Colorado State EMS Conference

Date: November 2 - 5
Location: Keystone, CO

Connect with Us in Keystone!

Build a Robust Community Paramedicine Program

Using community paramedicine, patients have increased access to primary care and overall quality of life. Pulsara's HIPAA-compliant telehealth solution is the backbone of many successful community paramedicine programs. When you leverage Pulsara, you enable true systems of care that scale. 

Ready to learn more? Fill out the form above to meet with our team during the Colorado State EMS Conference. 


Why Attend the Conference? 

The Colorado State EMS Conference brings EMS professionals, agency managers and administrators, EMS instructions, medical directors, and allied professionals together to learn about trends and techniques that enhance patient care and agency operations. 


Why ELSE Should You Attend?

Because Pulsara Will Be There!

While Pulsara unites all care team members within and across organizations for any patient event and every method of arrival, learn more about Pulsara below and stop by our table during the conference to see the platform in action. 


Watch the video to learn first-hand how community paramedics and clinicians from Teller County and Woodland Park, CO, use Pulsara to solve community needs that have never been solved before. From providing real-time telehealth communication between medics, physicians, and patients to replacing multiple phone calls, radio reports, faxes, and pagers with one unified patient channel, providers have seen improved treatment times, reduced costs,  and a better patient and provider experience. 




Clinical leaders in Teller County, Co, are pioneering groundbreaking ways to use telehealth to reach patients. Download the case study to learn how this health system:

  • Managed COVID-19
  • Reached underserved populations
  • Connected patients and paramedics with a physician via telehealth

Download Case Study

Meet the Team!

Who from Pulsara is attending the Colorado State EMS Conference? Check out our roster below, and stop by Pulsara's table during the conference! 


Cara McCoy

Customer Success Specialist