Any Patient. Any Condition. Any Provider.
From the routine transfer to an MCI to a pandemic, Pulsara's scalability and flexibility meets the demands of any patient case and the needs of any team or clinician. By replacing the radio report, you can ensure you get the right information to the right people at the right time.
Ready to learn more? Fill out the form above to meet with our team during the Vital Signs EMS Conference.

Why Attend the Conference?
The Vital Signs EMS Conference offers EMS providers of all levels a wide range of educational programs, which focus on strengthening skills, and enhancing clinical knowledge to provide the highest quality of care to your patients.

Why ELSE Should You Attend?
Because Pulsara Will Be There!
While Pulsara unites all care team members within and across organizations for any patient event and every method of arrival, learn more about Pulsara below and stop by our table during the conference to see the platform in action.
Watch the video to learn first-hand how community paramedics are using Pulsara to solve community needs that have never been solved before, including providing real-time telehealth communication between medics, physicians, and patients, to replacing multiple phone calls, radio reports, faxes, and pagers with one unified patient channel, helping providers see reduced treatment times, reduced costs, and improvements in the lives of patients and caregivers.