Track Units, See Hospital Availability, and Communicate with Your Team
Pulsara HQ is a browser-based Pulsara command center where EMS Admins can track all units and see where they've delivering patients, see hospital acknowledgment status and ETA to destination hospitals, view hospital availability, manage Incidents and MCIs, and more.
Ready to learn more? Fill out the form above to meet with our team during the MN EMS Medical Directors Conference.

Why Attend the Symposium?
The MN EMS Medical Directors Conference is an opportunity for attendees to network with and learn alongside other EMS professionals. This conference will provide support for improving patient care and continuing education for healthcare professionals.

Why ELSE Should You Attend?
Because Pulsara Will Be There!
While Pulsara unites all care team members within and across organizations for any patient event and every method of arrival, learn more about Pulsara below and stop by our table during the conference to see the platform in action.
In this video, learn first-hand how community paramedics and clinicians from Teller County & Woodland Park, CO, are using Pulsara to solve community needs that have never been solved before.
Whether you're responding to a mass casualty incident, an MVA with multiple patients, a special event, or assisting with evacuations, everyone—from emergency responders to public health—should have the ability to triage, track patients, communicate, assist in evacuation and reunification efforts, and manage the incident from one platform. Visit the link below to learn how Pulsara's Incident and Event Management platform enables teams to triage, track patients, and manage incidents.
Meet the Team!
Who from Pulsara is attending the MN EMS Medical Directors Conference? Check out our roster below, and stop by Pulsara's table during the conference!

Tim Hakamaki
Senior Vice President - Product
In his role at Pulsara, Tim serves as the leader of product strategy.