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6 ways to Increase Stroke Team Engagement

6 ways to Increase Stroke Team Engagement


“Nobody plays. Yourself included. I’m supposed to wear myself out for the team? What team? Nah, nah what I’m gonna do is look out for myself and get mine.”

“See man, that’s the worst attitude I ever heard.”

“Attitude reflects leadership…captain.”

These words were spoken by actors portraying Julius Campbell and Gerry Bertier on the football team in Remember the Titans, however, these could very easily be words spoken in regards to struggling Stroke Teams around the nation.

According to Gallup, “Nationally, in 2005, engaged employees made up 28% of the workforce globally, not-engaged employees made up 54%, and actively disengaged made up 17%”. Based on my experience as a stroke coordinator, I believe these same statistics often reflect team engagement within hospitals.

So how do you go about creating a highly engaging work environment? Glad you asked!

Engaged teams start with engaged leaders. According to the Disney Institute, below are six characteristics of an engaging team environment. These six traits can be used to engage any team, regardless of industry. Take a minute and ask yourself how you can personally model these characteristics within your team. 

  1. Clear Goals and Commitment to Team Goals
    • How will I demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment to solving challenges with my team?
  2. Accountability to the Team
    • How will I demonstrate that I am personally invested and responsible to the team?
  3. Supportive Climate and Behaviors
    • How will I praise and recognize others for their hard work and achievements?
  4. Mutual Trust and Respect
    • How will I openly share my own strengths and opportunities?
  5. Results Focused
    • How will I reward and celebrate the achievement of specific goals?
  6. Good Communication and Constructive Conflict
    • How will I engage in open and passionate debate of ideas and opinions?

At Pulsara, we believe that every leader is telling a story about what he or she values - just like these characters in Remember the Titans. Whether you know it or not, your story is being told by your behaviors, so it’s crucial to role model the right behaviors. Do you want a highly engaged team? You must create a highly engaging work environment and be a highly engaged team member yourself.


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