Jan 11, 2023

EDITOR'S NOTE: This podcast originally aired on Becker's Hospital Review on December 8th, 2022. You can find the original post here. 


When a health system is looking for ways to improve patient care, there are a lot of factors to consider. How will new solutions affect existing workflows, and how will they reduce time-to-treatment for patients? 

In this Becker's Healthcare podcast episode, host Marcus Robertson sits down with Kate Leatherby to discuss what challenges health systems are looking to overcome with Pulsara, how the platform overlays a health system's current workflow, what innovative ways seasoned customers are leveraging the platform to improve patient care, decreasing time to treatment, and more. 

Check out the podcast and read the full transcript of the interview below.

Topics: Regional Systems of Care Telehealth
13 min read

How Fire and EMS Can Save Time and Resources with Telehealth (PT2)

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jan 04, 2023

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Teller County, Colorado, had a successful community paramedicine program in place. But as the pandemic hit the U.S., they knew they'd need to leverage new tools to continue treating their patients. Fire and EMS leaders partnered with Pulsara to enhance their community paramedicine program with telehealth. Since then, the program has evolved into a thriving partnership between EMS and a local organization of board-certified emergency physicians, allowing them to work together via telehealth to help address healthcare disparities and improve access to care in rural areas.

In a recent webinar, EMS leadership in Teller County, Colorado, shared their experiences around building the program, and how they are using telehealth as a force multiplier to preserve resources while also better meeting the needs of their community. Here are 7 top takeaways from their experience. 

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine Mobile Integrated Health Telehealth
8 min read

Pulsara Around the World - 2022 Recap and January 2023

By Audrey Peart on Dec 28, 2022

November & December Recap

Is it just us, or does time seem to move faster the closer we get to the new year? We haven't let all of the delicious holiday foods slow us down or put us into hibernation mode. Throughout November and December, we exhibited at six trade shows across the United States, with Pulsara's Senior Vice President - Strategic Initiatives, Joey Branton, presenting a session during IAEM's Annual Conference & EMEX. 

Pulsara's CS Specialist - U.S. West, Cara McCoy, moderated the webinar 'Overhauling a Trauma System of Care.' Hosted by the American Trauma Society, the webinar focused on improving patient care by streamlining communication and coordination between EMS and hospital teams.

Topics: Events
4 min read

[PRESS RELEASE] EPR Systems and Pulsara Integrate to Improve Patient Data Integrity and EMS Care Delivery

By Team Pulsara on Dec 20, 2022

The integration brings data captured in Pulsara's communication platform into EPR's MedicWorks ePCR, improving team communication and reducing time on task.

BOZEMAN, Mont., December 20, 2022EPR Systems, Inc. and Pulsara join together to streamline patient care data exchange, bringing critical information to first responders on scene. Pulsara’s communication and logistics platformenables EMS and hospital staff to instantly communicate event-based patient information, including one-tap team notifications, image sharing, audio/video calls, and ETA alerts, all on a single app. EPR Systems MedicWorks electronic Patient Care Reporting (ePCR) platform provides first responders the interface to capture and record HIPAA-compliant patient data customized to their organization’s requirements.

“EPR Systems is a customer-focused company, and when one of our Texas customers asked for a Pulsara integration with EPR’s MedicWorks ePCR, we jumped at the opportunity to integrate with Pulsara, who was extremely helpful and welcomed our two systems working together,” says Jeff Jacobson, EPR’s Director of Business Development and 22-year firefighter paramedic. “Connecting these two platforms puts the power in the hands of the responder and healthcare team to deliver urgent care based on accurate data sharing. The integration eliminates dual data entry, which decreases data entry errors and creates a single point of communication—it creates the ‘data hygiene’ responders and healthcare teams need to do their job efficiently and deliver the immediate care patients need.”

Topics: Press
4 min read

[PRESS RELEASE] Pulsara and Beyond Lucid Technologies Announce Integration

By Team Pulsara on Dec 14, 2022

Documentation Time Cut by 66% Compared with ePCR Used Before the MEDIVIEW and Pulsara Integration.

BOZEMAN, Mont., December 14, 2022 – Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth and communication platform that connects healthcare teams across organizations, is pleased to announce a pair of technical integration and collaborative deployments with Beyond Lucid Technologies: first, at the Ute Pass Regional Health Service District (UPRHSD), then at the Delta County Ambulance District (DCAD), both in Colorado. 

Topics: Press Interoperability
4 min read

Heroes Among Us: How Medical Pros at a Colorado Hospital Saved Lives After Mass Shooting at Club Q

By Team Pulsara on Dec 07, 2022

Editor's Note: At Pulsara, it's our honor to highlight the stories of our customers and the work they do on behalf of their patients. On November 20th, the UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central team responded courageously to a mass shooting in Colorado Springs. The following article is an excerpt from their story, which was written by Erin Emery, Content Director at UCHealth, and Katie Kerwin McCrimmon, Writer and Communications Specialist at UCHealth. It was originally published on November 27th, 2022, on uchealth.org. Read the full story here. 

The calls crackled over the police officer’s radio in the hospital ER: “Club Q … Active shooter …”

It was a little after midnight. Saturday night had been unusually quiet in the ER. But the early hours of Sunday, Nov. 20, were about to test medical pros who train to handle the worst possible emergencies.

Patients in dire need of their help were minutes away.

The police officer had been in the emergency department at UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central in Colorado Springs assisting with a suspected drunk driver when he heard the call about a horrific mass shooting. He immediately gave a heads up to the charge nurse.

She jumped into action, notifying her team throughout the emergency department (or ED as medical folks call it) along with other key people throughout the hospital.

“One of the police officers just told us that there was a shooting and we’re expecting anywhere from 15 to 20 people. We’re hoping it’s wrong, but if not, it’s all hands on deck,” the charge nurse told Kayla Ireland, who was working that night as Memorial Hospital’s nursing house supervisor.

“OK. I’m headed down there,” said Ireland, who had been working upstairs in the hospital.

Until news of the shooting hit, the emergency staff and providers mostly had been helping people who were sick with the flu, RSV and COVID-19. But Memorial is a Level I Trauma Center, the highest level possible. That means that highly trained teams must be ready 24/7 for emergencies of all sorts — including a mass shooting.

The hospital is just 12 minutes and a little over five miles away from Club Q, which had always been a refuge for LGBTQ people. Now club goers who had been enjoying a fun Saturday night were fighting for their lives.

4 min read

[PRESS RELEASE] Pulsara Releases Incident Management Functionality

By Team Pulsara on Nov 29, 2022

New feature assists with triage and tracking of patients during a crisis

Bozeman, Mont., November 29, 2022 — Pulsara, the leading telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, announced today the official release of new functionality designed for incident management. The new platform capabilities are designed to help triage and track patients during mass casualty incidents (MCIs), multiple patient incidents (MPIs), floods, evacuations, and other disasters, as well as major planned events (e.g., concerts, sporting events, etc.). The platform provides responders with a clear line of communication around every patient on a familiar platform they use every day for patient care. When a stress event occurs, no additional preparation or training is required; everyone can continue using the same platform to respond confidently and efficiently in a crisis.

The first major test of the new functionality occurred in October in Lubbock, Texas, as the FAA conducted a full-scale crisis exercise at Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport. First responders from multiple agencies assembled to respond to a drill scenario that involved a rental truck crashing through tarmac fencing and colliding with a plane that was preparing to take off, injuring 56 passengers. During the simulation, first responders and city agencies used Pulsara's Incident Management functionality to enter patient information, communicate, and coordinate care. 

Topics: Press Mass Casualty Incidents Multiple Patient Incidents Incident Management
21 min read

How Fire and EMS Leaders Are Turning Telehealth into a Force Multiplier (PT 1)

By Kinsie Clarkson on Nov 17, 2022

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Teller County, Colorado, had a successful community paramedicine program in place. But as the pandemic hit the U.S., they knew they'd need to leverage new tools to continue treating their patients. Fire and EMS leaders partnered with Pulsara to enhance their community paramedicine program with telehealth. Since then, the program has evolved into a thriving partnership between EMS and a local organization of board-certified emergency physicians, allowing them to work together via telehealth to help address healthcare disparities and improve access to care in rural areas.

In a recent webinar, Dr. Jeremy DeWall, EMS Medical Director at UCHealth Pike's Peak Regional Hospital, and James McLaughlin, Director of Community Paramedicine at Ute Pass Regional Health Service District, shared about their experience with building the program, and how they are using telehealth as a force multiplier to preserve EMS resources while also better meeting the needs of their community. 

Watch the full webinar below, or read on for part 1 of our webinar coverage. 

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine Mobile Integrated Health Telehealth
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - November and December 2022

By Audrey Peart on Nov 04, 2022


October flew by in the blink of an eye. Our team was busy prepping for November opportunities, including a webinar hosted by the American Trauma Society, and exhibiting at six trade shows across the United States. 

Topics: Events
10 min read

10 Things You Need to Know About Pediatric Trauma

By Team Pulsara on Oct 26, 2022

The key is to remember that kids get sick differently than adults and that physical findings may be more subtle

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Jonathan Lee, for EMS1 BrandFocus.


I have been fortunate during my career to be able to specialize in pediatrics, which has given me a unique perspective. It is pretty common to hear paramedics say that kids are difficult, but the truth is, kids are just different. When it comes to trauma, the basics are all the same: ABCs, bleeding control, and rapid transport. There are a few things that I do differently with children than when managing adults, and I am certain these can make things better for both you and your patient.

Topics: EMS Trauma Pediatrics
4 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Upgrading a Trauma System of Care

By Nathan Williams on Oct 18, 2022

Upgrading a Trauma System of Care: How We Improved Efficiency, Created Shared Awareness, & Optimized Continuity of Care

What if you could improve patient care—across your city, region, and even state—by streamlining communication and coordination between EMS and hospital teams? Learn how Texas hospital and EMS leaders are doing just that—utilizing new workflows built on a scalable telehealth communication and logistics platform. Since reworking their trauma system, they’ve improved efficiency, cut down on phone calls to multiple people, streamlined transfers, optimized continuity of care, created shared awareness and accountability, and more. In this leadership roundtable, discover why they created this new system of care, what day-to-day operations look like, and how they are growing it across their organization and region.

Presented by Jennifer Carr, MSN, RN, CPEN, TCRN, Vice President of Trauma Services at CHRISTUS Spohn Health System in Corpus Christi, TX, Randy Endsley, BSN, CFRN, CEN, LP, CMTE, Chief Medical Officer and Flight Nurse with HALO-Flight in Corpus Christi, TX, and moderator Corey Ricketson, Vice President - Strategic Accounts at Pulsara.

UPDATE: Watch the full webinar here!


Webinar Event Details

Date: Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

Time: 1:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 11:00 AM MT | 10:00 AM PT

Host: American Trauma Society

Cost: FREE

Topics: Regional Systems of Care
3 min read

Catholic Health Improves Communication Between EMS and ED With Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Oct 14, 2022

Editor's note: This is an excerpt from an article originally published by WGRZ.com on October 11th, 2022. Read the full article here. 

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Catholic Health has started using Pulsara to help EMTs [and paramedics] better communicate with the emergency room, and says it may save time, especially when seconds count.

Pulsara is installed on a [first responder's] smartphone or tablet, allowing them to engage in real-time consultation with emergency room doctors and nurses to triage and assess patients while they are en route to the hospital.

"Traditionally, EMTs have phoned into a number directly to the emergency room, but sometimes if the doctor is not there, or tending to another patient, the nurse has to go find them," explained Lori Dufrense, who oversees all of the emergency rooms in the Catholic Health system locally. "This way, not only are the doctor and the emergency room staff notified, but so are the cardiac team if it's a heart attack, or the neuro team if it's a stroke patient."

Topics: Press Customer Success
5 min read

EMS Trend Report 2022: 3 Toxic Traits in Medicine

By Team Pulsara on Oct 12, 2022

Editor's Note: On August 1st, 2022, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fifth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Kris Kaull, NRP, CCEMT-P, FP-C and Sara Kaull, M.Ed, Executive Director of SIM-MT.

Challenge yourself to make room for the great in your career and life by abandoning toxic behavior

My wife, Sara, is a reforming perfectionist. For much of her life, she was obsessed with control, and presenting a “perfect” version of herself to the world. Starting with gold stars in kindergarten and accolades in her professional life, Sara added more and more to her calendar, executing every commitment to perfection until life took an unexpected turn when her father was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, and she could no longer control what was happening around her.

As helpers and caregivers, how many of us can relate to carrying too much? It’s in our DNA. We pride ourselves on busyness and selflessness. As clinicians, we’ve taken care of others to our own detriment. We say yes to protect ourselves from the judgment of others. We say yes because we feel guilty if we don’t.

But what if saying yes stops us from becoming the best we can be?

Topics: Wellness
2 min read

Weslaco EMS & Knapp Medical Center Improve Communication with Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Oct 05, 2022

Weslaco EMS and Knapp Medical Center in Weslaco, Texas have adopted Pulsara to facilitate better communication between paramedics in the field and hospital staff, helping doctors more effectively treat patients after they arrive in the emergency room. Clinicians are using the Pulsara platform to share detailed information about a patient's condition.

Topics: Press Customer Success
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - October 2022

By Audrey Peart on Sep 28, 2022

September Recap

September was a busy month for our teams. We attended seven trade shows across the United States and Europe, released a new version of our platform, and moderated a fantastic and educational webinar! 

Topics: Events
5 min read

EMS Trend Report 2022: Proven Recruitment and Retention Strategies

By Team Pulsara on Sep 21, 2022

Editor's Note: On August 1st, 2022, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fifth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Kerri Hatt, Editor-in-Chief of EMS1.

Proven recruitment and retention strategies: Readers sound off on what’s attracting new talent and keeping members satisfied

Our goal with the EMS Trend Survey and Report is not just to identify areas of change, growth, and stagnation, but to also source solutions to shared challenges. Nearly all (97%) of the 3,000- plus respondents to the 2022 EMS Trend Survey reported some level of difficulty with recruitment and retention. We asked readers to share their innovative ideas to improve recruitment and retention, and any creative practices that are proving successful to improve staffing. We received thousands of comments, from those in services with above-average compensation and a track record of adequate staffing, to those whose organizations had recently implemented a change and were fully staffed for the first time in years.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
5 min read

EMS Trend Report 2022: Three Outdated Paradigms Holding EMS Back

By Team Pulsara on Sep 14, 2022

Editor's Update: The ET3 program is mentioned in the below report. Please note that, as reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.

Editor's Note: On August 1st, 2022, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fifth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Jay Fitch, PhD, founding partner at Fitch & Associates. 

Will EMS Matter in The Future of Healthcare?

History teaches that if a profession doesn’t innovate, it loses relevancy.

In the 1950s and ’60s, railroads were the primary way people, goods, and services moved throughout America. Resistance to change and outdated work rules (e.g., requiring multiple conductors, even on freight trains without passengers) led to alternative transportation approaches and the expansion of air travel and freight. What outdated paradigms are limiting the future of EMS?

All ALS first response and third-party insurers requiring hospital transport for payment top the list.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
5 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Turning Telehealth Into a Force Multiplier

By Nathan Williams on Sep 07, 2022

How Fire and EMS Leaders are Turning Telehealth into a Force Multiplier for Improved Response & Patient Care

What if you could turn your fire and EMS crews into force multipliers, empowering them to help reduce healthcare disparities, improve support around behavioral crisis patients, and even bring back and modernize the traditional “house call”? And what if by doing so you could free up much-needed EMS and hospital resources, help make fire and EMS a more integral part of the patient care continuum within their community, and help patients get the care they need faster, more affordably, and more efficiently?

Learn how Colorado EMS leaders set up a regional system of care to do just that—built around Pulsara, a secure, mobile-first telehealth, communication, and logistics platform. Hear tangible takeaways and cutting-edge insights that you can apply to your own organization, including why and how they set up this system in the first place; how the program is financially sustained; what kind of data-driven results and benefits they’ve seen for patients and providers; and discussion on the new 988 mental health hotline and how it can integrate into this cutting-edge system of care.

Webinar Event Details

Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Time: 1:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 11:00 AM MT | 10:00 AM PT

Host: Fire Engineering

Cost: FREE

UPDATE: Watch the full recording webinar here!


Topics: EMS Telehealth
3 min read

BMJ Publication Demonstrates Improved Acute Stroke/STEMI Treatment Times with Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Sep 01, 2022

Australian-based healthcare real-world feasibility study finds improved communication and faster patient care timelines when using Pulsara.

Bozeman, Mont., September 1, 2022Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, announced the publication of the British Medical Journal real-world feasibility study analyzing the effects of Pulsara on care team communication and acute stroke and STEMI patient treatment times. Titled “Real-world, feasibility study to investigate the use of a multidisciplinary app (Pulsara) to improve prehospital communication and timelines for acute stroke/STEMI care,” the study was conducted in Victoria, Australia with pre-hospital and within-hospital clinical teams. As a first-of-its-kind systematic analysis of Pulsara’s efficacy across the whole patient journey for treatment of stroke and STEMI, the study found that utilization of the platform resulted in significant patient treatment time improvements. 

“Implementation of the Pulsara digital communication application resulted in faster metrics of the patient arriving at hospital and being at triage when Pulsara was used, as well as patient off ambulance stretcher times for both stroke and STEMI cases,” reported study authors Chris F. Bladin et al. “Hospital metrics for stroke cases also improved significantly with door-to-first medical review and door-to-CT completed more rapidly.” 

Topics: Press Australia
4 min read

Pulsara Around the World - September 2022

By Audrey Peart on Aug 31, 2022

August Recap

August flew by in the blink of an eye. While our teams only attended three trade shows, the end of the trade show season is going to prove to be busier than ever. Before we get to that, let's look at what we were up to in August. 

Topics: Events
10 min read

EMS Trend Report 2022 Roundtable: Action Steps to Move EMS Forward

By Team Pulsara on Aug 24, 2022

Editor's Note: On August 1st, 2022, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fifth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Kerri Hatt, Editor-in-Chief of EMS1.

EMS leaders respond to the 2022 EMS Trend Survey results with concrete steps to improve recruitment, retention, wellness, and safety

The EMS Trend Survey identifies where growth is needed to impact the sustainability and future of the industry. But growth requires a commitment to action.

We’ve asked a group of EMS veterans and up-and-coming leaders to identify areas where change is needed, as indicated by EMS Trend Survey results, and to offer action items for EMS supervisors, managers and chiefs.

By examining your service’s leadership strategies, and taking the steps outlined below, you’re on your way to elevating the safety, engagement and career health of your providers.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
12 min read

EMS Trend Report 2022: Defining a Path Forward

By Team Pulsara on Aug 17, 2022

Editor's Update: The ET3 program is mentioned in the report below. Please note that, as reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.

Editor's Note: On August 1st, 2022, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fifth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Anthony W. Minge, EdD, senior partner at Fitch & Associates.

Translating data into information, and information into action

Survey questions for the EMS Trend Survey were developed through a collaboration between EMS1, Fitch & Associates and the EMS Survey Team – which was instrumental in collection and interpretation of data. The EMS Trend Survey was conducted online in early 2022. The survey was widely promoted and open to any member of the EMS community. More than 3,200 people responded, the most in the survey’s history. They represent a wide range of service models, certification levels and years of experience, and every region of the nation.

The 2022 EMS Trend Survey results reinforce what many of us see every day. More than two years into the pandemic, it’s still impacting every aspect of our profession – from recruitment and retention, to safety, to how you assess and treat patients.

As we have realized that this pandemic is not just a flash in the pan, but something we may be dealing with for a long time, we have also been able to move forward. Many innovations that departments initially put on hold because of COVID-19 have now been implemented. In other cases, changes wrought by this global health emergency now have uses well beyond COVID patients and may be with us, helping patients and the people who care for them, for years to come.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
5 min read

Study: Correlation Between Ambulance Offload Times and 30-Day Risk of Death

By Kinsie Clarkson on Aug 10, 2022

A recent study published in the Medical Journal of Australia shows that longer ambulance offload times are associated with greater 30-day risks of death and ambulance re-attendance for people presenting to the emergency department with chest pain. 

The large population-based study analyzed a sample of patients who arrived at the ED with non-traumatic chest pain. The goal was to assess whether ambulance offload time "influenced the risks of death or ambulance re-attendance with chest pain within 30 days of the initial ED presentation.”

According to the study, increases in offload times have a direct impact on the outcomes of patients experiencing time-sensitive ailments—specifically chest pain symptoms, which may indicate a variety of cardiac issues. As a result, the study's authors recommend that "Improving the speed of ambulance-to-ED transfers is urgently required.”

Topics: Australia Ambulance
4 min read

Pulsara Around the World - August 2022

By Audrey Peart on Aug 05, 2022

June & July Recap

Over the past two months, our team has attended four conferences worldwide and presented virtual and in-person sessions with topics focusing on addressing urban and rural healthcare access through broadband connectivity and the role of stupidity in EMS

What else has Team Pulsara been up to for the past two months? Let's take a look!

Topics: Events
3 min read

Pulsara Releases New Suite of Patient Types for Improved Patient Care Coordination

By Team Pulsara on Aug 04, 2022

New functionalities enable healthcare teams to configure their ideal workflows for specific patient case types. 

Bozeman, Mont., August 4, 2022Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, recently released six new patient types that connect distributed teams on a single flexible and scalable platform. From prehospital care to the many in-hospital teams and specialists, the new functionalities unite care teams around each unique patient case, enabling reduced treatment times, improved team collaboration, and streamlined transfers. 

"Pulsara's platform allows flexible interactions in and across any organization, enabling access to the people you need, right when you need them,” said Kate Leatherby, Regional Vice President (U.S. West) at Pulsara. “This capability is truly invaluable for all care teams. For any patient type, care team communication and collaboration are improved—and patient care is invariably improved in the process.”

Pulsara recently released six new patient types—behavioral health, obstetrics, and toxicology/overdose, which were previously reported on, as well as surgical emergency, pulmonary embolism, and shock/ECMO. These new functionalities expand the power of the platform and improve support and care coordination for additional types of patients. Each of these patient types allows clinicians to match their patients with the appropriate care teams and specialized resources through flexible and scalable interactions as the patient case evolves. Clinicians can leverage Pulsara’s telehealth video calling and photo sharing functionality to consult with other clinicians, determine the most appropriate disposition, and guarantee follow-up in the process.

Topics: Press
18 min read

How To Connect Healthcare Teams & Organizations Across Regions (PT2)

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jul 27, 2022

Change is hard for everyone. It's difficult enough to enact across a single organization. So what do you do when change is not only necessary but needed across your entire region? 

These are questions that healthcare leaders from Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Des Moines, Iowa have recently grappled with. The Colorado Springs and Des Moines regions have a striking number of similarities. Both serve a population of around 700,000, have three health systems, and account for around forty EMS agencies. Both have also revolutionized their regional communication with Pulsara, which has allowed them to enable faster, better communication for their healthcare providers. 

Leaders from both regions recently hosted a webinar to share their challenges and successes in bringing a new communication system into their region, and what they learned in the process. In part 1 of our blog coverage, we reviewed six takeaways based on their experience. Watch the full webinar below, and check out these six additional takeaways for anyone considering how to approach change management across a region.

Topics: Regional Systems of Care
8 min read

How to Connect Healthcare Teams & Organizations Across Regions (PT1)

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jul 20, 2022

Change is hard for everyone. Very few people truly enjoy the process of changing the way things have always been done. As a result, establishing a new way of doing things can be an unpopular decision.

So what do you do when change is necessary? How do you make sure it's successful? Change is hard enough to enact across a single organization. How do you create successful change when it's necessary across your region? 

These are questions that healthcare leaders from Colorado Springs, Colorado and Des Moines, Iowa have recently grappled with. The Colorado Springs and Des Moines regions have a striking number of similarities. Both serve a population of around 700,000, have three health systems, and account for around forty EMS agencies. Both have also revolutionized their regional communication with Pulsara, which has allowed them to enable faster, better communication for their healthcare providers. 

Leaders from both regions recently hosted a webinar to share their challenges and successes in bringing a new communication system into their region, and what they learned in the process. Watch the full webinar below, and check out these six takeaways for anyone considering how to approach change management across a region.

Topics: Regional Systems of Care Change Management
10 min read

Communications Beyond the Radio: 10 Things You Need to Know

By Team Pulsara on Jul 13, 2022

The radio has long been the lifeline for first responders, but new technologies and functions require fire and EMS organizations to think more broadly about how they communicate in the field

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on FireRescue1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Robert Avsec, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus.


For an industry long dependent upon land mobile radios (e.g., mobile units in ambulances and handheld units), there have been many hardware advancements and additions since the days of firefighter/paramedics Johnny Gage and Roy DeSoto responding to emergencies and communicating with Rampart General via the telemetry radio in the “orange box.” Putting mobile computer terminals in ambulances was one of those developments, followed by notebook computers and tablets, and more recently, smartphones.

While significant advancements have been made in the communications hardware used by fire and EMS providers, effective and efficient communication is still an issue for responders for a variety of reasons. Many issues can adversely affect communication in the field, especially when it comes to patient care information.

Here, we consider 10 of the most common communication challenges and what fire and EMS leaders can do to address them:

2 min read

Closing the Gaps: Plug Holes in Your Skillset [Free eBook]

By Team Pulsara on Jul 06, 2022

While it’s essential that EMS providers stay on top of core clinical skills for the most critical calls, such as sudden cardiac arrest and airway management, it’s also important to keep up with the skills to address issues you may not see as often. From treating burns to managing pain in pediatric patients to responding to mental health calls, new information on best practices can help you hone your practice. 

In partnership with EMS1, Pulsara is releasing a free eBook collection of popular "10 Things You Need to Know" articles, with recent input from EMS professionals on subjects that can help improve clinical practice and save money for EMS organizations. 

GET THE GUIDE - Closing the Gaps: Plug Holes in Your Skillset and Cracks in Your Budget

Topics: EMS Telemedicine Community Paramedicine Telehealth Funding
4 min read

Mobile Tech in Healthcare: Build a Safety Net for Your Patients & Deliver Care on Demand

By Team Pulsara on Jun 29, 2022

Editor's Note: This article was first posted on Becker's Hospital Review. Check out the original version here. 

The past two years have seen fast-paced innovation transform many parts of healthcare systems around the world. While some progress has been made around the interoperability of data systems, many care teams continue to use antiquated technologies to convey crucial patient information to one another, including linear communication tools like pagers, radios, and fax machines. Not only are these tools not connected, but if the chain breaks once, we've negatively affected a patient's outcome—either with a significant delay or in some cases, mistakes that generate more patient harm.

During a featured session at Becker's Hospital Review's Shift to Digital Virtual Event sponsored by Pulsara, Joey Branton, Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Pulsara, discussed why bringing broadband connectivity to patient-related communication is crucial to the future of healthcare innovation.

Watch the 30-minute replay below, or read on for the session's four essential takeaways. 

Topics: Telehealth Connectivity
11 min read

How Telemedicine, Community Paramedicine & ET3 are Changing EMS: 10 Things You Need to Know

By Team Pulsara on Jun 22, 2022

2023 UPDATE: As reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Please be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives unaffected by the ET3 program termination.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Cole Zercoe, for EMS1 BrandFocus.


Here’s how your agency can use telehealth and community paramedicine to deliver more personalized care to patients

Community paramedicine, mobile integrated healthcare and ET3 are rapidly becoming hot topics in EMS as the profession evolves, especially as the long tail of the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates issues like ambulance turnaround times.

As ambulance agencies worldwide struggle with long waits at the ED, it’s become even more vital to find solutions to issues like ED overcrowding and long wall times. Community paramedicine, MIH and ET3 possess the unique ability to reduce transports while simultaneously improving care for patients.

Here’s a look at 10 ways EMS agencies can use telehealth and community paramedicine to deliver high-quality care to patients, some of the advantages of implementing such strategies, and how the ET3 model supports this approach.

Topics: EMS Telemedicine Community Paramedicine Telehealth
4 min read

Pulsara Named 2022 SIIA CODiE Award Winner for “Best Healthcare Technology Solution”

By Team Pulsara on Jun 14, 2022

Pulsara MED OPS™ earns prestigious industry recognition for its impact on healthcare communication during incidents like MCIs, large-scale emergencies, and disasters. 

BOZEMAN, Mont., June 14, 2022
- Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth and communication platform that connects healthcare teams across organizations, announced today that Pulsara MED OPS has been named the “Best Healthcare Technology Solution” winner of 2022 as part of the annual SIIA CODiE Awards. The CODiE Awards recognize the companies producing the most innovative business technology products across the country, and around the world.

Acknowledged as the premier awards program for the software and information industries for over 35 years, the SIIA CODiE Awards are produced by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal trade association for the software, education, media, and digital content industries. SIIA announced the full slate of CODiE winners during an online winner announcement on June 8. Pulsara MED OPS™ was honored as one of 46 winners across the 45 business technology categories, including seven leadership categories recognizing outstanding companies, individuals, and teams.

Topics: Press Awards
3 min read

Austin-Travis County EMS Leverages Pulsara in Successful ET3 Program

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jun 13, 2022

Editor’s Update: As reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Please be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.


When the COVID-19 pandemic first surged across the U.S., it created many new problems for EMS organizations everywhere. Some patients infected with COVID-19 urgently needed care at the hospital, while others were best served by staying home. It was difficult to tell which was which. Patients with other ailments were stuck at home, unable to receive regular needed medical care. And on top of that, the pandemic was a major provider safety issue; medics and hospital staff put their lives on the line daily to care for patients, constantly risking exposure to the virus.

Austin-Travis County EMS (ATCEMS) based in Austin, Texas, knew they needed to deploy an innovative solution, and fast. They responded by forming what came to be known as the C4 unit: the Collaborative Care Communication Center.

The C4 is an elite team of twelve EMS-trained clinicians who manage calls and connect patients with a variety of resources. At the start of the pandemic, they began using Pulsara, a healthcare communication, telehealth, and logistics platform, to build better communication with their teams. Through Pulsara, they sent alerts to the hospital about crews bringing in COVID-19 patients, giving hospital staff more time to prepare. And since the providers on-scene wore heavy PPE, making it difficult to communicate verbally, the C4 was able to use Pulsara to facilitate communication for them and manage the case remotely.

But as the pandemic evolved, so did the challenges faced by healthcare providers. By the time ATCEMS was facing its third wave of the pandemic in August 2021, local hospitals were maxing out capacity and lacked both the beds and the bandwidth to care for every patient that came through their doors. ATCEMS knew they needed a way to reduce the burden on emergency departments.

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine Mobile Integrated Health Customer Success
3 min read

Using Pulsara on Browser for EMS

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jun 08, 2022

EMS admins: Have you ever wished for an easy way to view all of your units, along with any information about the patients they're currently caring for? What about having the ability to track their movements and view whether the hospital has acknowledged them, and even see which hospitals are available, all from one easy-to-use dashboard?

Pulsara's browser-based command center enables supervisors to track units, access patient details, see hospital availability, and communicate with your team.

Topics: EMS HQ
4 min read

Pulsara Around the World - June & July 2022

By Audrey Peart on Jun 01, 2022

May Recap

May was the busiest trade show month for Team Pulsara, with our teams attending a whopping 11 shows across the globe. And events weren't the only things keeping the team busy in May! See our highlights from last month below.

Topics: Events
3 min read

Pulsara Releases Obstetrics Patient Type for Improved Care Coordination and Communication

By Team Pulsara on May 25, 2022

New functionality enables healthcare teams to better support pregnant mothers and newborns via telehealth and improved communication. 

Bozeman, Mont., May 25, 2022Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, recently released a dedicated obstetrics patient type that connects distributed teams on a single flexible and scalable platform—from EMS and standard obstetrics teams to NICU or trauma teams in more critical cases. The new functionality unites care teams around each OB patient case, improving the lives of both patients and caregivers by enabling reduced treatment times, improved team collaboration, and streamlined transfers. 

Topics: Press Obstetrics
4 min read

Pulsara Named 2022 SIIA CODiE Award Finalist in Best Healthcare Technology Solution

By Isabella Rapp on May 23, 2022

Pulsara MED OPS™ earns nod from industry leaders for its impact on healthcare communication during MCIs, large-scale emergencies, and disasters. 

BOZEMAN, Mont., May 23, 2022 - Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth and communication platform that connects healthcare teams across organizations, announced today that Pulsara MED OPS was named a 2022 SIIA CODiE Award finalist in the “Best Healthcare Technology Solution” category. CODiE finalists represent the best products, technologies, and services in software, information, and business technology. 

The SIIA CODiE Awards, the long-running, premier awards program for the software and information industries, are produced by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal trade association for the software, education, media, and digital content industries.  Pulsara MED OPS™ was picked as one of 137 finalists across 43 business categories in a talent-packed field of nominees.

Topics: Press Awards
8 min read

10 Ways Firefighters Can Support Their Own Mental Health

By Team Pulsara on May 18, 2022

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on FireRescue1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Linda F. Willing, for FireRescue1 BrandFocus.


It’s a stressful job, so you need to know how to check in and take care of yourself

Firefighting is a stressful occupation. Working in unpredictable and hazardous environments takes a physical toll. Difficult calls, variable duty schedules, working in close proximity with others who may or may not be personally compatible – all of these things contribute to stress that, if not well managed, can lead to significant issues for both physical and mental health.

In recent years, fire departments have done much better in emphasizing physical health and safety, through such things as improved protocols for use and care of PPE, the mandatory use of seatbelts and requirements for rehab during prolonged incidents. Many fire departments now have regular health screenings for all members and maintain records on long-term health risks like job-related cancers.

Attention to firefighter mental health has lagged behind more obvious physical hazards. According to a 2017 study, more firefighters die from suicide each year than in the line of duty. Firefighters are at increased risk of depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health-related problems that may be either chronic or acute. While organizational support in these areas would be optimal, individual firefighters can also take steps to care for their own mental health.

Here are 10 simple things you can do to support and enhance mental wellness for yourself and your fellow firefighters.

Topics: Wellness Mental Health
5 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Regional Change Management

By Nathan Williams on May 11, 2022

How Healthcare Leaders are Successfully Connecting Teams & Organizations Across Regions for Better Outcomes

Increasingly, more healthcare organizations are discovering the need for an interconnected system of care that includes local and regional healthcare systems—from EMS to hospital teams and beyond. The benefits to patient care and clinical coordination are profound, from faster treatment times and reduced costs to streamlined transfers and unified MCI/MPI and disaster management.

But with so many different systems and stakeholders, how does one go about setting up a regional system of care that scales? How do you engage and get buy-in from a diverse group of stakeholders?

In this upcoming webinar, learn firsthand how healthcare leaders from Colorado Springs, CO, and Des Moines, IA, successfully created interconnected regional systems of care based around Pulsara: a secure, mobile-first telehealth, communication, and logistics platform.

Hear how they successfully brought stakeholders from multiple organizations together, what challenges they faced and how they overcame them, tips and best practices, change management insights and discoveries, and more. 


Date: Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 

Time: 12:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT

Cost: FREE

Click Here to Register

Topics: Regional Systems of Care Change Management
3 min read

Overlake Medical Center Decreases Stroke Treatment Times By 30%

By Kinsie Clarkson on May 04, 2022

After streamlining communication for their stroke teams with Pulsara, Overlake Medical Center in Bellevue, WA reduced door-to-needle times for tPA patients by 31%.

Overlake Medical Center in Bellevue, Washington, is a 349-bed hospital serving the Puget Sound region since 1953. The hospital treats more than 245,000 outpatients and 18,000 inpatients each year, and is a Joint Commission-certified Advanced Stroke Center. 

As a thrombectomy-capable facility with a large staff of specialists, nurses, and more, Overlake Medical Center sees ~900 acute stroke cases per year. With this volume, providing time-sensitive care is of the utmost importance to producing positive patient outcomes. Overlake knew they needed a streamlined means of communication to help make existing stroke workflows more efficient. 

“With so many people in the system, unnecessary team members were being alerted for a stroke case, which added extraneous noise as they cared for patients,” said Overlake Medical Center’s Stroke Team leaders .

Topics: Stroke Press Customer Success
7 min read

Pulsara Around the World - May 2022

By Audrey Peart on May 02, 2022

April Recap

The fourth month of the year proved to be an exciting month for Team Pulsara. While we only attended three conferences in person—and sponsored two virtual conferences—our teams were hard at work expanding the Pulsara platform to include new patient types that will enable your teams to scale as each patient case evolves. 

Topics: Events
4 min read

Pulsara Introduces Powerful Incident Management Functionality for Triage and Patient Tracking

By Team Pulsara on Apr 27, 2022

Custom patient IDs and wristband scanning will enable seamless response across organizations during stress events.

Bozeman, Mont., April 27, 2022 — Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, announced today that they are releasing new incident management functionality that will help quickly scale emergency response during mass casualty incidents (MCIs), multiple patient incidents (MPIs), floods, evacuations, and disasters. 

The product’s new incident management capabilities will allow first responders and EMS providers to quickly create or join an existing patient channel by scanning custom armbands (such as public safety-issued bands or traditional triage tags used during a crisis), add patient condition (red, yellow, green, and black) within the app, and give incident command the ability to monitor the number, status, and severity of patients through a patient dashboard.

When responding to mass casualty and multiple patient incidents, emergency responders often use wristbands and/or triage tags to triage patients and visibly denote their condition. Pulsara’s new incident management functionality will allow first responders to scan these wristbands/triage tags and instantly start a new patient channel in Pulsara. Responders — from any organization — who subsequently treat the patient will be able to simply scan the wristband and will instantly be added to the patient’s channel. They will then be able to see all information that has previously been added to the case, including any known demographic information, vitals, any treatments provided, and all communications around the patient. Emergency responders will also be able to add, track, and modify the patient’s triage status in Pulsara, with the appropriate green, yellow, red, and black statuses that match traditional triage tags. 

Topics: Press Mass Casualty Incidents Multiple Patient Incidents
3 min read

Pulsara Releases Toxicology & Overdose Patient Type to Streamline Patient Care

By Team Pulsara on Apr 20, 2022

The newly expanded platform allows healthcare teams to support toxicology and overdose patients via telehealth and improved communication. 

Bozeman, Mont., April 20, 2022Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, recently released a dedicated toxicology and overdose patient type that easily connects everyone required for each patient case—from EMS and hospital teams to the poison center and even behavioral health. 

With this new dedicated functionality, everyone along the patient care continuum can collaborate securely and instantly, avoiding multiple reports and phone calls. Teams can leverage instant messages, live group video and audio calling, images, audio clips, flowchart notes, and template-driven recommendations, all without a single landline phone call. Pulsara puts consultants, toxicologists, and poison centers on the frontlines through the platform’s instant visual communications to identify a venomous snake or mystery pills, assess a strange rash, or even interpret an ECG.

Pulsara even enables first responders to treat in place when appropriate, equipping EMS with direct communication with hospital clinicians, toxicology or overdose specialists, or even behavioral health experts. Such unified communication helps facilitate unnecessary ED visits and saves time and resources for the care system while providing a better experience for the patient. 

Topics: Press Telehealth Toxicology
3 min read

LewisGale Hospital Montgomery Achieves Record 14-Minute Door-to-Balloon Time

By Kinsie Clarkson on Apr 13, 2022

LewisGale Hospital Montgomery in Blacksburg, Virginia, recently achieved a record door-to-balloon time of 14 minutes for one of their STEMI patients—one of their fastest ever. 

LewisGale has been working to create clearer lines of communication between its team members. They implemented Pulsara to successfully create a streamlined process for team communication around potential heart attack patients. 

Dr. John Patterson, a cardiologist at LewisGale, described how Pulsara allows him to receive notifications and information about a new patient instantly: "With this platform, I have the ability to see the EKG and activate the cath lab. All of this happens immediately so that it shortens the length of time it takes from the time the patient starts having their heart attack to the time they arrive at our hospital, to the time that we fix it. All of these times get shortened significantly with a platform like this." 

Topics: STEMI Press Customer Success
3 min read

Arkansas’s Ouachita County Medical Center Cuts Door-In, Door-Out Times for STEMI Patients by 50% with Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Apr 04, 2022

How one Arkansas hospital is using healthcare communication technology to dramatically speed up time-to-treatment for STEMI patients

BOZEMAN, Mont., April 4, 2022Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, published new details on Arkansas-based Ouachita County Medical Center’s record improvements in patient care. The Ouachita County Medical Center Case Study reveals the challenges many hospitals face when trying to transfer patients quickly, and the solution they found that enabled faster transfers and streamlined communication across organizations, ensuring secure and efficient patient care.

As a small medical center in rural southern Arkansas, Ouachita County Medical Center (OCMC) faced a lengthy and inefficient process when transferring STEMI patients to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) facilities that could provide critical care. Jennifer Ray, RN, OCMC’s ER and ICU manager, explained that in 2017, the average door-in, door-out (DIDO) time was 72 minutes for the 19 STEMI patients who came into the OCMC ER—more than double what the American College of Cardiology Foundation and the American Heart Association recommends.

Topics: STEMI Press Customer Success Transfer
2 min read

THIS JUST IN: Pulsara to Launch Dating Version of App, TINDARA

By Team Pulsara on Apr 01, 2022

APRIL 1st, 2022 — Avid Pulsara customers know that they can depend on Pulsara for all their clinical communication needs. But long shifts and overtime hours can make it difficult to find time for extracurricular communication—particularly of the dating kind. 

We hear you. That's why Pulsara is excited to announce our upcoming version of the Pulsara app: Tindara. 

Topics: April 1
4 min read

Pulsara Around the World - April 2022

By Isabella Rapp on Mar 30, 2022

Spring has officially arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, and daylight savings has come and gone (hopefully for the last time!)... which means we are already a quarter of the way through 2022! Continue reading to discover what Pulsara has been up to in March and all the great opportunities coming our way in April.

Topics: Events
3 min read

Pulsara Releases Behavioral Health Patient Type for Improved Care Coordination

By Team Pulsara on Mar 22, 2022

The newly expanded platform allows first responders and healthcare providers to support behavioral health patients via telehealth and streamlined transfers. 

Bozeman, Mont., March 22, 2022Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, recently released a dedicated behavioral health patient type allowing EMS crews, hospital teams, and other healthcare organizations to better support behavioral health patients. EMS or other first responders can now directly connect with behavioral health facilities, teams, or individuals through live group video and audio calling to receive help in determining the most appropriate treatment for the patient. For teams working with patients who need enhanced behavioral health services, this new patient type helps streamline placement to a more appropriate facility. Utilizing this new functionality on the Pulsara platform, clinicians can quickly facilitate appropriate real-time treatment for patients, help relieve overcrowded healthcare facilities, and save time, money, and resources by avoiding unnecessary and extended ED visits.

Topics: Press Telehealth Behavioral Health
5 min read

How Technology Can Help Hospitals Cope with Staffing Shortages

By Kinsie Clarkson on Mar 16, 2022

In the wake of the global pandemic, hospitals worldwide are struggling to cope with many challenges—chief among them, severe staffing shortages. Two years of pandemic conditions have barraged hospital staff, bringing new and unyielding challenges to the whole care system. Clinicians are facing longer hours, fewer resources, more responsibilities stretched between fewer people, the relentless pressure of pandemic stressors and mitigation measures, lack of support or understanding from the general public, and ultimately higher rates of burnout.

As a result, hospitals are grappling with severe staffing shortages. According to a recent survey by Hospital IQ, 90% of the nurses in their survey sample are considering leaving the nursing profession within the next year, with 71% of nurses with over 15 years of experience considering leaving either immediately or very soon. 

While there will need to be an influx of new nurses to regain balance, not all strategies for coping with the shortage have to do with recruitment. Technology can help make complex and frustrating tasks more simple. And according to the Hospital IQ survey, that might just be the determining factor in whether or not nurses decide to stay in the profession.

By streamlining workflows, technology can save a great deal of time and energy for hospital staff, making cumbersome and stressful processes smooth and efficient. Here's how.

Topics: nursing COVID-19
2 min read

Driver's License Scanning: A New Way to Enter Information in Pulsara

By Kinsie Clarkson on Mar 09, 2022

When first encountering a new patient, you have a lot of information to quickly relay to the rest of the care team. Thankfully, you've got the patient's driver's license, so that's one hurdle already overcome. But now comes the challenge of quickly entering all this information and passing it along to the rest of your team. 

But if you're using Pulsara, not to worry: we'd like to share with you a new feature that can make this process easy. Key identification data from a US driver's license can be automatically scanned into the patient channel using Driver's License Scanning. 

Topics: EMS Communication
3 min read

Pulsara’s New ED Availability: Matching EMS Demand with Hospital Supply

By Kinsie Clarkson on Mar 02, 2022

What if EMS could “see into the future," having access to critical details about a hospital's ED availability status—such as whether it was at capacity during a mass casualty event or whether its CT scanner was down—before they even reached the hospital? If EMS knew a hospital's ED availability ahead of time, they could quickly reroute their patients to the closest alternative available care, saving precious time for patients and care teams.

Now, they can. 

Introducing Pulsara's newest feature: ED Availability.

With this new feature, healthcare facilities and EMS agencies can now access ED Availability information directly from the platform. Specifically, critical details about a hospital’s capability to accept patients can be easily updated by each facility and will appear to EMS and Ambulance crews when choosing a destination. This means improved decision-making for EMS and faster, more efficient care for patients in their most critical moments. 

When EMS providers start a new patient case in Pulsara and go to select their destination, they'll now not only be able to see the available facilities in their area—they'll also be able to see the hospital's emergency department availability status, updated in real time by the facility. 

ED Availability allows healthcare facilities to post status updates about their Emergency Department's availability directly to the Pulsara platform. Hospitals that enable ED Availability can update their status in a matter of seconds by switching out their icon and/or adding a brief comment. Read on to learn more!

Topics: Pulsara Features
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - March 2022

By Isabella Rapp on Feb 25, 2022

It has now been a full two months of accidentally writing "2021" instead of "2022," and there are no signs of it stopping anytime soon. While still adjusting to the new year, Team Pulsara has been excited to jump into the ever-growing list of awesome conferences available around the globe!

Topics: Events
2 min read

Press Release: Pulsara Releases Innovative ED Availability Feature for EMS and Hospital Teams

By Team Pulsara on Feb 23, 2022

New functionality allows hospitals to notify EMS of ED availability, improving efficiency, collaboration, and patient care

Topics: EMS Press
4 min read

Ambulance Victoria Releases Data On Pandemic Response Times

By Kinsie Clarkson on Feb 16, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has lengthened response times for ambulance agencies worldwide, making it much more difficult to find placement for patients. A recent report released by Australia’s Ambulance Victoria confirmed that this trend has worsened significantly in the state of Victoria during the last three months of 2021, showing a significant increase in response times across the region.  

The new data from Ambulance Victoria shows that paramedics’ ability to respond to code 1 emergencies within the recommended standard of 15 minutes dropped by 12% over the previous 12 months, going from 79% in October to December of 2020 to 67% during the same period in 2021. This means that around one-third of code 1 emergencies waited more than 15 minutes for responders to arrive. Melbourne’s suburbs have been disproportionately affected by the delays, owing to distance. Towns like Melton and Cardinia averaged around 53%. 

Topics: COVID-19 Australia
6 min read

4 Keys for Managing Change Amid Chaos

By Kinsie Clarkson on Feb 09, 2022

Chaos is woven into the DNA of emergent care. Emergency care professionals face the unknown around every corner—from supporting a low acuity patient to managing a mass casualty event. You never know what you’re going to get. 

Sometimes, you have a day that’s more chaotic than others. Other times, the chaos lasts much longer than a day—it can become a lasting situation that extends into months and even years. Few seasons have been quite as chaotic as the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID has tested and tried our healthcare systems to the breaking point, introducing factors like virus spikes, hospitalization surges, burnout, and staffing shortages. 

To keep growing, keep improving, and keep adapting to the situation, some things will need to change. The problem is, it seems impossible to do anything about the situation while you’re treading water. It can feel like trying to bail out a rowboat as you continue to paddle—trying to do everything all at the same time. But if you can introduce a change that will help either paddle the boat or bail with less effort, the time and energy it takes to implement that change will ultimately help make the job easier for the long term. 

Topics: Change Management
3 min read

Arkansas Hospitals Streamline Patient Transfers With Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Feb 02, 2022

As COVID-19 cases worsened across the state of Arkansas, hospitals struggled to keep up with the need. It became difficult to find bed placement for patients needing to be transferred to other facilities. The State of Arkansas decided to find a way to help hospitals make transferring and accepting patients easier. 

Over the last few weeks, Arkansas hospitals have replaced their former transfer process with a new system. Pulsara is a communication and logistics platform that connects hospitals across the state. The company's Virtual Placement Center shows hospitals when a patient needs a transfer and offers other hospitals the opportunity to initiate a conversation and accept them.

Interviewing a number of clinical leaders across Arkansas, reporter Ashley Godwin with Little Rock's CBS affiliate THV11 covered the story. "It's a virtual waiting room, essentially for patients requiring or requesting transfer throughout the state of Arkansas," said Dr. Rawle Seupaul, Chief Clinical Officer of UAMS.

Topics: Press Customer Success Transfer
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - February 2022

By Isabella Rapp on Jan 26, 2022


Pulsara's first conference of the year was a success! With seven of our Pulsarians in attendance - including our CEO/Founder and President - the NAEMSP Conference in San Diego, CA created opportunities to strengthen relationships with customers and nurture relationships with those seeking positive change in their healthcare system. 

Topics: Events
3 min read

Press Release: Arkansas-Based Saline Memorial Hospital Reduces STEMI Treatment Times By 28% In 4 Months with Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Jan 12, 2022

How one rural Arkansas county is using integrated telehealth, communication, and logistics technology to treat patients faster

Bozeman, Mont., Jan. 12, 2022 —  Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, published new details on Arkansas-based Saline Memorial Hospital’s record improvements in patient care. The Saline Memorial Hospital Case Study reveals the unique challenges care teams were facing with a rapidly growing and dispersed population, and the solutions they found to markedly reduce treatment times, establish secure and reliable ECG transmissions, and improve real-time care team communication. 

Topics: STEMI Press Customer Success
3 min read

5 Keys to The Art of Customer Success in Healthcare Tech

By Team Pulsara on Jan 05, 2022

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Bet Martin for writing today's blog post. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.


Understanding Why Your Customer Operates the Way They Do, and How Your Product Can Help

Customer success is an art form. There is so much that goes into it: knowing workflow nuances, being aware of political subtleties, personality differences, current best practices, geographical needs, network systems of care, tech partners and competition, health status, data, etc., etc.

How do we do all this? 

Customer success is definitely an art, but there are some sound practices you can use to help set your customers up for a positive experience. Here are 5 keys to customer success in healthcare technology. 

Topics: Customer Success
8 min read

Pulsara Around the World - Winter & 2021 Recap

By Isabella Rapp on Dec 29, 2021

2021 was yet another year of all things new and "unprecedented," and Pulsara has worked hard to keep up with the rapidly changing healthcare system in this season of change. Join us as we look back at what Pulsara has been up to during the winter of 2021, and look ahead to what's coming up in 2022. 

Topics: Events
4 min read

Building a System of Care That Scales in a Stress Event

By Corey Ricketson on Dec 22, 2021

COVID-19 has taught us quite a bit about our current methods for communicating in a crisis. Whether you are currently experiencing a COVID-19 surge, are anticipating your next surge, or are catching up from your last surge, there is no doubt about one thing: the past two years have exposed many of the flaws in our system. There is good news, though. Now that we can pinpoint, identify, and examine some of the flaws, we have a clear path toward some new ways that we can set ourselves up for success in the future. 

Over the course of the pandemic, we’ve seen firsthand the results of our current systems. We now know that very few are truly prepared for all hazards and stress events. 

Topics: Communication Systems of Care Inter-Organization Communication
10 min read

Pulsara's 2021 Case Studies: A Review of Results & Improved Patient Care

By Kinsie Clarkson on Dec 20, 2021

It has been a challenging year in healthcare. The second year of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought burnout, staffing shortages, and the continued struggles associated with trying to care for patients during a pandemic. 

In the midst of it all, many healthcare systems have risen to the challenge and devoted themselves to providing better, faster, and more efficient care for their patients. They've achieved amazing things in 2021, and, in spite of the setbacks and challenges, have found ways to continue to deliver top-notch care for their patients.

Join us as we take a walk through Pulsara's 2021 case studies, celebrate the stories of some of our partner organizations, and highlight the amazing results they've achieved this year!

Topics: Stroke STEMI Trauma Customer Success
4 min read

Passing It Forward: Practicing Altruism in EMS with Pulsara

By Chris Moline on Dec 15, 2021

If you work in EMS, you experience many challenges during your shift. These challenges begin with always being in a state of readiness to safely arrive on-scene. Once you're there, you jump directly into the thick of the challenge and immediately start assessing problems with the information you can obtain at the time. It’s stressful, exhausting, exhilarating, and yet addictive at the same time—all these things and more.

Aside from treating and transporting patients, there are constantly other things to keep up with: ongoing training for new or updated software, equipment and devices, the latest industry treatment recommendations, and agency rules and regulations. Can EMS workers become fatigued, burned out, and experience depression? Absolutely! Why do they continue to do it, then?

Because while these challenges can and often do occur, there’s something internally higher that drives them to be a part of a “greater good”—to undergo uncomfortable situations for the benefit of others. This at its root is called altruism. Altruism has many shades of definition, but at its core, altruism is about individuals who put the needs and concerns of others above their own comfort and well-being. Altruism is a common trait for many in EMS. One example—amongst many—is a paramedic working out in freezing weather trying to safely extricate a patient from an MVA.

Topics: EMS
2 min read

Stay Connected with Pulsara Calling

By Tyler Hakamaki on Dec 13, 2021

Pulsara assists healthcare organizations by enhancing their communication experience during a patient encounter. We offer the ability to communicate important information about a patient's status through a variety of ways, including traditional phone calls, text-based messaging, and video/voice calls through Pulsara Calling.

Topics: Telehealth
2 min read

Ouachita County Medical Center Cuts DIDO for STEMI Patients by 50%

By Kinsie Clarkson on Dec 08, 2021

Ouachita County Medical Center (OCMC) is a not-for-profit hospital with 99 beds, serving residents of the rural community surrounding the city of Camden in southern Arkansas, about 100 miles from Little Rock. As a smaller, non-PCI facility, OCMC often coordinates transfers for their STEMI patients to PCI facilities.

Previously, when a patient arrived in the OCMC emergency room with a STEMI, whether by ambulance or private car, staff would first page a cardiologist at the patient’s preferred receiving facility, then wait for the physician to call back. Only then could they start the process of transferring the patient to a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) facility that could provide critical care. “Then we had to get a bed confirmed, and then we had to wait to get our EMS service to take the patient. And then, usually, most of those patients at that time went to Little Rock, which is about an hour and a half from where we are,” explained Jennifer Ray, RN, OCMC’s ER and ICU manager. “So the timeliness of the patient getting in and out was very, very slow.” How slow? During 2017, the average door-in, door-out (DIDO) time was 72 minutes for the 19 STEMI patients who came into the OCMC ER—more than double the 30 minutes or less recommended by the American College of Cardiology Foundation and the American Heart Association.

Topics: STEMI Press Consult Customer Success Transfer
3 min read

Unified Communication: A New System for Improving the Patient Journey

By Team Pulsara on Dec 06, 2021

Editor's Note: This article was originally posted on Becker's Hospital Review under the title "From communication silos to unified communication: 4 takeaways on a new system for improving the patient journey."

The traditional patient journey is plagued by communication silos. Multiple healthcare providers are involved in a patient's care from start to finish, but many times they don't have the tools needed to communicate effectively with each other. Pulsara enables unified communication that dismantles these silos, providing a single source of truth between disparate care teams that improves emergency care coordination.

In a November webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Joey Branton, Pulsara's Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, discussed the silos in healthcare communication and described how Pulsara's solution provides improved networked communication with a system of care that scales.

Here are four key takeaways from the presentation:

Topics: Connected Teams Systems of Care
11 min read

The Future of EMS: An Interview with Corey Ricketson (Part 2)

By Kinsie Clarkson on Dec 01, 2021

The past two years have done a great deal to redefine the shifting identity of EMS. COVID-19 changed a lot about how we provide care, and some of the solutions we came up with have led to a watershed of self-discovery. With that, though, comes an equal number of questions. What does the shifting landscape of healthcare mean for EMS? What will the role of EMS be going forward? As the identity of EMS evolves and medics are given more agency, will they be able to help find solutions for problems like overcrowded emergency departments, while also giving patients both a better and more appropriate care experience? 

Corey Ricketson, Pulsara's Vice President of Strategic Accounts, recently had the opportunity to discuss these and other hot topics in EMS with Chris Cebollero on The Inside EMS podcast, hosted by EMS1. Corey shares his experiences visiting multiple EMS agencies throughout the country, as well as some top takeaways from how leading EMS agencies are finding solutions to issues like ED overcrowding. Chris and Corey talk community paramedicine, how EMS needs to adapt for the future, the importance of meeting patients where they are, and how interoperability, connection, and communication should be a main focus for EMS agencies.

Listen to the podcast below, and read on for part 2 of the interview! (If you missed part 1, check it out here.)

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine Mobile Integrated Health Telehealth
12 min read

The Future of EMS: An Interview with Corey Ricketson (Part 1)

By Kinsie Clarkson on Nov 29, 2021

The past two years have done a great deal to redefine the shifting identity of EMS. COVID-19 changed a lot about how we provide care, and some of the solutions we came up with have led to a watershed of self-discovery. With that, though, comes an equal number of questions. What does the shifting landscape of healthcare mean for EMS? What will the role of EMS be going forward? As the identity of EMS evolves and medics are given more agency, will they be able to help find solutions for problems like overcrowded emergency departments, while also giving patients both a better and more appropriate care experience? 

Corey Ricketson, Pulsara's Vice President of Strategic Accounts, recently had the opportunity to discuss these and other hot topics in EMS with Chris Cebollero on The Inside EMS podcast, hosted by EMS1. Corey shares his experiences visiting multiple EMS agencies throughout the country, as well as some top takeaways from how leading EMS agencies are finding solutions to issues like ED overcrowding. Chris and Corey talk community paramedicine, how EMS needs to adapt for the future, the importance of meeting patients where they are, and how interoperability, connection, and communication should be a main focus for EMS agencies.

Listen to the podcast below, and read on for part 1 of the full interview! 

Topics: EMS Community Paramedicine Mobile Integrated Health Telehealth
2 min read

Thanks, Healthcare Workers: A Pulsara Visit to the Front Lines

By Team Pulsara on Nov 24, 2021

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Colin Moravec for writing today's blog post. You can connect with him on LinkedIn. 

As Lead Implementation Project Manager at Pulsara, I help manage the implementation of our software at hospitals. My background is not clinical. Like the rest of the global population, I’ve been reacting, adjusting, and trying to comprehend the results of precisely what COVID-19 has done to our society, and especially our healthcare system. As the Delta variant surge began mid-summer, I had yet to get an inside personal look at how the COVID-19 pandemic affected our healthcare system.

And then, in early September, I got the eye-opening chance to visit a hospital.

Topics: COVID-19
3 min read

Seattle-Area EvergreenHealth Achieves Record 41% Decrease in Door-to-Puncture Times with Pulsara

By Nathan Williams on Nov 22, 2021

One healthcare system used Pulsara to achieve record door-to-puncture times and improved inter-organizational team communication for better care coordination. 

BOZEMAN, Mont., Nov. 22, 2021 — Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events published new details on Seattle-based EvergreenHealth’s record improvements in patient care. Reporting on their hospital and stroke program growth—and the increased communication challenges that growth brought on—the EvergreenHealth Case Study reveals the solutions they found to streamline care and communication across the whole organization spanning three sites. 

Serving a population of nearly 850,000 residents, EvergreenHealth is a growing two-hospital healthcare system with two emergency departments—one in Kirkland, Washington, and a freestanding emergency department in Redmond, Washington. Historically, the stroke teams were using pagers and audio calls to coordinate care. However, as both the hospitals and the stroke program grew, they began straining the limits of what former standard technologies could support. 

Topics: Press Customer Success
17 min read

Force Multiplier Patient Care - Q&A

By Team Pulsara on Nov 17, 2021

EDITOR’S UPDATE: The ET3 program is mentioned throughout the below interview. Please note that, as reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.


What if you could keep hundreds of low-acuity patients a week from having to needlessly go to the emergency room? With a scalable system of care, Austin-Travis County EMS is doing just that. In just three weeks, they kept 434 low-acuity patients out of the hospital—rerouting them to faster and more appropriate care via their ET3 clinic partner agency and the telehealth communications and logistics platform Pulsara.

Recently, Commander Steve White and Dr. Carlos Navarro presented a webinar to share their experience with creating the C4 unit, walk through a case study, and offer tangible takeaways and cutting-edge insights. If you haven't yet had the chance to catch up on the conversation, check out part 1 and part 2.

Read on to hear from Commander White and Dr. Navarro as they host a Q&A, answering audience questions about their system, how it works, and how its principles can be applied to other organizations. 

Topics: EMS Telehealth Customer Success
3 min read

Baptist Health Delivering Faster Patient Care with Pulsara

By Kinsie Clarkson on Nov 15, 2021

Baptist Health in Little Rock, Arkansas, is using new technology to reduce treatment times and deliver better patient care. Dr. Wendell Pahls, Medical Director of Emergency and Transfer Services at Baptist Health, spoke to The Vine about how Pulsara is helping them streamline communication and cut down treatment times. 

"It's really cool," said Dr. Pahls. "We've taken a very fundamental concept, which is that the sooner that we can treat you for time-sensitive illnesses—like strokes, heart attacks, and things like that—the sooner we can get you into definitive care, the better off you'll be. Everybody these days carries around one of these: a cell phone," he said. With Pulsara's communication and logistics platform, Baptist Health has been able to link all their different providers together on one patient channel, facilitating better communication around each patient—and, as a result, better, faster patient care. 

Check out the video interview here! 

Topics: Press
11 min read

Force Multiplier Patient Care [Part 2]

By Team Pulsara on Nov 10, 2021

What if you could keep hundreds of low-acuity patients a week from having to needlessly go to the emergency room? And what if, by doing so, you could reduce or eliminate the challenge of slow turnaround times, free up much-needed EMS and hospital resources, and help patients get the care they need faster, more affordably, and more efficiently?

Austin-Travis County EMS is doing just that. With a scalable system of care, they kept 434 low-acuity patients out of the hospital in just three weeks—rerouting them to faster and more appropriate care via the interconnected support of their ET3 clinic partner agency and the telehealth communications and logistics platform Pulsara.

On October 19th, Commander Steve White and Dr. Carlos Navarro shared their experience with creating the C4 unit, walked through a case study, and shared tangible takeaways and cutting-edge insights that you can apply to your own organization today.

Check out part 2 of their presentation below! (If you haven't yet had the chance to read part 1, check it out here.) 

Topics: EMS Telehealth Customer Success
3 min read

Pulsara Receives 2021 HealthTechZone Telehealth Award

By Nathan Williams on Nov 08, 2021

Telehealth Communications and Logistics Platform Honored for Improving Healthcare Delivery

BOZEMAN, Mont., Nov. 8, 2021Pulsara, the leading telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events announced today that the company has received a 2021 Telehealth Award from prominent healthcare technology news source HealthTechZone.com. The award recognizes companies innovating and improving health delivery and management towards exceptional customer experiences.

“On behalf of TMC and HealthTechZone, I would like to congratulate all of the Telehealth award winners,” said Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. “Every year I am so impressed by each winning company’s dedication to quality in solutions that benefit the overall customer experience—while driving ROI for companies that use them.”

Topics: Press Awards Telehealth
4 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Using Innovation and Technology to Improve Trauma and Stroke Patient Care

By Nathan Williams on Nov 03, 2021

The Evolution of “STRAUMA”: Using Innovation and Technology to Improve Trauma and Stroke Patient Care 

Not unlike other trauma centers, one of UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central's top mechanisms of injury is geriatric ground-level falls. As part of their Trauma performance improvement process, they identified an opportunity with relation to this population in which both Trauma and Stroke alerts were required. While they had their Trauma and Stroke alerts dialed in, they realized they still had a problem: their communication systems were not as fast or efficient as they could be when dealing with patients that needed coordinated care from both the Trauma and Stroke teams. They saw an opportunity to streamline alerts and coordination of care for those types of patients.

Presented by the American Trauma Society, with speakers Heather Finch, MSN, RN, CEN, TCRN, Manager of Trauma Services at UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central in Colorado Springs, CO along with moderator Kate Leatherby, Regional Vice President - West at Pulsara, learn how UCHealth turned all of that around with a little bit of innovation and technology. UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central has improved efficiency, eliminated phone calls to multiple people, and created a novel “STRAUMA” alert (Trauma + Stroke) with dual team notification and response for improved patient care and team coordination. 

Webinar Event Details

Date: Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Time: 1:00 PM EDT | 12:00 PM CDT | 11:00 AM MDT | 10:00 AM PDT

Cost: FREE

Webinar Host: American Trauma Society

Topics: Technology Systems of Care
3 min read

Upcoming Webinar: The Future-Proof Health System

By Nathan Williams on Nov 01, 2021

The Future-Proof Health System: How Dismantling Communication Siloes Can Support Better Care Delivery Today and Tomorrow

In the largest pandemic of our lifetime, learn how healthcare leaders are using a unified communication and logistics platform to not only manage the COVID-19 crisis, but also lay the foundation for a new reality in healthcare—including the dismantling of communication silos between disparate care teams, single source of truth patient care coordination, and systems of care that scale.

Presented by Joey Branton, Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Pulsara, this presentation will provide tangible takeaways that you can apply to your own organization.

Topics: Technology Systems of Care
4 min read

Pulsara Around the World - November and December 2021

By Isabella Rapp on Oct 29, 2021

With back-to-back events all month, October has come and gone in a flash. Let's take a look at the exciting things Team Pulsara has been up to in October, and find out where you can catch us on the road in November and December.

Topics: Events
18 min read

Force Multiplier Patient Care [Part 1]

By Team Pulsara on Oct 27, 2021

Editor's Update: The ET3 program is mentioned throughout the below interview. Please note that, as reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.


What if you could keep hundreds of low-acuity patients a week from having to needlessly go to the emergency room? And what if, by doing so, you could reduce or eliminate the challenge of slow turnaround times, free up much-needed EMS and hospital resources, and help patients get the care they need faster, more affordably, and more efficiently?

Austin-Travis County EMS is doing just that. With a scalable system of care, they kept 434 low-acuity patients out of the hospital in just three weeks—rerouting them to faster and more appropriate care via the interconnected support of their ET3 clinic partner agency and the telehealth communications and logistics platform Pulsara.

On October 19th, Commander Steve White and Dr. Carlos Navarro shared their experience with creating the C4 unit, walked through a case study, and shared tangible takeaways and cutting-edge insights that you can apply to your own organization today.

Check out part 1 of their presentation below! 

Topics: EMS Telehealth Customer Success
4 min read

New Zealand Looks to Improve Access to Health Data

By Kinsie Clarkson on Oct 22, 2021

In April of 2021, New Zealand Health Minister Andrew Little announced plans to abolish the 20 district health boards (DHBs) and replace them instead with a single organization called Health New Zealand, which will be responsible for hospitals across the country. 

The unexpected announcement was a major indicator of changes to come in New Zealand's health system. As the system reforms its organizational and decision-making structure, they are also looking for a solution to a fragmented data system in health IT. 

New Zealand has struggled with a fragmented process for transmitting patient data for many years. Current processes don't allow for the seamless, secure transmission of patient data between facilities.

Topics: Electronic Health Records New Zealand
6 min read

What Do Medics Think About Community Paramedicine?

By Hannah Ostrem on Oct 20, 2021

On March 2, 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a report detailing trends in the utilization of Emergency Department services between 2009 and 2018. Between 2009 and 2016, ED rates slowly but steadily increased. During the COVID-19 pandemic, ED volume rates have trended down, but the number of people needing care has not changed. And during COVID surges, open beds have become a precious commodity. 

The increased demand on medical providers' time and resources has been met with a particularly intriguing solution involving a newer model of care: community paramedicine.

Topics: EMS
6 min read

Caring for Specialty Patients: 10 Things Every Medic Should Know

By Team Pulsara on Oct 15, 2021

Editor's Note: The following content originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest blogger, Drew Rinella for EMS1 BrandFocus. 

Specialty patients present unique challenges to EMS providers in the field. Whether it's a rare medical condition, an unusual medical device, or an unfamiliar treatment, specialized conditions will require different considerations from more routine calls. But don't worry; even if you aren't familiar with the patient's condition or device, there are some practices you can use to help minimize the degree of unfamiliarity and still provide top-notch care for your patient. 

Here are 10 things you need to know about caring for specialty patients and managing resources around their care.

Topics: EMS
4 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Force Multiplier Patient Care

By Nathan Williams on Oct 13, 2021

2023 Editor's Update: Please note that, as reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.


Force Multiplier Patient Care: How EMS Leaders are Revolutionizing the Industry through ET3 Clinic Partner Agencies & Mobile Technology

What if you could keep hundreds of low-acuity patients a week from having to needlessly go to the emergency room? And what if, by doing so, you could reduce or eliminate the challenge of slow turnaround times, free up much-needed EMS and hospital resources, and help patients get the care they need faster, more affordably, and more efficiently?

Austin-Travis County EMS is doing just that. With a scalable system of care, they kept 434 low-acuity patients out of the hospital in just three weeks—rerouting them to faster and more appropriate care via the interconnected support of their ET3 clinic partner agency and the telehealth communications and logistics platform Pulsara.

Presented by Steve White, Commander of Texas’s Austin-Travis County EMS Collaborative Care Communication Center Initiative (C4), along with Dr. Carlos Navarro, Medical Director for Care Value Optimization, Austin market WellMed Medical Management, the speakers will share tangible takeaways and cutting-edge insights that you can apply to your own organization today.

Topics: EMS Events Customer Success
2 min read

Saline Memorial Hospital Reduces STEMI Treatment Times by 28% in 4 Months

By Isabella Rapp on Oct 11, 2021

Saline Memorial Hospital is the only full-service hospital in the rural area of Saline County, Arkansas. Serving over 120,000 people, Saline Memorial is licensed for 177 beds and has its own EMS service (MedTran) that brings in 85 to 90% of their patients. According to Brian Mann, Saline Memorial's Director of Growth and Outreach, Saline County is and has been “one of the fastest-growing counties in Arkansas for around a decade.”

With a rapidly growing population and a system running to keep up, Saline Memorial Hospital was looking for a way to reduce their treatment times for patients arriving via EMS. Because it serves a dispersed population across a large service area and is the only American College of Cardiology Accredited Chest Pain Center in the community, Saline Memorial struggled to keep their first medical contact-to-device times low. The ACC and the AHA recommend a standard of 90 minutes. According to Jeannie Otts, RT, R, CV, ARRT, Cardiac Cath Lab Director, Saline Memorial’s STEMI patients’ first medical contact-to-device time averaged around 105 minutes from the field.

Topics: STEMI Press Customer Success
8 min read

Are Pagers More Reliable Than Cell Phones?

By Isabella Rapp on Oct 08, 2021

Debunking the Myths of Integrated Mobile Technology

For a long time, pagers have been considered the logical choice for hospitals because they can get a message through even when a cell phone can’t get a signal. They have been standard in healthcare for over 40 years — for good reason. 

However, mobile technology has come a long way over the past two decades. It's become the way we communicate for everything else in our lives. We text friends and family members. We can even order a pizza and track it to the front door. In the healthcare world, there have been holdups to converting to mobile technology, mostly due to concerns about the reliability of smartphones when compared to pagers. So, let's compare, contrast, and bust a few myths about pagers....

Topics: Connectivity Pager
6 min read

How Telehealth Can Help With Staffing Shortages in EMS

By Kinsie Clarkson on Oct 06, 2021

It has been a rough eighteen months for all disciplines within healthcare. Since the start of the pandemic, call volumes have increased. More people need help. And yet, as the pandemic drags on, there are fewer and fewer providers still on the job. Emergency services organizations around the world are experiencing staffing shortages. Headline after headline after headline has demonstrated that the problem is both severe and widespread.

Many factors have contributed to staffing shortages in EMS across the United States, as well as ambulance services in the UK and Australia. These factors will need to be addressed soon. In the meantime, however, those still on the job are left looking for ways to continue providing care for their patients. Staffing shortages are hard enough but are made even worse for those left behind when the lack of providers starts to impact the level of care they can provide. 

Over the past year, telehealth became a favored tool in non-emergent care for helping clinicians treat patients from a distance. However, many EMS organizations are now discovering that leveraging telehealth as a part of normal practice can actually help save time, preserve resources, and increase the output of smaller crews. 

If you're struggling with staffing shortages, here are a few ways telehealth may be able to help you work with the resources you have. 

Topics: EMS COVID-19
8 min read

10 Things You Need to Know to Prepare a Successful Grant Application

By Team Pulsara on Oct 04, 2021

Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author,EMS1 BrandFocus Staff

This step-by-step guide will help you plan, prepare and apply for grant funding to support your EMS organization

Many public safety organizations find themselves with tight budgets, asked to do more with less – especially with declining tax revenues and increased calls for service during the pandemic. Grant funding is a good way to supplement your annual budget, and there are plenty of resources, whether public (state, federal and local) or private (foundations, corporations, etc.).

The coronavirus pandemic significantly challenged and strained our nation’s healthcare system, including EMS agencies from coast to coast. Lawmakers have enacted legislation providing about $5.3 trillion to help mitigate the economic burden. In particular, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provides aid to help first responders and healthcare professionals.

If you are just beginning your search for grant funding or are familiar with grants but unsure of how to prepare an application, here are 10 best practices for success when searching for and applying for grant funds:

Topics: Funding
10 min read

8 Places to Invest in Provider Safety

By Team Pulsara on Oct 01, 2021

Editor's Note: On August 11th, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. This fifth and final entry in the 2021 Trend Report is written by Rob Lawrence, director of strategic implementation of PRO EMS Cambridge, Massachusetts, and executive director of the California Ambulance Association.

Safety, security, well-being, and fatigue: Key organizational indicators of a robust workforce

After a tumultuous year, we anticipated some shifts in the 2021 EMS Trend Report. We did not see a major shift in levels of burnout, or why providers are leaving their agencies, as we may have expected. What we did see, however, was a change in the three most critical issues facing EMS today. In a shift from 2020, provider mental health and provider safety rounded out the top three critical issues, behind retention of quality personnel, which has remained consistent.

The 2021 EMS Trend Report survey revealed a lot about respondents’ opinions regarding their safety and well-being. Views on and requests for support for mental health of both providers and their patients were telling, as was the need to offer physical and personal protections, both on the person and in the vehicle.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - October 2021

By Isabella Rapp on Sep 29, 2021

September Recap

To kick off a busy September, Pulsara was selected as a JEMS 2021 Hot Product Winner at EMS Today! Pulsara’s newest version and functionality allow emergency services teams to practice at an expanded scope with dynamic tools, including group video conferencing, deep linking, the Pulsara Summary Report, and more.

Topics: Events
2 min read

UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central Saves Time for Trauma Patients

By Kinsie Clarkson on Sep 27, 2021

As a tertiary care center and Level I trauma facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the trauma team at UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central had their patient care process dialed in. However, there was one part of their process they weren’t satisfied with: their communication system.

The team was receiving notifications through an alarm dispatch system, which ran through the hospital operators and was then manually managed by each individual service line. UCHealth’s Associate Nurse Manager, Nikki Schroeder, BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN, described their process: “Prehospital providers would call in to our ED charge nurse, relay pertinent information, and then the ED charge nurse would determine what level of activation was required. To notify our hospital team, the charge nurse would give the information to our unit clerk, and our unit clerk would page our 811 paging system. That’s how the trauma surgeon, the ICU, and the whole trauma team got notified.”

Topics: Press Customer Success
4 min read

NHS Works to Increase UK Mental Health Services as Need Reaches Crisis

By Kinsie Clarkson on Sep 24, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world in innumerable ways, but it's growing increasingly apparent that it's contributed to a worldwide crisis of another kind: mental health.

The need for mental health resources in the UK is on a sharp incline. Dr Adrian James, the president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, recently stated that the pandemic has posed a great threat to mental health, and threatens to undo years of progress without a new injection of funds into the system. 

While mental health has been a growing need for a number of years, the demand has increased exponentially since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In June of 2021, a record 1.5 million people across the UK received mental health treatment from the National Health Service (NHS). According to Dr James, many more desperately need that treatment. After a year of lockdowns, an estimated 1.6 million more people have come forward looking for help, and are waiting for treatment.

Topics: United Kingdom Mental Health
7 min read

Is Poor Leadership More Dangerous Than a Pandemic?

By Team Pulsara on Sep 22, 2021

Inoculate EMS leaders with the skills necessary to effectively lead our caregivers and organizations

Editor's Note: 
On August 11th, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by
Anthony Minge, Ed.D., a senior partner at Fitch & Associates.

Hopefully, we are nearing the end of one of the worst healthcare crises in modern times. At the time of this writing, there have been over 187 million known cases of COVID-19 worldwide and over 4 million deaths, in excess of 600,000 deaths in the U.S. alone. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted and been a drain on almost every single aspect of humanity, in many instances, devastatingly and critically. The effects on our economy, healthcare system, and society will continue to be felt for years to come. EMS and public safety have literally been on the front lines
since the beginning and the impacts have most certainly not been positive.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
16 min read

Roundtable: Incremental Change in EMS Through Transformative Events

By Team Pulsara on Sep 20, 2021

Editor's Update: The ET3 program is mentioned throughout the below report. Please note that, as reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.

Editor's Note: On August 11th, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is a roundtable discussion with a panel of distinguished industry experts, conducted by Kerri Hatt, Editor-in-Chief for EMS1.

EMS leaders interpret the 2021 EMS Trend Report results and the permanent solutions needed for challenges highlighted by the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic forced EMS providers, leaders and educators to shift gears, in service delivery, in training and in where EMS fits into public health. While the biggest challenges in EMS are not new – retention, burnout, salary, mental health – the ever-evolving public health emergency shed new light into how staffing, safety and sacrifice influence provider optimism and wellness.

The sixth annual EMS Trend Report explores how the last year has shaped EMS resilience. We asked industry experts to analyze how the results reflect current healthcare trends, what they mean for the future of EMS service delivery, and how they can guide efforts to support providers in the years ahead.

Topics: Trend Report
4 min read

Why Is Change So Hard? The Start to Successful Change Management

By Team Pulsara on Sep 17, 2021

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Kate Leatherby for writing today's blog post. You can connect with her on LinkedIn


Change management is something I learned about during the course of my academic adventures, and at the time, it made a lot of sense. I could think of numerous examples of both failures and successes in change management that I had observed or been directly involved in during the span of my professional career. My studies had armed me with some valuable knowledge of different change management frameworks and ways to overcome and navigate process and people challenges. But I had never had a chance to apply my acquired skills in such a dramatic way until I started working at Pulsara.  

One of the first things I remember hearing about when I started at Pulsara was: “We have a saying here: change is 5% the technology, 15% process, and 80% about people.”

Topics: Change Management
8 min read

How MCHD Medics Are Using Mobile Tech to Connect to Medical Directors

By Team Pulsara on Sep 15, 2021

Editor's Update: The ET3 program is mentioned in the below article. Please note that, as reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.

Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com as "Medical Direction: Stepping Up the Ladder." Special thanks to our guest author, Casey Patrick, MD, FAEMS, Assistant Medical Director for Montgomery County Hospital District EMS. 


MCHD has been using mobile communication technology to allow medics to consult their medical directors, sharing audio, snapshots, and video from inside the patient's home or the ambulance

At Montgomery County Hospital District EMS service in Greater Houston, we looked for a streamlined way to step critically ill patient prehospital care up the ladder to medical direction

Our telehealth journey began when we integrated the Pulsara communication app about two years ago, both as our intra-service communication tool and with a vision to progress to use it with our receiving hospitals. 

Real-time communication allows the medics to consult a district chief, a supervisor, a high-ranking medic—or, as in our case—a medical director, sharing audio, snapshots, and video from inside the home or the ambulance. 

Topics: Technology Innovation Telehealth
4 min read

Press Release: Pulsara Selected as a JEMS 2021 Hot Product Winner at EMS Today

By Team Pulsara on Sep 13, 2021

Pulsara’s powerful new functionality has received special recognition for its innovative and practical contributions to EMS and patient care. 

BOZEMAN, Mont., September 13, 2021Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, and JEMS (Journal of Emergency Medical Services) are proud to announce the selection of Pulsara as a 2021 Hot Product at the virtual EMS Today Conference & Exposition. Pulsara’s newest functionality allows EMS teams to practice at an expanded scope with dynamic tools, including group video conferencing, deep linking, the Pulsara Summary Report, and more.

Through Pulsara, EMS can alert their Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) team for a patient who may be sick but not critical. The community paramedic arrives on scene, communicates via live video with their medical director, connects the patient with their primary physician, and creates a healthcare plan. This frees up ambulance crews to remain available for time-sensitive emergencies while less critical patients can receive treatment without transport.

Topics: Press Awards
7 min read

Remembering 9/11: Picking up the Pieces and Shaping the Future

By Kinsie Clarkson on Sep 11, 2021

PART 2 of 2

Editor’s Note — This is Part 2 on the events that took place on September 11, 2001, through the personal account of Chief John Peruggia, retired Chief of FDNY EMS. If you haven’t yet, please read Part 1 — Remembering 9/11 Through the Lens of FDNY’s Chief of EMS.

Planes hit. 

Buildings collapse. 

Lives are lost. 

Loved ones are lost. 

Grief. Fear. Anger. Mourning. 

Tragedies shape everything that comes after them, separating time into two distinct frames: Before, and After. 

The dust settles, and those left behind in its wake are left to pick up the pieces. 

Through the loss, through the darkness, come sparks of innovation. 

9 min read

Remembering 9/11 Through the Lens of FDNY’s Chief of EMS

By Kinsie Clarkson on Sep 10, 2021

PART 1 of 2

Editor’s Note — I recently had the privilege of spending time with Chief John Peruggia, retired Chief of FDNY EMS. He shared his vivid memories of September 11, 2001, and how the world has (and hasn’t) changed over the past 20 years. Chief, thank you for your time and sacrifice to the EMS community.

Where were you on September 11, 2001? Instantly, each of us can vividly remember what we were doing when two planes collided with the World Trade Center. The stories that came from that day continue to echo down through the years, as we approach the 20th anniversary of the event.

But few people quite know the story like those who were there. 

Chief John Peruggia was one of those people. 

2 min read

Pulsara to Showcase New ECG Integration at UK’s Emergency Services Show, September 7-8, 2021 (PRESS RELEASE)

By Team Pulsara on Sep 06, 2021

Meet Pulsara for live demos, simulations, and a game-changing ECG integration to improve clinical workflows and communication.

BOZEMAN, Mont., September 6, 2021 — Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, announced today that the company will be attending the Birmingham, UK Emergency Services Show where it will showcase its latest ECG integration with the Philips Tempus Pro advanced patient monitor. This state-of-the-art integration enables ambulance services to share Philips monitor diagnostic quality 12-lead ECGs directly with the A&E before arrival—across the Pulsara communication platform—enabling clinical teams to prepare for the patient’s arrival quickly.  

As the UK’s leading annual showcase of the blue light sector, the Emergency Services Show will feature hundreds of exhibitors, live demos, learning opportunities, and premier networking. According to the show’s website, “The two-day event brings together all disciplines from the emergency services sector to discover innovative technology and operational solutions, share their experiences and unite in their collaborative approach to public safety.” 

Topics: Press United Kingdom integrations
11 min read

The State of the Profession: The 2021 EMS Trend Report

By Team Pulsara on Sep 03, 2021

Editor's Update: The ET3 program is mentioned in the below report. Please note that, as reported by JEMS.com on 6/28/23, the federal government is ending the ET3 program. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “This decision does not affect Model Participants’ participation in the Model through December 31, 2023.” Read the full article on JEMS for more details: ET3 Program Comes to an Abrupt End. Be advised that Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine are separate initiatives and are unaffected by the ET3 program termination.

Editor's Note: On August 11th, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Anthony Minge, EdD, senior partner at Fitch & Associates.

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

How EMS is poised to tackle the challenges ahead after the greatest public health threat in generations

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 has had an impact on the profession. From call volume, to protective equipment, to technology adaptation, many things changed in between our 2020 and 2021 surveys. But what impact did COVID-19 have on the EMS community’s perception of itself? The answer, of course, is not simple. But the quick summary? Not as much impact as we might have thought.

Topics: EMS Trend Report
3 min read

Pulsara Around the World - September 2021

By Isabella Rapp on Sep 01, 2021

August Recap

It was a busy month for Regional Sales Manager Wes Wood and others as they staffed the Pulsara booth at two in-person conferences and one virtual event. From Phoenix, AZ to San Antonio, TX, the flexibility and scalability of both our platform and team were evident at these exhibitions. 

COVID-19 has not seemed to slow down over the last few months; however, Pulsara is working hard to help our customers and their communities effectively manage the surge of patients and transfers throughout hospitals.  Both the Texas Emergency Medical Task Force (TX EMTF) and the Montgomery County Hospital District (MCHD) in Texas have leveraged Pulsara as an innovative solution and are able to not only reduce excessive phone calls, but also monitor their patients all through the mobile platform.

Pulsara also made groundbreaking strides forward in a rural and underserved Colorado community by integrating a telehealth and community paramedicine program with emergency services and hospitals in the area. After its success, the Teller County, CO leaders worked with Pulsara to publish a case study highlighting the radical development of their communities and how other emergency services agencies across the globe can do the same. Check out the video below:


As we head into the month of September, we kick off a busy conference season. Here's where you can find us!

Topics: Events
2 min read

EvergreenHealth Achieves Record Door-to-Puncture Times with Pulsara

By Kinsie Clarkson on Aug 31, 2021

As a two-hospital healthcare system with a freestanding emergency department and Level III Trauma Center, EvergreenHealth in Kirkland, Washington serves a population of nearly 850,000 residents. Over the past few years, their teams and service lines have grown accordingly.

EvergreenHealth’s stroke teams were using pagers and audio calls to coordinate care. However, as both the hospitals and the stroke program grew, they began straining the limits of what former standard technologies could support.

“As we were growing the service line, bringing on EvergreenHealth Monroe, considering the freestanding ED, and bringing more neurohospitalists into our program, there was potential for communication to continue to become more fragmented,” said RN Nurse Navigator for EvergreenHealth’s Stroke Center, Meg Briggs, BSN, RN, SCRN. “You can imagine what it was like with the neurohospitalists spanning three sites, having to keep it all together.”

Topics: Stroke Customer Success
6 min read

8 Things to Look for in a System of Care That Scales

By James Woodson, MD on Aug 27, 2021

Editor's Note: The following post is adapted from a presentation Dr. James Woodson recently gave at the Arab Health Conference in Dubai on June 24th, 2021 entitled "Enabling Networked Communication: How Innovations in Mobile Technology Can Be Leveraged For Better Quality Of Care." Though the content was specifically tailored for conference attendees, the principles Dr. Woodson shares apply to healthcare systems worldwide. Watch the full presentation below, or check out Part 1 and Part 2 of our blog coverage.

If you're looking to build a communication and logistics system that can scale to meet your needs, you'll need a strong infrastructure built on the right kind of technology. There are many different types of solutions out there, from platforms that have been built specifically to cover certain parts of the care process to popular platforms that weren't even designed for healthcare at all. 

So the key question is: What are the traits of a system that will scale to meet your needs, no matter what kind of situation is thrown at it?

As the founder and CEO of Pulsara, I've spent a lot of time researching, experimenting, and observing what works and what doesn't. Here are 8 things I've learned to look for in a communication and logistics solution that can meet your organization's needs, no matter the scale of the situation. 

Topics: Regional Systems of Care
5 min read

Why Systems of Care That Scale Represent the Future of EMS

By Team Pulsara on Aug 25, 2021

Editor's Note: On August 11th, EMS1, Fitch & Associates, and the National EMS Management Association released their fourth annual EMS Trend Report, proudly sponsored by Pulsara. Because the articles and advice found within contain such critical subject matter, we've elected to publish each segment one at a time here on our blog. Read, enjoy, share, and take to heart the following information brought to you by the most prestigious thought leaders in EMS. Today's entry is written by Kris Kaull, B.S., NRP, CCEMT-P, FP-C

As COVID-19 continues to shape the landscape of healthcare, many profession-altering changes are here to stay. The most impactful of these is the paradigm shift to the “connected worker.”

While this may be a new term in healthcare, it has been covered extensively in manufacturing. As Natan Linder wrote in Forbes, “For years, we interpreted poor manufacturing outcomes to poor human performance (as much as 70% of mistakes in factories occur on human-centric processes). But things changed with the fundamental insight that humans aren’t actually the problem. Badly designed or overly complex work systems are.”

Healthcare faces even greater challenges. There was a time where a healthcare professional may have shined based on their clinical expertise alone. But this is no longer the case. I met with a neurologist in Seattle who told me that she makes, on average, 17 phone calls before she sees a stroke patient. Consider the time-sensitive tasks and coordination that need to be completed by a team in order to properly treat a critical patient: multiple phone calls, pages, answering services, handwritten notes, and radio communications.

Topics: Connected Teams COVID-19 Telehealth
4 min read

How MCHD Is Monitoring Employee Health During COVID-19 with Pulsara

By Kinsie Clarkson on Aug 23, 2021

When COVID-19 struck Texas in early 2020, Montgomery County Hospital District suddenly faced a whole host of new problems. Patients were still calling 911 and needed emergent care, but not all of them needed—or wanted—to be transported to the hospital. Paramedics were daily putting themselves at risk as they entered environments that could expose them to COVID-19. 

“Early on, we didn't know what was going to happen,” said Rob Dickson, MD, FAAEM, FACEP, FACEM, and EMS Medical Director at MCHD. “And we were all—across the nation, across the world—struggling with procedures and PPE and how we could best look after our employees.”

MCHD had a brief window to come up with innovative solutions. They had been using Pulsara to streamline care team communication around stroke and STEMI patients. But in response to the crisis, they began using Pulsara for a completely different purpose: regularly checking in with their employees who had contracted or had been exposed to COVID-19.

Topics: COVID-19 Pulsara PATIENT Customer Success
4 min read

EMS Employee Retention: Building a Positive Organizational Culture

By Team Pulsara on Aug 20, 2021

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Colin Moravec for writing today's blog post. You can connect with him on LinkedIn. 

COVID-19 has brought about a lot of challenges and changes in the healthcare industry. EMS agencies are BUSY. They have been pushing themselves to the max supporting their communities and putting themselves in harm’s way to help their communities through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

EMS agencies embody the value of grit. They get the job done at all costs, regardless of obstacles. This value is what makes EMTs and paramedics unique. They stay cognizant of their role in the community and in the chain of medical care, and they execute their job faithfully, regardless of the environment. This value of gritty determination makes up the culture of many EMS agencies and EMT professionals. 

Organizational culture is “a pattern of shared basic assumptions learned by a group as it solves its problems.”1 It's the shared beliefs and values established by leaders and then communicated and reinforced in the environment, which ultimately shape team member perceptions, behaviors, and understanding.

Topics: EMS Wellness
2 min read

Texas EMTF Simplifies Patient Transfers During COVID-19 (Case Study)

By Kinsie Clarkson on Aug 18, 2021

When the COVID-19 pandemic flared in the state of Texas in early 2020, the state struggled to load balance their COVID-19 patients. Some areas of the state experienced overwhelming waves of surge, while other areas had available beds and resources. Matching the particular needs of complex patients with available beds and other resources necessary for each patient was difficult.

They sought out a solution that would help create a virtual placement center for smooth patient transfers—supporting effective COVID-19 management and surge mitigation and a 75% reduction in excessive phone calls.

Topics: Regional Systems of Care COVID-19 Customer Success Emergency Management
3 min read

PRESS RELEASE: Groundbreaking Telehealth Program Reaching Rural & Underserved Populations

By Team Pulsara on Aug 16, 2021

Teller County, CO develops a first-of-its-kind telehealth program using Pulsara as the backbone for rural health communications

BOZEMAN, Mont., August 16, 2021 — Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that unites healthcare teams and technologies across organizations during dynamic events, published new details on Teller County, Colorado’s groundbreaking community paramedicine and telehealth program. Reporting on their initial challenges, the solutions they found, and results, the “911-INITIATED TELEMEDICINE: Next-Level Patient Care for Rural Colorado” case study reveals a new pathway forward for EMS agencies across the globe.

As COVID-19 escalated across the country in early 2020, EMS and hospital leaders in Teller County, CO identified that residents were reluctant to seek care—for any condition—at the hospital. “Up to 40% of our EMS volume does not want to go to the hospital once 911 arrives,” said Dr. Jeremy DeWall, EMS Medical Director for the Teller region. “Looking at our numbers, the fear was that we were missing a large group of people who were without healthcare or afraid to go to healthcare because of COVID-19.” 

Leveraging their already thriving community paramedicine program, Teller County’s Ute Pass Regional Health Service District and Emergency Medical Specialists, PC set in motion a new 911-initiated telemedicine program, utilizing Pulsara’s telehealth capabilities to address the acute needs of the community. 

Topics: Press Community Paramedicine COVID-19 Telehealth
5 min read

3 Ways Your Smartphone Can Improve EMS to ED Communication

By Team Pulsara on Aug 13, 2021

Editor's Note: Special thanks to our guest blogger, Yoona Ha with EMS1's BrandFocus Staff.

When you’re transporting a patient with a time-sensitive emergency, every second matters. JAMA researchers found that it takes an average of seven minutes for EMS units to arrive on the scene, and nearly one in 10 encounters involve up to a 30-minute wait. For some patients, like those who are transported for having an ischemic stroke, every moment is critical.

Patients with time-sensitive emergencies often get treated by multiple providers at different points along their care journey, each of whom has to update the next provider with the patient’s information. In a highly stressful emergency room environment, it’s easy for communication to break down during EMS patient handoffs.

Topics: EMS Telemedicine Technology Innovation
7 min read

The Connected Provider: How Tech-Unified Teams Improve Patient Care

By James Woodson, MD on Aug 11, 2021

Editor's Note: The following post is adapted from a presentation Dr. James Woodson recently gave at the Arab Health Conference in Dubai on June 24th, 2021 entitled "Enabling Networked Communication: How Innovations in Mobile Technology Can Be Leveraged For Better Quality Of Care." Though the content was specifically tailored for conference attendees, the principles Dr. Woodson shares apply to healthcare systems worldwide. (Watch the full presentation here, or check out Part 1 and Part 3 of our blog coverage.)

Poor communication in healthcare is an ongoing issue around the world. Miscommunication costs over $1.7 billion in the U.S. alone each year, causes 80% of serious medical errors during transitions of care, and contributes greatly to preventable deaths. 

When we look for the root cause of the problem, it's actually pretty simple: disconnected human work.

There's a brand new industry on the rise that revolves around the concept of the connected worker. Connected worker platforms started in manufacturing, and are starting to move into other industries. The basic idea behind them is to use a combination of hardware, network, and software tools to enable frontline workers to communicate with supervisors or fellow employees who are in another location. 

I think there is a lot that healthcare can learn from these types of platforms. We should be looking at the concept of the connected provider: a healthcare provider who navigates their environment and communicates with other team members through connective technologies. Mobile technology can enable clinicians to ask questions and share information with the right team member at the right time, empowering them to act on behalf of each individual patient within their broader system. 

Topics: Communication Regional Systems of Care Systems of Care Inter-Organization Communication
3 min read

How Telehealth is Transforming Behavioral Health Patient Care (Video)

By Nathan Williams on Aug 09, 2021

Mental health is a growing need around the world. Over 50 million people in the United States alone1 in 5 adultsare dealing with mental health issues. And the trend extends to all ages; 1 in 6 young people in the U.S. between the ages of 6 and 17 struggle with mental health. Living through a global pandemic has only made matters worse. In May 2021, Children's Hospital Colorado declared a state of emergency for pediatric mental health

Over the past few years, Ute Pass Regional Health Service District in Teller County, Colorado, has set out to improve care for mental health patients. They built a top-tier community paramedicine program uniquely trained to respond to mental health calls. They also equipped their community paramedics with Pulsara, a healthcare communications, telehealth, and logistics platform. The result is a dynamic program that meets mental health patients where they are. 

Topics: Telemedicine Community Paramedicine Telehealth Mental Health
5 min read

Teamwork & Communication Impact Patient Outcomes. Here's the Evidence.

By Hannah Ostrem on Aug 06, 2021

It's difficult to have a healthy team dynamic without good communication. 

But in healthcare, a positive team dynamic isn't the only thing depending on good communication. One retrospective analysis found that communication and teamwork issues were among the most frequent contributing factors to incident reports and adverse events. In fact, one report in the analysis showed that 30% of all surgical procedures included a communication failure. On top of that, 36% of those failures caused delays in treatment time, errors in the surgical procedure, or tension among the care team.

For patients, that's a significant impact on the quality of their care experience. Delays and errors can mean complications, a longer stay in the hospital, and an even longer road to healing. 

Topics: Communication Connected Teams
9 min read

10 Things You Need to Know About Treating Burns

By Team Pulsara on Aug 04, 2021

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, David Wright, MS, PA-C, NREMT-P, for EMS1 BrandFocus


The most important initial care step is to stop the burning process, but it’s also critical to know how to identify the type of burn and estimate the total area affected to help select the most appropriate destination for the patient

You and your partner are responding to a 911 call. Dispatch informs you that your patient suffered a burn. There is no additional information available at this time because the caller is quite panicked.

Your mind starts to race – maybe it’s a child who pulled a hot pot of noodles on top of themselves, maybe it’s a teenager playing with gasoline, maybe it’s a firefighter who was battling a fire, maybe it’s a grandparent who fell on a space heater.

No matter the situation you find when you arrive on scene, there are a few basic principles that apply to all burn patients. Here are 10 things EMS providers need to know to better assess and treat burns.

Topics: EMS Patient Safety
2 min read

Teller County, CO Leverages Pulsara for First-of-Its-Kind Telehealth Program (Case Study)

By Kinsie Clarkson on Aug 02, 2021

911-Initiated Telemedicine: Next-Level Patient Care for Rural Colorado

As EMS and hospital leaders in Teller County, Colorado watched cities like New York grapple with COVID-19 in March of 2020, they knew they needed to carefully plan their response. Fear of the virus spread even faster than the virus itself, and it quickly became apparent that nearly half of Teller County’s residents were reluctant to seek care—for any condition—at the hospital.

Dr. Jeremy DeWall, EMS Medical Director for the Teller region, observed the trend firsthand. “Up to 40% of our EMS volume does not want to go to the hospital once 911 arrives,” he said. “Looking at our numbers, the fear was that we were missing a large group of people who were without healthcare or afraid to go to healthcare because of COVID-19.”

Teller County has a robust and successful community paramedicine program, and were already using Pulsara, a healthcare communication and telehealth platform, for EMS and hospital communication when COVID-19 hit. Their paramedics were accustomed to securely sharing patient information and communicating with the hospital through the Pulsara platform.

That gave James McLaughlin, Director of Community Paramedicine at Ute Pass Regional Health Service District, an idea. McLaughlin joined forces with Dr. DeWall and Emergency Medical Specialists, PC to set in motion a 911-initiated telemedicine program, allowing community paramedics to continue to serve patients and get them examined by a board-certified emergency physician—from their homes. 

Read the case study (or download it here) to learn how UPRHSD and EMS, PC worked together to continue to care for patients through the COVID-19 pandemic, reaching underserved populations and providing their community with a personalized, high-quality level of care. 

To learn more about how hospitals and EMS organizations are using Pulsara to improve communication, reduce treatment times, and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, check out our customer success stories

Topics: Telemedicine Community Paramedicine Telehealth Customer Success Rural Health
3 min read

Pulsara Around the Country - August 2021

By Audrey Peart on Jul 30, 2021

July Recap

With our teams attending two trade shows — one in Georgia and the other in Mississippi — it seemed like the south couldn't get enough of our Pulsarians in July (or of Pulsara CMO Kris Kaull, who gave the keynote and presented a session at the ENGAGE User Conference). 

"Hello? Can you see us now?" That's right, folks! In July, Pulsara introduced an enhancement to the platform's calling capabilities — Group Video Conferencing!  The upgrade gives care teams the power to add multiple team members across organizations onto one video call.

Topics: Events
3 min read

PRESS RELEASE: Pulsara Calling Enables New Logistics & Communication Interactions With Group Video Conferencing

By Team Pulsara on Jul 28, 2021

To further support care teams, Pulsara introduces enhancements to the communication platform’s calling capabilities.

BOZEMAN, Mont., July 28, 2021 — Pulsara, the leading mobile telehealth, communication, and logistics platform that connects healthcare teams across organizations, announced today a recent enhancement to the platform: Pulsara calling featuring group video conferencing. This upgrade, available for all users of the platform at no extra charge, includes the ability to add multiple team members as needed across organizations and adds overall improved usability—including configurable default behavior for camera and speaker and advanced controls for call participants. 

“The group video conferencing addition to Pulsara calling marks an exciting next step in Pulsara’s journey to improve the lives of people in need and those who serve them,” said Erich Hannan, Pulsara’s Chief Technology Officer. “We've heard loud and clear from our customers how important exceptional audio and video experience is to support and enhance patient care. Pulsara calling with group video enables even more powerful and streamlined communication and collaboration across teams and organizations.”

Topics: Press
7 min read

How Networked Communication Enables Better Quality Care (PT1)

By James Woodson, MD on Jul 26, 2021

Editor's Note: The following post is adapted from a presentation Dr. James Woodson recently gave at the Arab Health Conference in Dubai on June 24th, 2021 entitled "Enabling Networked Communication: How Innovations in Mobile Technology Can Be Leveraged For Better Quality Of Care." Though the content was specifically tailored for conference attendees, the principles Dr. Woodson shares apply to healthcare systems worldwide. (Watch the full presentation below or at this link, and check out Part 2 and Part 3 of our blog coverage.)

As a board-certified emergency physician, I practiced medicine for many years in several different areas of the United States. Through my clinical experience, I discovered that my passion was actually to focus on systems of care: How do you combine multiple different organizations, resources, and people together to quickly surround a patient and provide care for them?

For the past decade, I've been studying how to leverage mobile technology to be able to bring people together, and how to actually create a shared consciousness around a single patient event. 

Digital health is a massive, multi-faceted landscape. The current emphasis on chronic care management, health, and wellness is incredibly important—and as healthcare begins to decentralize, that's where the focus should be. However, my focus is on the acute care space and uniting care teams.

The acute care space usually serves patients that are often undifferentiated and have an unscheduled and unstructured need. When an event happens, how do they enter into the acute care system? How do we get the right patient to the right facility with the right resources at the right time?

Topics: Communication Regional Systems of Care Systems of Care Inter-Organization Communication
3 min read

Eliminating Delays in Care for EMS With Pulsara

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jul 23, 2021

Time is everything in time-sensitive emergencies. But you don’t need us to tell you that. 

You know that time is tissue. You know that every minute counts, and every minute impacts your patient’s outcome. It’s your job: care for the patient, stabilize them, and transport them to the next stage in their care journey as quickly as possible. 

So why does it sometimes feel like the system isn’t built to support that? 

Delays in care happen for many, many reasons, but they all boil down to one thing: communication. 

We have a lot of different communication technologies that do the job they were meant to do: radios, pagers, phones, and fax machines. But they don’t talk to each other. With every middleman a message travels through, it’s another delay for your patient. And when time is of the essence, it’s essential to make sure that the right information gets to the right person at the right time.

Topics: EMS Time Sensitive Emergencies
4 min read

How LewisGale Regional Health System is Using Pulsara

By Team Pulsara on Jul 21, 2021

When our customers experience the benefits of Pulsara—from faster door-to-needle times and minimized errors to improved team communication and reduced costs—it goes without saying that we love to share and celebrate their successes. LewisGale Regional Health System in southwest Virginia is just such a case, recently releasing both a press release and video testimonial about how Pulsara is helping them better support their patients and care teams.

From their press release:

“EMS plays a vital role in improving care for these patients, and we’ve known for some time that patients with life-threatening conditions receive faster treatment when EMS activate the appropriate hospital team from the field,” said Steven Pasternak, MD, emergency department medical director at LewisGale Medical Center. “This new, cloud-based, mobile technology further decreases the amount of time it takes to communicate vital data and activate hospital teams compared to traditional methods of communication between ERs and EMS. For example, if a patient has had a suspected cardiac event, the EKG administered by EMS in the field can be transmitted in real-time to the hospital, which enables the hospital to be ready to perform, if necessary, a cardiac catheterization procedure to open blocked arteries as soon as the patient arrives.”

Topics: STEMI Communication Customer Success
22 min read

10 Things You Need to Know About Pediatric Analgesia

By Team Pulsara on Jul 19, 2021

Make a plan for treating pediatric pain that includes managing unfamiliarity and stress in both the patient and their parents or caregivers

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Jonathan Lee, for EMS1 BrandFocus


The most complete definition of pain is “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage” (IASP). It is a highly complex and subjective condition in any patient.

With pediatrics, this complexity is intensified by the fact that paramedics don’t encounter pediatric patients as frequently, creating more unfamiliarity and stress. Challenges related to paramedic training and exposure to pediatrics often lead to myths and misconceptions. Here are 10 important things every provider should know about managing pain in children.

Topics: EMS Patient Safety Pediatrics
4 min read

Product Feature: Pulsara PATIENT

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jul 16, 2021

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March of 2020, many healthcare systems needed technology to adapt to the evolving situation. Most healthcare systems had telehealth capabilities for scheduled patients, but struggled to figure out how to use telehealth for unscheduled and acute care. Could telehealth help EMS? The Emergency Department? Could technology help prevent exposure for clinicians providing emergent care, and not just for clinicians conducting scheduled appointments?

In March of 2020, we released Pulsara PATIENT: a mobile provider-to-patient platform that allows you to communicate directly with patients and approved family members through live audio and video calls. 

Topics: Pulsara PATIENT
2 min read

Get EMS Feedback on Patient Outcomes with Pulsara

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jul 14, 2021

As a medic, you matter to your patients’ care. 

You are the first person on the scene. You are the first to see the patient, to assess them, and to decide what kind of treatment they need. You decide whether they need transport to the ED, or whether they are safe to stay at home. 

Your decisions guide and influence the rest of their care journey. 

For most medics, involvement with a patient’s case ends when they drop the patient off at the hospital. Most don’t receive any feedback on the patient’s case, how their treatment went, or what their outcome was. Only one in three EMS agencies reports having any access to electronic, patient-specific medical information.

But...you need this kind of feedback. (What gets tracked gets improved.)

Topics: EMS
13 min read

10 Things EMS Providers Need to Know About Responding to Mental Health Calls

By Team Pulsara on Jul 12, 2021

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on EMS1.com. Special thanks to our guest author, Sarah Calams of EMS1 Frontline Voices. 


Community paramedics are pioneering new ways to care for mental health patients – here’s how

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, EMS providers have seen an alarming uptick in patients refusing to go to their doctor’s office or the emergency room. Many others – including those with urgent conditions – have even been hesitant to call 911.

“We saw patients who were just foregoing all of their medical care – they were ignoring their emergency conditions,” said James McLaughlin, director of the community paramedicine program at Ute Pass Regional Health Service District in Woodland Park, Colorado.

To ease his community’s fears, McLaughlin introduced a new Healthcare Options Mobility and Engagement, or HOME, program, which pairs an in-home paramedic visit with a telehealth consult by a physician – like Dr. Jeremy DeWall, EMS medical director at Ute Pass Regional Health Service District.

Topics: Telemedicine Community Paramedicine Mobile Integrated Health Telehealth Customer Success Wellness Mental Health
5 min read

How Networked Communication Makes Care Teams Exponentially Better

By Team Pulsara on Jul 09, 2021

Networked Communication Tools Create Better Care Team Connections

When inter-organizational healthcare systems utilize shared communication tools, every member of the patient’s care team has access to the most up-to-date and accurate information available—in real time.

A People-Focused Solution

Pulsara is a HIPAA-compliant, secure and easy-to-use app that unites the entire care team, resolving many of the challenges of coordinated care.

It’s a networked communication platform that connects people when seconds matter with a secure, unified patient channel—replacing multiple phone calls, radio reports, faxes, and pagers—and allowing care teams to communicate efficiently and effectively when treating patients.

Topics: Regional Systems of Care Connected Teams Systems of Care Inter-Organization Communication Customer Success
5 min read

[Webinar] Systems of Care That Scale: How EMS Leaders Are Building the Future

By Nathan Williams on Jul 07, 2021

As the pandemic subsides, EMS leaders and organizations are not just in recovery mode; they are also reevaluating and restructuring their care systems based on what they’ve learned. From routine patient transports to the largest pandemic of our lifetime to managing Texas’s devastating winter ice storm in February 2021, Texas EMS clinical leaders are using scalable mobile technology to lay the foundation for the new reality of EMS—including Mobile Integrated Healthcare, Community Paramedicine, and Telehealth.

Are your systems of care flexible and scalable enough to handle daily operations and also quickly adapt to the next disaster, active shooter incident, or large-scale event?

Topics: Regional Systems of Care COVID-19 Emergency Management
4 min read

UNITED We Stand: Cultivating Unity in Healthcare

By Team Pulsara on Jul 02, 2021

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Brett Lyle for writing today's blog post. You can connect with her on LinkedIn. 


Annual Celebrations Bring Us Together

National holidays bring people together. We spend time with friends, families, and neighbors. We unite in common celebrations. 

But this last year has been different. 


In healthcare, the word unity has taken on a much greater meaning in the wake of COVID-19. As the world buckled under the weight of a global pandemic and many retreated into isolation, healthcare providers pulled together and risked their own safety to serve others. Information was shared across borders to help each other navigate uncharted territory. 

We asked ourselves many important questions: Are we putting our needs aside for the health, safety, and security of the general population? Are we doing things for the greater good? Are we sacrificing the right things and for the right reasons?

Topics: EMS Regional Systems of Care
2 min read

Pulsara Around the Country - July 2021

By Audrey Peart on Jun 30, 2021

June Recap

As many areas of the U.S. reached record-high temps, our Pulsarians managed to keep their cool in June as they kicked off the return to in-person trade shows, attending two stateside, and our first internationally in Dubai. 

June was a big month for Pulsara for another reason....we announced our first annual healthcare and user group Conference, Pulsara CONNECT! Coming to you virtually from the comfort of your home on October 12 - 13, Pulsara CONNECT is our way of giving back to the healthcare community after a challenging and transformative year. Registration is now open for the FREE virtual Pulsara CONNECT Conference.

Topics: Events
2 min read

Stop Repeating Yourself: Replacing the EMS Radio Report with Pulsara

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jun 28, 2021

Do you ever get tired of repeating yourself as you tell the same patient story multiple different times, to multiple different audiences?

You write on the back of your glove to keep track of what’s happening with your patient on scene and during transport. You deliver your report to the hospital via radio, to let them know what to expect when you arrive. You give an in-person inpatient report when you hand off the patient at the bedside, and you may also have to complete a leave-behind hand-written “short form.” And finally, you’ve got the patient care report that you complete afterward, within 24 hours of the case. 

That’s at least five different times you have to repeat the same basic information to update everyone who needs to be in the know. 

What if there was a better way? (Hint: there is!)

Topics: EMS Connected Teams
3 min read

Communication Technology Improves Inter-Organizational Care Coordination

By Team Pulsara on Jun 25, 2021

In a world where mobile apps are tapped to organize or simplify nearly every aspect of our lives—from tracking food deliveries to requesting transportation—healthcare communication seems to be the final frontier.

Leveraging connected mobile technologies results in a single channel for information sharing. And it’s key to overcoming communication challenges across inter-organizational patient treatment. It’s time to leverage the simplicity and convenience of this everyday technology to improve healthcare communication and patient care.

Just imagine how this could work in your healthcare system...

Topics: Connected Teams Inter-Organization Communication
5 min read

Why Reducing Length of Stay Is Critical for Patient & Hospital Wellbeing

By Kinsie Clarkson on Jun 23, 2021

In time-sensitive emergencies, it’s easy to see how each passing minute impacts a patient’s outcome, for better or worse. The faster a patient receives treatment, the better chances they have at a good outcome. When you’re performing a time-sensitive intervention for a stroke or trauma patient, you know that every minute matters. 

But what happens after the patient is admitted to the hospital? What about the minutes slipping past that aren’t quite as noticeable: the time while a patient recovers, waiting to be discharged? 

How does the length of a patient’s stay in the hospital impact their outcome?

Topics: Communication Patient Safety Length of Stay
2 min read

Save The Date! Pulsara Announces First Annual Healthcare & User Group Conference, Pulsara CONNECT

By Team Pulsara on Jun 21, 2021

CONNECT with industry leaders on the latest research and best practices in STEMI, stroke, and emergency management in a post-COVID-19 world. 

BOZEMAN, Mont., June 21, 2021  Pulsara, the leading telehealth and communication platform that connects teams across organizations, announced today the company’s inaugural Pulsara CONNECT Conference. Slated for October 12-13, 2021, this FREE virtual international experience allows attendees to engage with world-class industry experts and thought leaders across the healthcare community. With four tracks—EMS/Community Paramedicine, STEMI/Cardiac, Stroke/Neuro, and DES/Emergency Management—attendees will take away tangible best practices that they can incorporate within their region. Topics include everything from the latest research and best practices surrounding time-sensitive emergencies to creating systems of care that scale in a world attempting to recover from COVID-19 and prepare for what might be next.

Topics: Press Events Pulsara CONNECT
5 min read

How Switching to Interoperable Technologies Can Unite Care Teams

By Team Pulsara on Jun 18, 2021

Assembling the Right Care Team is Complex.

There are a lot of logistics that go into coordinating time-sensitive care for a single patient. From the first notification from EMS to contacting all the appropriate members of the team to making sure everyone has the right information, trying to assemble the team in time for the patient's arrival is a complex process. 

In order to address all of a patient's time-sensitive needs, you need to coordinate with multiple team members. This often creates challenges in timing, location, and communication for care teams.

Quality patient care requires in-sync collaboration with medics, nurses, physicians, and specialists—all working within different organizations—from EMS agencies to hospitals to labs and clinics. In today’s healthcare systems, patient data is shared up, down, and across communication silos, spanning different organizations and technology platforms.

Topics: Connected Teams Inter-Organization Communication