18th Annual International Roundtable on Community Paramedicine

Date: September 15 - 17
Location: Orlando, FL

Connect with Us in Orlando!



Learn How Pulsara Can Help YOU Navigate Staffing Shortages

It seems like every industry has been hit hard by staffing shortages, particularly those working in healthcare. Did you know that telehealth can help ease some of the burdens facing EMS organizations working with smaller crews? Pulsara's telehealth capabilities are able to help your teams treat low-acuity patients, connect with hospital-based clinicians, and more.

Ready to learn how more? Fill out the form above to meet with our team during the International Roundtable on Community Paramedicine. 

Why Attend the Conference?

The 18th Annual International Roundtable on Community Paramedicine promotes the international exchange of information and experience related to the provision of flexible and reliable healthcare services using novel healthcare delivery models. 


Why ELSE Should You Attend?

Because Pulsara will be there!

Whether you have a community paramedicine program in place or plan to start one in your region, Pulsara is here to help. Our platform is built to provide your teams with features that allow your EMS organization to operate at an expanded scope of practice and even transport to alternative destinations.

Watch the video to see how community paramedics in Colorado leverage the Pulsara platform. Want to learn how Pulsara can help your EMS organization? Fill out the form above to meet with our team during the conference. 


Meet the Team!

Who from our team is attending the International Roundtable on Community Paramedicine? Check out our roster below. 


Brandon Means

VP Of Medical Ops

Bradon Means is a paramedic, certified Flight Nurse, and VP of Medical Ops at Pulsara.

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