Connected EMS Teams

More than just replacing the radio report...

From the routine transfer or community paramedicine call to an MCI or global pandemic—EMS is now a core, integrated part of the care team.


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Why are EMS Teams Choosing Pulsara?

EMS and hospital staff can seamlessly communicate event-based patient information, including one-tap team notifications, image sharing, audio/video calls, and ETA, right from the Pulsara app.

Start a case, share important details (like an ECG or images from the field), and receive instant feedback as soon as the case is closed.

Pulsara simplifies workflows, replaces the radio report, and enables EMS to be a connected part of every patient case. 

One Platform, Unlimited Workflows.

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Incident & Event Management

In the midst of stress events, efficient communication is essential. Pulsara’s new functionality for incidents and events—from mass casualty (MCIs) and multiple patient incidents (MPIs) to football games or concerts—helps quickly scale emergency response allowing you to triage, track patients, and manage incidents—all on one united platform.

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Improve the Lives of Patients and Caregivers

Reduce Treatment Times

Miscommunication accounts for 80% of fatal medical errors. Connecting all care team members on the same platform reduces errors and speeds treatment times. Pulsara customers report average reductions in treatment times of between 22% and 68%.


Unite Teams

Pulsara connects organizations with ONE source of truth. Inter-organization communication has never been more important. 


Improve Quality of Care

Enable performance data visibility for follow-up QA/QI through Pulsara's NEMSIS-formatted database integration. Your teams can share, collect, standardize, and use case performance data to analyze your system and create process improvements.


Infinite Scalability

For Any Condition or Event

From the routine transfer to a mass casualty disaster to a pandemic, Pulsara's scalability and flexibility meets the demands of any case and the needs of any team or clinician.  


Improve Experience

Patients & Providers Win

Better, more efficient care means healthier patients and happier clinicians. Reduce burnout and improve job satisfaction by equipping your teams with a solution that makes their job easier, not more complicated. 


Feature-Rich, Equipment-Light

Ditch the archaic technology. Using the same device you already leverage for everything else in life, you can transform EMS as we know it. 

Check out some of our newest features here

HIPAA Compliant

Privacy and security are Pulsara's #1 priority. We have been vetted by the best and passed with flying colors.

Replace the Radio Report

Eliminate your frustration. Every member downstream has access to the same information. No need to repeat.

ECG Transmission

Included at no cost, you can transmit the ECG to the rest of the care team with a simple tap.

Consult From Anywhere

Use live video to get a consult from the side of the road, in the backcountry, or in an ambulance.

Community Paramedicine

Enable paramedics to practice with an expanded scope with reimbursable telemedicine for MIH-CP.

Close the Loop

On every time-sensitive emergency, Pulsara provides instant feedback on patient outcomes.

It integrates what was previously two separate systems [EMS and hospital]. We [EMS] are now considered part of the continuum of care.
Cliff Free
Division Chief, Camas-Washougal Fire Department
We’re able to open up the application right at the patient’s side, and input pertinent information about their condition, and then with just the touch of a button, everybody gets that notification.
Nick Romenesko
Staff Development Manager, Gold Cross Ambulance Service
The ability to connect to the right person at the right time for the right patient is a game changer. Pulsara integrates EMS into the evolving healthcare world.
Paul Banerjee
EMS Medical Director, Polk County Fire Rescue
I've been out, up in the mountains, and not had any radio access. We're either trying to get radio access—or phone access—or have to wait until we get into an area where we do have phone reception. Now, with Pulsara, we can actually just quickly get onto the app, send off the information, and we know that it's going to get to the destination. We have more time to spend caring for our patient now, rather than trying to get through continuously without success.
Jessica Shepherd
Operational Community Engagement Liaison Coordinator, Ambulance Victoria

Compare Our Packages

Is Pulsara ONE or Pulsara UNITED right for you? Learn about the similarities and differences here. 

Compare Packages

Ready to Learn More?

If you have questions for the Sales Team or want to schedule a discovery call, fill out the form below.

If you are a customer in need of application support, click here.